UCLA girl rants about asians

Saw this being talked about in the morning news, here in L.A...

Why the hell is it even being talked about? Some dumb broad post up her rant on youtube and its making headline news? Geez.

I know it sadly makes the school look bad, but ignorant people are just gona be ignorant.


Its true do, UCLA does have a huge asian student ratio. :lol::lol::lol: Notice that when going to theaters here in Westwood. Also at UCLA VS University of Successful Children football games. FIGHT ON!!!
Asian Pacific Coalition at UCLA
1) We call for a public apology from Alexandra Wallace. Her words and actions are not in line with the UCLA Student Code of Conduct.

2) We call for UCLA to take the appropriate disciplinary measures befitting of Wallace's violation against the UCLA Student Code of Conduct and UCLA's Principle of Community

3) We call for UCLA to issue a statement addressing this incident. UCLA must demonstrate its commitment to a culture of diversity, respect, tolerance, and acceptance for all communities by standing against such acts.

4) We call for the UCLA Academic Senate to pass a requirement in the general education curriculum grounded in the UCLA Principles of Community.

I can only imagine the amount of phonecalls it took to organize this statement.
Her apology was actually a million times better than the vast majority of public apologies that I've seen.

Anywho, her titties look like the product of a push up bra, so she doesn't even have that going for her. :(
Maybe this will be a good lesson for her to fucking think before saying shit and posting it online... I wish other people that do stupid shit like this would see her as an example to avoid, but there's a reason history repeats itself...
my facebook feed has been absolutely flooded by this stupid video, now i find it on cag. right when i thought i would escape from it =P
lol im asian and i totally dont think its a big deal, i actually do see that sometimes in the library which makes me laugh to be honest if she was trolling she just got a ton of people
[quote name='confoosious']generally, student organizations do more harm than good. They mean well, they're just horribly naive and self righteous.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Yeah, what she said was ignorant and stupid but people are way overreacting about it.

I mean, lets consider the source here, were talking about a broad whose cleavage is going to get her further in life than her intellect ever can.
[quote name='twiceborn']I mean, lets consider the source here, were talking about a broad whose cleavage is going to get her further in life than her intellect ever can.[/QUOTE]

Her cleavage is gonna get her further in life than my intellect ever will. And I'm fucking brilliant. ;)

[quote name='dopa345']She should realize, if it weren't for quotas, all of UCLA would be Asian.[/QUOTE]

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Nobody agrees with her in the fact that people who talk out loud in the library on their cell phones are rude as fuck?

I seriously want to walk over to these people, grab their cell phone from them, and smash it into a million pieces. And then stare them in the face.

I don't care if you are asian, white, black, mexican - shut the fuck up when you are in the library.

Anyone offended by this.... get over it. Who doesn't say racist shit when they are pissed?
[quote name='antlp89']Nobody agrees with her in the fact that people who talk out loud in the library on their cell phones are rude as fuck?

Yes they are rude as fuck.

[quote name='antlp89']Who doesn't say racist shit when they are pissed?[/QUOTE]

Most people? aka non racists?
God forbid asians pull out the race card every once in a while. It's about fucking time asians started standing up for themselves. Other races WHINE AND MOAN constantly and bring race into everything even when it doesn't belong. If you guys don't think that video was racist then go up to some random asian people tomorrow and start speaking that ching chong crap in their face.
The bitter irony of all the casual sexism in this thread is hilarious. Congratulations, everyone. I couldn't have done it better if I'd tried.
[quote name='Magus8472']The bitter irony of all the casual sexism in this thread is hilarious. Congratulations, everyone. I couldn't have done it better if I'd tried.[/QUOTE]

Sexism is ok. TV and movies tell me so.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Sexism is ok. TV and movies tell me so.[/QUOTE]

By that account, racism is ok since music says so.
[quote name='Magus8472']The bitter irony of all the casual sexism in this thread is hilarious. Congratulations, everyone. I couldn't have done it better if I'd tried.[/QUOTE]

Haa haa haa. Well played.

[grew up in Eugene btw]
[quote name='Magus8472']The bitter irony of all the casual sexism in this thread is hilarious. Congratulations, everyone. I couldn't have done it better if I'd tried.[/QUOTE]

twat did you say? I cunt hear you, I have an ear infucktion
bread's done