Two Worlds on pc for $0.01 PENNY thats rite at bestbuy


just to let you all know on the 18th the employees of bestbuy were told that that two worlds on the pc had incorrect customer service numbers...for some reason it told them that it will be marked down to a penny and be junkedout just like the strategy guides....same thing if you can find them congrates we had about 5 copies some lady but 4 and i got the last one. they will be sent new ones but the sku for the PENNY one is 8478471 good luck finding!

oh yea it is the full game no catch its regular price is 50
Just buy a few other items and try to sneak 1 in for a penny!

If it's no go, turn around and return all the junks you just bought!
i couldnt make it past the first dungeon I was literally bored to tears and turned it off (360 version) not to mention the horrible graphics

but for a penny thats worth it!
cashier shouldn't take it away...they are consider markdowns and if the employees failed to take them off the shelves is your gained...just like the penny one has the right to refuse you of that purchase just like when new release are out when they aren't suppose to be...
it seems like a good deal, but the downside is that you'll own a copy of Two Worlds.
Checked my local BB but they had already pulled them (or sold them). I searched the shelves to no avail and asked a CSR to check and he said oh they're right over here....and then he showed me an empty space on the shelf and had a confused look on his face, so I guess they were there but no longer.
I actually showed up to snag a copy, and there were 3 of the PC DVD version on the shelf. When I took the game to the counter for a price check it wouldn't scan. After consulting a few of the management they just said it was $49.99, but I don't think they could have sold it. The statement that the games were recalled from BB may have some truth to it...
[quote name='modifiedbears']This game was recalled. Called my Best Buy and the guy said they sent all their copies back.[/quote]

Anyone know why?
I also got one but for free. The cashier had some pennies at her register and insisted I use that instead of my quarter. She was shocked at the price since it said $49.99 but I just told her BB is getting rid of it and how I got some penny items last week so it's normal
ehhh good chances are that they are already gone at my best buys.
its not worth the trip just to try my luck.

but thanks for the heads up anyways OP.
[quote name='ViolentLee']Not to mention that they're so greedy, they don't want to make less than $24.98 profit (24.99 starting bid). ::shakes head:: Some people...[/quote]

LOL, they might be reading this thread...they just lowered the price to $19.99.
[quote name='lawdood']LOL, they might be reading this thread...they just lowered the price to $19.99.[/QUOTE]


I don't have problem personally with someone trying to resell the game at a much greater profit (I'd do it too if I got a copy) but leaving that price tag on the box speaks volumes.
It was in the Best Buy "Retailer Insider" newsletter last week, apparently the customer service number printed on it was wrong/dialed to nowhere/dialed to korea. They also said some of thier foreign language numbers were wrong. Must be something they can't fix with a sticker. Anything scheduled to be junked-out is marked down to a penny (just like the guides). It's mainly done to clue the employees in on it's impending junkout, and it's the lowest price in inventory they can do without taking the SKU out. On the flip side, they had to recall 2 LG DVD players recently, and they made them $999.99 so no one would buy them if they were still on the shelf.
The game is actually really good if you enjoy Diablo/Gothic-esque RPGs and can get over its lack of polish. I thought it was terrible too, initially, but now I'm running around killing shit and exploring the world and just having a good-ass time.
I'm enough of an RPG whore I'd like to pick it up, but eh... Don't really feel like going out of my way to swing by Best Buy on the off chance there MIGHT be a copy.
Nothing at mine, but I have a source that gets me guides and almost anything best buy pennies out so I'll more than likely get a ton of em sooner or later.

Too bad I have to pay about a buck a piece for them though, guides included. :(
Trust me, you don't want to stop by BB because there's an off chance there'll be a copy.

[quote name='SqueeMK2']I'm enough of an RPG whore I'd like to pick it up, but eh... Don't really feel like going out of my way to swing by Best Buy on the off chance there MIGHT be a copy.[/quote]
The Windows version is scoring 72%. The 360 version's only low 50's though. I think I'll try a solid scoring game for 1¢ :D

...except I doubt mine will have any. I should have stopped there yesterday when I was nearby at Toy's R Us, but I just wasn't in the mood.
[quote name='Chacrana']This game is an absolute abortion.[/QUOTE]

They actually use this game to induce abortions. 5 minutes with this and baby will die from absorbing too much residual shittiness.
[quote name='Apossum']They actually use this game to induce abortions. 5 minutes with this and baby will die from absorbing too much residual shittiness.[/QUOTE]

I tried the demo and My cock broke.
If im there Ill look thanks OP, But the Game I played on 360 Was absolute Garbage. And this is coming from a guy that likes Vampire Rain. Thank god I was able to return it.
The sad thing is that it isn't even worth a penny. Seriously, I played the Xbox 360 version and it's really just like a Chinese knock-off of Oblivion. OK, it's a Polish knock-off, but still...
That would explain that huge gap in scores between the Windows and 360 versions. Wonder if they just didn't take the time to hack the 360 version down to fit on the system right? Geez, they should just require the hard drive already to help with memory issues. Who the heck doesn't have a hard drive? (I'm scared to think that it's probably a really high percentage...)
No, I played the PC version of the game and was impossibly bad. As in, it made me wonder exactly how somebody could attach their name to the credits of such an insipid pile of shit.
Well, if someone finds one, I'm willing to take it from them, covering shipping and a bit extra. No $20-30, but still...let's talk.
bread's done