Typical EA false advertising


CAG Veteran
Hey guys i just have to get this off my chest, EA and its false advertising has really pissed me off. I purchased the Limited Medal of Honor for the xbox for the reason of the early beta access to Battlefield3. I did purchase it brand new and it did have the early beta access tab on the top. I entered the online pass and still have the game just in case. basically since i don't have the receipt from some many months ago EA basically said screw you. here is joy conversation.

Status: Connected
Ravi (Listening)
Ravi: Hi, my name is Ravi. How may I help you?
2302223659: hello
2302223659: i bought the limited edition medal of honor
2302223659: and have not received any info on the battfield 3 early beta
2302223659: for the xbox
Ravi: from where have you purchased this game?
2302223659: i purchased it from best buy a long time ago
2302223659: i entered the code enclosed with the game, and it still have the game
2302223659: one of the main reasons i purchased the game was for the early beta access for battlefield 3
Ravi: please provide your code
2302223659: hold on sec i will get it
Ravi: could you provide your order no?
2302223659: i bought this in store
2302223659: i can give you the proof of purchase on the manual
Ravi: with out order no we are unable to assist you
Ravi: please contact to your retailer
2302223659: wow this is unbelievable...i feel very coned by you guys
2302223659: i guy the game and this is how i am treated
Ravi: Had it been possible, I would have loved to do this for you
2302223659: i do not have my receipt i bought this game back in april
2302223659: i can give you anything that came with the box
2302223659: i gave you the online pass that came with the game
Ravi: for better assistance you should contact to your retailer
Ravi: i hope your problem would be sort out
2302223659: wow this is typical EA bull...thanks for no help...this was definately false advertising...i will post this on all the websites good bye
Sorry you were "coned", although I don't really get where the false advertising claim comes into play. If every single person who bought the game is denied access to the beta, then yeah that might be false advertising, conning, etc. Personally though I haven't heard anything of that sort, so I think it's safer to say there's possibly something wrong with your code/account, not some nefarious scheme on EA's part.

I'm curious to know what problem you are having. The beta starts tomorrow, right? When did you enter your code on the website, or is it not accepting your code? Are other people saying they are getting their invitations already?
We have to cone our one crazy dog that always chews her leg. Now EA is coning its loyal customers, I'm assuming just because it looks silly and it puts you in danger of looking like an upside-down ice cream cone if you go down the stairs head-first. Bastards.
[quote name='dabogues']We have to cone our one crazy dog that always chews her leg. Now EA is coning its loyal customers, I'm assuming just because it looks silly and it puts you in danger of looking like an upside-down ice cream cone if you go down the stairs head-first. Bastards.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='devera.rich']...i will post this on all the websites good bye[/QUOTE]

Please follow through on the threat, I'm sick of planking and hope it will have been replaced by "coning" by the end of the day.
i would not even be mad if it stated that the beta is limited. It is just no good business practice, to have your consumers think they have rights to something and find out they can not help you.

"camoor I dunno about coned but you sure got boned" ---yeah i agree i just got boned hard
[quote name='devera.rich']i would not even be mad if it stated that the beta is limited. It is just no good business practice, to have your consumers think they have rights to something and find out they can not help you.

"camoor I dunno about coned but you sure got boned" ---yeah i agree i just got boned hard[/QUOTE]

For the record I think we all understand your frustration but the thread title was a little misleading. The thread was alot less epic then I thought - I was hoping that this was going to be a comparison of screenshots from the ad to screenshots ingame, that's always fun. Instead it's about one person's inability to use the codes for a beta
love how people are making fun of this guy BUT They would be bitching just the same if it happen to them..

I gave up giving Ea my money long ago
[quote name='seanr1221']:rofl: I forgot how terrible that was.[/QUOTE]
The absolute worst thing I've ever seen at E3.

If I were there, I'd be booing as loud as possible.
Ravi has the exact same haircut as Robbie from TGIF's Dinosaurs.
[quote name='slidecage']love how people are making fun of this guy BUT They would be bitching just the same if it happen to them..[/quote]
We've all complained about something at some point, the problem here I think is that the accusations don't really gel with the problem... the guy's code doesn't work and it's a "con" and "false advertising"

I gave up giving Ea my money long ago
Too bad, you missed out on this real cool game called Wing Commander.
bread's done