Untold Legends (PS3) $45 shipped and other PS3 discounts at Amazon

I was going to post the Untold Legends deal yesterday. For those who have played it - is it worth the $45? Reviews weren't great, but I got the feeling that was due mainly to the $60 price tag. The artwork looked pretty good, at least when it was featured in Play magazine last fall.
It's still a little questionable at $45, but it's not a terrible game or anything. I actually found it to be quite a bit harder than I expected. But I just rented it and played it for a few days.
To me, the game seemed a lot like soem of the Gauntlet games, just with some minor RPG elements (level-up, equipment, spells, etc.) It's pretty fun to play multiplayer, but I'd still suggest renting it first.
Ebay has been where I have been buying my games. I got Marvel for 26 (31 after priority shipping, came in 2 days).

Just look for sellers with good feedback and you can score all but the most recent games for 35-45ish.
[quote name='coolz481']I was going to post the Untold Legends deal yesterday. For those who have played it - is it worth the $45? Reviews weren't great, but I got the feeling that was due mainly to the $60 price tag. The artwork looked pretty good, at least when it was featured in Play magazine last fall.[/QUOTE]
It's a dumbed-down version of the PSP games. That tells you pretty much all you need to know. The graphics are the best part, and they aren't that great. It was the first PS3 game I bought, I've had it since November, and I've played it less than 5 hours total. I love action-RPGs, but this one just really doesn't have much going for it. And, as previously mentioned, it can be VERY difficult in places, because there are no potions.
[quote name='cag1125']NBA 07 is 49.99 if anyone's interested.[/QUOTE]
I think this is the worst PS3 game second only to Gundam: Crossfire. Stick with NBA 2K7.
[quote name='mxpowar']I think this is the worst PS3 game second only to Gundam: Crossfire. Stick with NBA 2K7.[/QUOTE]

Wow that game must be really bad then.
[quote name='dejaandyroo']Untold Legends isn't awful, just extremely repetitive. Hold out til it's $30 or less, if you can.[/quote]

This pretty much sums up my opinion as well. I've been playing with my brother-in-law through the game. It's fun for the two of us, but it's not great.

In 2 player mode the camera becomes very very annoying. There are puzzles where it's very difficult (if not impossible) to complete as 2 players, but really easy to complete with just one.

Also the loot dropped from a chest or mob was rarely better than what I was able to purchase... this was annoying. Eventually we just quit going after the hard to reach chests because we knew that anything inside wouldn't be worth the effort.

The story is terrible as well. Cheesy and predictable.

The camera (in 2player mode) is by far the worst feature and at $45 I'd probably pass (but I'm cheap!). If it drops to $25 it would probably be worth it.
nice to see some PS3 titles on sale......there hasnt been too many of these lately....wished there be more of them for cheap like
Yeah, I wish there might be some PS3 games in the same price range as the Wii and 360 like ~$29.99. Or on the other hand, some games that were actually worth $59.99.
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