UPDATE: Answer=NO. Does GameCrazy require ID(personal info) to purchase games?


2 (100%)
I went into a GameCrazy today, and was told that I'd need to create an account with them in order to buy games. Even though I repeatedly told them that I was not interested in sharing my personal info with them (name, address, phone number), the staff would not ring me up unless I did.

Finally, I gave up on trying to purchase maybe $60.00 of used games and left the store.

What gives with this? Does anyone know if it's policy?

UPDATE: Question has been answered. Answer=NO, not required. Specifics in post #16.
I wonder if they were going to try to pull something by creating an account. If I was told the same thing, I would have refused as well and contacted corporate.

The one way to get around it if some of those games were last copies would be to pay with cash and make up a fake name, id and phone number
Last month, some GC employee in Fredricksburg, VA, told me something similar. He started asking me my zip code, name, etc., and I said "Can't we skip all this?"

Like most sensible people, I'm hesitant about giving out my name/address at will. I asked "Can't I skip this?" He said only if I was paying with cash. He said it was mandatory if you are paying with credit card, which I was. So I caved -_-

Are they the Radio Shack of games now?

I'm just bitter that I'm now in an area that doesn't have a GC..... wish I coulda got in on the new clearance.
It's in case some of the used games don't work, the employees can refund them and keep your store credit linked to your account. This is an old protocol back before there were giftcards, and most stores still enforce it. It also prevents minors from purchasing M-rated games (a company policy).

Corporate sees refunds of used merchandise on a "cash transaction account" (usually the store number, store phone number, or an asterisk) as fishy. This is a way for employees to make sure they follow the rules.
I'm sure there are reasons why Corporate would prefer that all sales are managed on accounts, and I'm sure they would train their employees to encourage or upsell the benefits of it. I just find it questionable that a store employee would be trained to give up a sale if the customer clearly and repeatedly states that they do not wish to share their personal info.

I kept gettting told that it was for my convenience, which is an outright untruth for two reasons:

1. I decide what's convenient for me and what isn't, and I told them in no uncertain terms that I found it inconvenient to share my personal info, and would find it more convenient to simply pay for the games and go on my way.

2. A convenience is something that's optional..... and I wasn't given the option of bypassing this "convenience".

I'm sure that the use of these accounts is also so that they can 86 a customer who repeatedly takes unfair advantage of deals or trade-in offers (buys games on-sale at another store at ridiculously low prices, then trades them in here for a profit). I don't do this, and don't feel an obligation to assist with managing their finances by surrendering my personal info when I buy a game from them.

Sheesh, what's next, the Wawa cashier telling me I need to open an "account" before I can buy a gallon of milk?
So far they only asked for the name and phone number to ring a purchase up. Never have to show an ID, except sometimes when you use a credit card they want an ID to prove you're the real card holder.
[quote name='eau']So far they only asked for the name and phone number to ring a purchase up. Never have to show an ID, except sometimes when you use a credit card they want an ID to prove you're the real card holder.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to be argumentative here, but they asked me to ID (identify) myself, regardless of whether they check that I have a state issued card, or a verbal statement of where I live, or whatever. My frustration isn't centered on whether I needed to show them some kind of card, but rather that I had to ID myself in any way shape or form... even verbally.

I can understand requiring ID to use a check or credit card, in order to prevent fraud. However:

1. I'd have been willing to pay cash.

2. They didn't just want to "verify" my ID. They wanted to create a permanent record of my identity, along with my shopping history at their company. I see no reason to succumb to this unless it's a willing transaction/exchange.... for example, if I agreed to surrender my personal info and have them track my purchase history, and in exchange I receive a 10% discount whenever I shop there.

Edited to add: The original title wasn't super-clear though..... went back and edited it. Thanks for pointing this out.
The reason why they ask for ID is because they make an account so you can purchase there and having the ID is easier then having to ask you every question and also to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. If you dont have an ID then you can do it by just telling them your info. Its really not a big deal you actually get things in the mail from them that are cool like notice of new deals and all.
[quote name='m0dem']The reason why they ask for ID is because they make an account so you can purchase there and having the ID is easier then having to ask you every question and also to make sure there are no spelling mistakes. If you dont have an ID then you can do it by just telling them your info. Its really not a big deal you actually get things in the mail from them that are cool like notice of new deals and all.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for supplying a possible reason of "why" they do this. I can already imagine several reasons for why it's done.

Since I find the practice intrusive, and do not wish to share my info (but do want to shop there, since they often have good deals), I'm not trying to find out "why" they do it.

I'm trying to find out if sharing your personal info is a prerequisite for buying from them, and I'm trying to find out whether the staff were following company policy or violating it.

I've already sent an email to the contact address listed on their company website, but I thought that I'd feel out on here to see if others have had the same experience that I did.... perhaps even get answers from any GameCrazy employees who follow CAG.
well, I've bought at several different Gamecrazies. I have an "account" at only one. Whenever I buy something at one other than where my account was set up at, they ask me for my phone number (which is your account number), I tell them, they say "It doesn't come up, have you bought here before?" I say no, they ring me up, no problem.

Apparently Gamecrazy accounts aren't linked from store to store (someone correct me if I'm wrong. I'm assuming because my account only comes up at the one store I set it up at, any other store, they can never find it). I've never had a problem just paying cash for it without opening up another account at that store. I think you just got an overzealous employee.
You DEFINITELY don't need an account at gamecrazy. I always refuse, and my friend who worked there got pissed that I wouldn't put my address in, and he was sick of having to find an account to sell me games under (he would put me under his g/fs for some reason, I got her mvp discount though) He eventually made up some ridiculous account where my phone # was 420-1337 and stuff like that. But I've never had any issues buying from them without an account, and the only benefit I've been told of is that if you lose your receipt its stored in the computer.
The only way you can 'link' accounts from different stores is through an MVP card...and even that is a bit iffy. The only reason for them to create accounts if you are NOT trading in an item is to keep a record of anything you purchase. If you lose you're receipt, that have a way of seeing for sure if you bought a game.
So far the last 2 purchases ive made at the game crazy near my new house they did not ask me for my info. I know the one near my old house they would ask me for my number since I shopped there alot.
[quote name='gizmogc']If you lose you're receipt, that have a way of seeing for sure if you bought a game.[/quote]

That's the only reason why if I'm not trading in stuff, that they'll ask for it when buying. It's a lot easier to just go into the computer and punch up your account and find the purchase, then looking for the receipt.

The old store I used to go to didn't do it and would give a default account for buying stuff, some reason though, there was always a penny on the account already.
Ok, the question has been answered. I got an answer back from Corporate, and here's the quoted relevent portion regarding company policy.

[quote name='Hollywood Entertainment']Unless the situation deems it appropriate to refuse sale without an
account it is Game Crazy's policy to allow purchases without having an
account. Situations where it may require that a guest open an account
would include, but are not limited to, if the guest wanted to buy
multiple copies of the same item, wanted to purchase items with a credit
card and not provide an ID, if there was suspicious behavior while they
were in the store, ect.

I apologize you were not able to purchase your items but assure you we
will notify the store management team so they can review with the store
partners our policy regarding purchasing without an account.[/QUOTE]

So keep this in mind. If you, like me, don't wish to hand out your personal info when it's not required, you DO NOT have to do so at GameCrazy. Good luck depending on who's behind the counter, though.
[quote name='bookishboy']Ok, the question has been answered. I got an answer back from Corporate, and here's the quoted relevent portion regarding company policy.

So keep this in mind. If you, like me, don't wish to hand out your personal info when it's not required, you DO NOT have to do so at GameCrazy. Good luck depending on who's behind the counter, though.[/quote]

Heh. I want them to have an account for me...then you can return crap even after you lose the receipt.

Also, if you don't have an account, you have to pay for everything in cash, which is inconvenient for most people. Maybe you look suspicious and they thought you were a shoplifter or something...heh. In that case, according to corporate, they can still refuse to sell you something if you don't give them your personal info.
[quote name='Rictor']Heh. I want them to have an account for me...then you can return crap even after you lose the receipt.

Also, if you don't have an account, you have to pay for everything in cash, which is inconvenient for most people. Maybe you look suspicious and they thought you were a shoplifter or something...heh. In that case, according to corporate, they can still refuse to sell you something if you don't give them your personal info.[/QUOTE]

Try reading that again.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Try reading that again.[/quote]

"Situations where it may require that a guest open an account
would include, but are not limited to, if the guest wanted to buy
multiple copies of the same item, wanted to purchase items with a credit
card and not provide an ID,"

Nope, it still says you need to provide your personal info (ID) if you want to pay with a credit card. You want me to read it a third time? Your driver's license has your address on it, which is what I assume the OP didn't want to give Game Crazy in the first place.
[quote name='Rictor']"Situations where it may require that a guest open an account
would include, but are not limited to, if the guest wanted to buy
multiple copies of the same item, wanted to purchase items with a credit
card and not provide an ID,"

Nope, it still says you need to provide your personal info (ID) if you want to pay with a credit card. You want me to read it a third time? Your driver's license has your address on it, which is what I assume the OP didn't want to give Game Crazy in the first place.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I think you need to. You have to provide your ID in order to pay with a credit card if the clerk so chooses. Your personal information is to not be copied down, just verified that you are the cardholder. It never said you had to pay with cash if you didn't have an account, just that you might have to corroberate your identity with an ID if you were paying by credit card.

For the lazy: You don't need to provide your information for recording to use a credit card, just verification.
bread's done