Two Worlds Two Xbox or PS3 $29.99 w/free shipping

I ordered just the guide for $5 and they charged me more than a couple weeks ago for it and I have yet to receive anything as well....
That's not cool. I'll give them until this week, if not then I'm getting my $35 back through a dispute. SouthPeak Interactive better wise up.
[quote name='earvcunanan']That's not cool. I'll give them until this week, if not then I'm getting my $35 back through a dispute. SouthPeak Interactive better wise up.[/QUOTE]

yeah I think 'gauu' posted in the graveyard under the guide thread that some shipping method they used would take 2-4 w/ the recent holiday, coulda shifted some things around.

I wouldn't sweat it too much guys. The way I see this is it was a 'developer-direct' deal. I guess we aren't really used to those unless its a huge storefront like'm pretty sure they will make good on their deals, probably just don't have all the resources to pound it out reason to be throwing chargebacks around just yet..even though yes, it is kinda crappy they charged way before they shipped..
I emailed Scott last night and he got right back to me. He said all the orders are packed up and they are being shipped today. He also said that they are coming FedEx so there will be a tracking number.
Wow. Impatient is impatient. I woulda expected the shipping to take 2-4 weeks and just been sitting back and waiting for it, not counting the days, hours, nanofuckinseconds.:roll:
[quote name='Deathchamber']Just received the guide in the mail today.[/QUOTE]

Got mine late last week. I remember a charge on my account that fell off when I ordered; the charge came through the day they shipped the guides, though.
Well, the guide did not come fedex. Mine came USPS media mail in a manila envelope with a clasp, no reinforcement, with stamps. I wonder who had to lick all of those? Of course the envelope did not make it intact and there is damage on the corners of the guide. It always amazes me when people think something will arrive in good shape shipped like that.
[quote name='PapaSmerf']Well, the guide did not come fedex. Mine came USPS media mail in a manila envelope with a clasp, no reinforcement, with stamps. I wonder who had to lick all of those? Of course the envelope did not make it intact and there is damage on the corners of the guide. It always amazes me when people think something will arrive in good shape shipped like that.[/QUOTE]

Same for me. Shipped in an envelope that with the shipping label affixed using scotch tape. Scotch tape....

Guide is miraculously undamaged despite the envelope being almost totally removed from it due to damage.
hey does anyone know if they added shield animation? it didnt had any when i bought it at launch and was really bummed about it and sold it right away
[quote name='PapaSmerf']Well, the guide did not come fedex. Mine came USPS media mail in a manila envelope with a clasp, no reinforcement, with stamps. I wonder who had to lick all of those? Of course the envelope did not make it intact and there is damage on the corners of the guide. It always amazes me when people think something will arrive in good shape shipped like that.[/QUOTE]

My guide arrived the exact same way. I was sorta pissed, then got to wondering if the game was in there and was lost in shipping as the envelope was torn to hell. If i dont have the game in a week or so, im gonna be upset.

The company ran a promotion directly because people were buying the guide who didnt buy the game, so they offer the game at half of what most retail around me is selling it for still, and then they start getting shit from the cag community for not shipping fast enough. I'd like to think patience will win...but who am i fooling?
I was lucky *very lucky*, and was able to find the Two Worlds Two: Royal Edition at one of the local Gamestop's here for 50$ new. It'd been there so long, it was collecting dust on top of the shelf, right along side the Tron collectors set, and a DJ Hero 2 set.
[quote name='jr8rulz']My guide arrived the exact same way. I was sorta pissed, then got to wondering if the game was in there and was lost in shipping as the envelope was torn to hell. If i dont have the game in a week or so, im gonna be upset.

The company ran a promotion directly because people were buying the guide who didnt buy the game, so they offer the game at half of what most retail around me is selling it for still, and then they start getting shit from the cag community for not shipping fast enough. I'd like to think patience will win...but who am i fooling?[/QUOTE]

My guide came today in the same packaging. Oh wait.... it wasn't in there and had a nice little note from the post office. The envelope did not have a metal clasp, just the standard rubber sealer that the envelope has (I live in Phoenix, so the sealer most likely melted). See below.


I'll contact sjenkins to see what's up.
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[quote name='WormFOODx']My guide came today in the same packaging. Oh wait.... it wasn't in there and had a nice little note from the post office. See below.


I'll contact sjenkins to see what's up.[/QUOTE]

Looks the same as mine. Cheap unpadded envelop ripped up with the labels affixed using SCOTCH TAPE...

Hopefully he makes these glaring failures right. More importantly I hope it doesn't cost him the ability to swing this kind of thing with management again. Was a good deal but they clearly had never done anything like this before.
[quote name='TheGame2K5']Got my game today from FedEx, thanks for the deal Southpeak.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear. Though after seein videos of skyrim, I feel like I wasted 30 dollars on a piece of crap lol
Gotta have something to mess around with for the next 5 months!

So I got my game but not the book.

I am a bit concerned at this point. I will wait for the rest of this week before I contact them though.
My game was delivered also, still no guide though. USPS hasnt delivered my mail yet so hoefully I receive it today. Also my game case was crushed all to shit, I guess not really a big deal since I have a few extra cases laying around. Kind of a shitty way to send a game.
Mine came today in a beat up paper envelope.
The guide is beat up and the case is shattered, going to have to contact someone tomorrow
Got the guide yesterday, it wasn't damaged(just some of the wrapper that covers the guide was ripped but guide was untouched). Great quality guide!
[quote name='Brother Daz']My game was delivered also, still no guide though. USPS hasnt delivered my mail yet so hoefully I receive it today. Also my game case was crushed all to shit, I guess not really a big deal since I have a few extra cases laying around. Kind of a shitty way to send a game.[/QUOTE]
You're taking that well
I have no problem about time (reasonable) but I have a huge problem with care not being used for things
[quote name='Jaysonguy']You're taking that well
I have no problem about time (reasonable) but I have a huge problem with care not being used for things[/QUOTE]

Oh believe me, I was a little bent at first but I figured its not worth the headache and let it slide.
Wow, it seems I wasn't the only one to feel little ticked off when I saw that guide arrived in a fuckcking shitty unpadded beat to hell envelope. I guess the $5 shipped price tag meant I shouldn't be too upset over it. However, it does show how much this fuckcking company care about their supporters... yeah, it was a good deal, but I'd have thought it's also good chance for them to build up some fan base. I'd never have shelled out $50 for the game (royal edition from GS) had they not offered the deal on the guide.

Am I the only one to think the guide was not made with high quality material? I mean that cover feels as thin as the pages...

Lastly, did anyone got the freebies Scott talked about? I wasn't in the orignal 300 so I didn't get any. Just curious to see if they were BS on that too...
[quote name='Asgardian']Am I the only one to think the guide was not made with high quality material? I mean that cover feels as thin as the pages...

I was actually quite surprised by the quality of the guide. It was printed on pretty standard cheap paper, but the actual information is pretty well presented from what I've read. Content wise it's better than a lot of the prima junk.
Item codes if you haven't got them already. you won't be able to equip the items till you are lvl 11 so don't bother until you get to the storage area otherwise you'll be forced to drop inventory you could break down or sell.

  • Dragon Armor - 4149-3083-9823-6545
  • Elexorien (Sword)- 3542-3274-8350-6064
  • Scroll - 6972-5760-7685-8477
  • Hammer - 6231-1890-4345-5988
  • Axe - 1775-3623-3298-1928
  • Anathros(Sword) - 6770-8976-1634-9490
  • Lucienda (Sword) - 9122-5287-3591-0927
Bottom line: It was a great idea for a promotion, that needed more professionalism in execution. Hell, my CAG trades/sales are far more professional.

In bulk, it is not very expensive to buy padded envelopes, self adhesive labels and electronic postage.

This step would have gone a very long way to impress and win over this CAG.

EDIT: Come to think of it, with the number of shipments made, the cost would have been more than offset by the savings in labor after (scotch) taping labels and sticking stamps on all of them.
Received both my guide and game today. Slight tear on the envelope for the guide, but it arrived in good condition. Game also arrived just fine.

I for one appreciate a developer reaching out to the fans like this and running the special for us. I don't care how long it took, or the fact that it could have been shipped better. I'm not expecting Amazon level service here, and what I received was about equal to most Ebay sellers - and I expected no more.

Thanks for doing this, and I hope you do something like it again.
I agree with daminion to a point. I appreciate the devs doing this promo and it sold guides and games that otherwise WOULD NOT HAVE been sold.

But the way the items were shipped and the feeling left on CAG of being an absence of follow-up cs support, leaves me wondering if I would do this with the same company again. I doubt it.

My case had some minor damage to it, as it arrived today so i would say to others to keep waiting a few more days.
I received mine today.

Great deal, would do it again. I would just like a confirmation next time so I would know when to expect the item.
When sending guides and games in the manner they did, there will always be some that arrive in good shape. The point is when sending merchandise, one must take care to make sure every shipment has a good chance of arriving intact.

I have no issue with the delay, only the care taken in planning and packaging.

As to comparing this to eBay sellers, if this were an ebay seller, I would get my money back because the seller did not deliver the product as described. My main gripe is they did not take any steps to ensure delivery as described (a new guide).
I also want to mention that if you are expecting a response from them this week that they are most likely doing something E3 oriented. It may take them until next week to respond to these issues.
still no game... I forgot about this honestly until I recieved the guide. I am going to be pissed if I get Dark Souls before this game. :/
I finally got my guide and boy of boy is it totaled from water damage... They have the inside guide wrapped in plastic but the bottom portion was not sealed which caused the 1/4 of the bottom of the guide to be ruined. The delays and poor packaging and a guide i just threw out was not worth my headache. If this was ebay i would give a neg and file a claim. I guess lesson learned. Oh well sucks when you want to play a game badly and wait almost 2 months for a guide that was supposed to ship 4 or so weeks ago just comes in and comes damaged so much its useless. They can keep my dang $5 bucks it is not worth calling my bank to file a claim for it. My 7 year old nephew could ship better then this...
bread's done