TRU..not mad but not shocked....

I think its safe to say had it been a happy cheery tone I wouldnt have cared.

For the last time, I didnt care that he didnt give me the deal early. I wasnt expecting it to have happened so it wasnt a big deal. I didnt care for the assholish tone he took with me when he answered in a dick way and turned his back and walked off after the answer.. Nothing more nothing less.

Youll have to forgive me that my rant wasnt as detailed as saying the tones of everyone in the store etc etc and trying to find out how many asshats he talked to during the day that raised his stress level etc etc blah blah.

For those that read and got what I was getting at, thank you.

For those that tried making the rant something it wasnt, youre a fucking clownshoe.

Seriously, if youre gonna start shit, you have GOT to do better. Your shit is weak.
[quote name='Will']Theres obviously a way to handle things in a better manner than he did and he chose one of the lower roads to take in how he handled it. Had he been cool and just said something along the lines of " Sorry, I cant do that, youll have to come back tomorrow when we open at 8am", end of story and I would have shrugged it off and moved along. To simply say "we open at 8am" and turn around and walk off is NOT the way to handle customers regardless of how shitty others have treated you and how much you cant handle the stress ofthe holiday season.[/QUOTE]

They don't need your semantics argument turning an objective statement like "we open at 8" into some drama-queen freak out.

He should have just snapped a polaroid to stick on the register and banished you from the Toys R Us FOREVER!
[quote name='Will']For the last time, I didnt care that he didnt give me the deal early. I wasnt expecting it to have happened so it wasnt a big deal. I didnt care for the assholish tone he took with me when he answered in a dick way and turned his back and walked off after the answer.. Nothing more nothing less.[/quote]

I see where you are coming from on that. Yeah he could of been nicer but it wasn't like as if he replied to you saying "fuck off come back at 8 AM." Who knows maybe the guy thought you were asking what time they opened on Sunday at? The managers reply isn't the worst thing that can ever happen to you but he could of been a bit nicer about it.

To those saying "just quit if you find retail too hard" all I can say is that its not always easy to just walk away from a job. Especially without having a new job lined up. And bills sitting there needing to be paid. Yeah I find customers to be cumbersome sometimes but at least I try to endure on. Its hard but somehow one can always manage when you sing a happy song. :D

Seriously, if youre gonna start shit, you have GOT to do better. Your shit is weak.

I will agree with you completely on that. Just think of Thagoat on the level of, say, RegalSin2020 without the comical factor and you'll do just fine. ;)
[quote name='Will']

As an example, I posted awhile back about a tv I got from walmart and it went to shit after 8 months. It was obviously gonna go through warranty repair. I call the company and find out the closest repair shop is an hr away. The 2nd closest is over 2hrs away. According to paperwork. any tv bigger than 26 in is a free pick up by the company contracted out to do the work. So I call the company, tell them the tv model and was told its too big for them to come get it and I have to bring it.

So I call the tv co back and tell them so it was a them saying yes, repair company saying no and I didnt have a way to haul that tv up there.

So I went walmart and told them what happened etc etc. That walmart told me if I had the receipt from when I got it from them, they would give me that much back in credit towards any tv I wanted. THATS fucking customer service. They didnt have to, saw that I was in a jam and helped me out. Thats what gets customers comming back.[/QUOTE]

hmm that is great customer service, so thats what gets customers coming back. so because u got great service at WAL-MART you go to TRU to buy a 360, i believe 360's are sold at wal-mart also. so apparently getting great customer service really isn't a issue to u. its more like getting a cheap deal outweighs GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE.

i just got lunch at mcdonalds and i didnt get a "thank you" after they handed me my value meal maybe i should start a thread about that.
[quote name='Elriciii']hmm that is great customer service, so thats what gets customers coming back. so because u got great service at WAL-MART you go to TRU to buy a 360, i believe 360's are sold at wal-mart also. so apparently getting great customer service really isn't a issue to u. its more like getting a cheap deal outweighs GREAT CUTOMER SERVICE.

i just got lunch at mcdonalds and i didnt get a "thank you" after they handed my value meal maybe i should start a tread about that.[/QUOTE]

Did you read the part where I said people were chipping in? So that throws your shit right out the window. If it was a personal choice, I would go with the Walmart that hooked me up vs TRU but because I wasnt the only one paying, we wanted to go with the better deal.

My situation and your situation at mcdonalds is a completely diff fucking situation so I salute you for trying to make this thread something its not.
[quote name='Will']Did you read the part where I said people were chipping in? So that throws your shit right out the window. If it was a personal choice, I would go with the Walmart that hooked me up vs TRU but because I wasnt the only one paying, we wanted to go with the better deal.[/quote]

And in the end of things you were told to come back on Sunday when the deal started. Yeah it wasn't the most nicest reply you got but its better than what I said earlier ("come fucking back at 8am bitch").

My situation and your situation at mcdonalds is a completely diff fucking situation so I salute you for trying to make this thread something its not.

I actually see what his point is. In that you are being a fucking nitpick over this. Yeah I see where you are coming from and all but Jesus Christ on a stick get over it will ya. Kinda funny as well that you didn't reply to my previous post when I call you out on why you think you think you deserve to get in on the deal before the average Joe Blow does. Oh right.... you didn't have a reply to that so you advoided my calling out.

Nice try.
[quote name='Demolition Man']And in the end of things you were told to come back on Sunday when the deal started. Yeah it wasn't the most nicest reply you got but its better than what I said earlier ("come fucking back at 8am bitch").

I actually see what his point is. In that you are being a fucking nitpick over this. Yeah I see where you are coming from and all but Jesus Christ on a stick get over it will ya. Kinda funny as well that you didn't reply to my previous post when I call you out on why you think you think you deserve to get in on the deal before the average Joe Blow does. Oh right.... you didn't have a reply to that so you advoided my calling out.

Nice try.[/QUOTE]

actually my next reply after yours, while not quoting you specifically was aimed at you as well. This isnt about me not getting the deal, this isnt about me thinking I deserved special treatment. For some reason people cant get it through theyre thick heads I didnt appreciate what he said, how he said it, and simply turning around and walking off as he said it.

For some reason when people are reading this, when I type what its about and what its not about, nobody is paying attn and just wanna be dicks and jump on the bandwagon and say Im bitching cause I didnt get the deal. So be it, whatever helps you guys sleep better.

So no, I didnt feel a need to reply directly towards you as Ive stated several times now its NOT ABOUT GETTING THE DEAL OR SPECIAL ATTENTION OR SPECIAL FAVORS OR SPECIAL TREATMENT. Then again, Im sure it wont be long before someone else will find its funny to reply after this message " didnt get the deal...waaaa..." etc etc.

Youll have to forgive me if I think he was a dick for the way he answered me. I thought it was rude and unprofessional. Is this not a shopping discussion forum? Am I not allowed to be upset at how I was spoken to?
[quote name='Will']
For some reason when people are reading this, when I type what its about and what its not about, nobody is paying attn and just wanna be dicks and jump on the bandwagon and say Im bitching cause I didnt get the deal. [/quote]

This thread is about two things. It's about your story, which was not receiving as polite and professional response as you would have liked. And it's about people who work retail, the stresses they endure, and having to please customers, no matter what they do, no matter what kind of day they've had.

These two subjects are circling around each other, neither one truly being heard by the other, or if they are, only occasionally.

Yes, the response the manager gave you could have been phrased better. But, as told, it wasn't really rude. You have no idea how many people asked to get the deal early, how many people asked this manager for special favors, no idea what he was thinking really.

If you don't know for sure, give the guy a break and assume that he didn't mean to be rude.

And let it go.

[quote name='Will']Am I not allowed to be upset at how I was spoken to?[/quote]

Sure. Clearly it upset you, and we can't always control how we feel about things. But it was days ago.

If it truly bothers you still, write a letter to Toys R Us. Ask them to discontinue the way they've handled holiday sales, or offer suggestions as to how this could be handled better. While you may want to tell the story about what happened, I would address the root cause -- expecting customers to be at the store at odd hours in order to get holiday deals. Personally, I think TRU has gotten ridiculous about it, and this entire situation would not have occurred if they guaranteed the deal discussed here to be available for a week. That should not have been particularly hard for this deal. If they can't guarantee the availability of a deal (excepting things that are out of their control, like PS3s or Wiis) then they shouldn't offer it. Use your anger, your discontent, whatever you feel and channel it into something.

Even if it isn't productive, you'll feel better and you'll be able to move on. Is reliving this incident over and over, rehashing every detail, and letting it bring you down days later really worth it?
bread's done