True Swing Golf: Any longterm value?


I really hate buying games that are fun for a week and then never get played again. I've been looking at True Swing Golf and it looks fun but from what I've read its pretty bland so I want to hear from people who've actually had it for a while. Is it worth it? At Best Buy its only $19.99 but even at that price I'd rather keep my $20 than buy a game that i'll only get a few days of play with.
Having only played the demo I'll offer this to you.

The game seems pretty easy so you may be turned off by that after awhile. On the flip side, any sports title should have a high long term value on it because you can always pick it up and play a round.

Don't forget to pick up a GGC at Best Buy to make your total $15.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']I like it.[/quote]

But have you played it lately? I liked Animal Crossing and Sonic but i havent played them for months because lost interest.
You'll play it a lot right away, and then pick it up every now and again. I find myself playing it on airplane rides and such. It's a good investment at $15
yeah, i don't play the shit out of it until i'm blue in the face... but it's a great game to pick up here and there and play a round or two. i've done that about once or twice a week since it was released back in what now... january? it's a great pick-up-and-play game that isn't a puzzler. great for killing time, and great for showing off to friends and family.
It has much more replay value than AC:WW or Nintendogs, IMO, but not as much as Mario Kart or Tetris.

I think its a very enjoyable game of golf on the system, with a silky smooth if not incredibly impressive 3d engine with adequate physics. Worth 15...maybe 20 if you're big into golf, but not more.
I finally picked it up. Ive been playing for 2 days and its not nearly as bad as the reviews say but its also not anything incredible either. For a 1st party game it definitely lacks any nintendo "personality" and its presentation does seem rushed. But the gameplay itself if fun because its control is different than the other golf games but I hope they dont use this system in Mario Golf DS. I definitely see how it can get boring in 2 weeks but it does seem like a game you can pick up twice a month for a quick round.

Its easily worth the $15 (gamer gift card) but not more than $20.
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