two worlds 2 44.95 shipped


A seller on ebay with 99.9 % positive feedback is pre selling Two Worlds 2 for 44.95 and free first class shipping. I just bought one, so better hurry, there are only three left.
[quote name='Lord Fitz Chivalry']One problem however, the game has been delayed To January 25th[/QUOTE]
It's probably a preorder, oddly enough they do that on ebay I guess.
The first game was pretty awesome, I enjoyed every second of it. Ill definitely be getting this when it comes out. Just not sure ill get it from eBay.
[quote name='sambadeamigo']The first game was pretty awesome, I enjoyed every second of it. Ill definitely be getting this when it comes out. Just not sure ill get it from eBay.[/QUOTE]

I played the first one and got almost aLl the achievements. It was enjoyable but had a lot of problems. There are definitely better games and why get it when it comes out when we all know a two month wait will allow you to buy it for 20 dollars. They're discounting it before release for crying out lout.
I found it to be pretty repetitive and the side quests were abysmally boring. A lot of people love it though. Perhaps I just have a distaste for European RPGs.
Part of what made that game fun for me was all of its imperfections. Every once in awhile its fun to play a cheesy game.
I played this at PAX and it just flat out sucked. controls sucked. inventory was overwhelmingly confusing. camera controls were crap. I walked away unimpressed to say the least
It will drop in price just like its predecessor (which is what, 5.99 now?) just wait a year or two, let them fix the bugs and straighten some things out let the modders mod, then grab it on the cheap
[quote name='The Carrot Cake Kid']This game will be $10 in 2 months[/QUOTE]

are you saying that in feburary 11th (2 weeks after release) it will be $10?!?!?!:imwithst: lmao
[quote name='VaultDweller']are you saying that in feburary 11th (2 weeks after release) it will be $10?!?!?!:imwithst: lmao[/QUOTE]
I'm sure he meant 2 months from release. It's a bit of an exaggeration but does anyone really think it's price is going to hold up? Look at Alan Wake and I'm sure that had more mass appeal than this one.
[quote name='VaultDweller']are you saying that in feburary 11th (2 weeks after release) it will be $10?!?!?!:imwithst: lmao[/QUOTE]

Where did this troll come from?
[quote name='labelmeoriginal']Where did this troll come from?[/QUOTE]

I believe he came from a vault somewhere...any way Two Worlds 2 won't hold up in price, the first game made the standard for that. Unless it makes a complete turn around and blows everything out of the water there is no way the price will stick for very long.
bread's done