UPS manhandling packages

I work at a warehouse. the #1 rule when shipping UPS is it's you vs the UPS guy. The package is only ready to go when you can shake it up and down and basically roll it down the stairs and have it not move at all in the box. They are ROUGH!!!!
Having worked in larger warehouses I can tell you that if there isn't some conveyor belt system at the UPS sorting facilities, then it most likely got tossed around in an impromptu game of hot potato.

Couple that with the fact that UPS drivers are timed on their routes and can only spend finite amounts of time on each delivery and that likely leads to a lot of drop and run UPS ninja deliveries.

Of course I think those aren't quite as bad as the USPS, where I swear if you put 'fragile' on a package they'll toss it around even more just to see how fragile the item is.
Two stories:

Had a friend that worked at UPS (warehouse) a while back. According to him, throwing packages around was the norm. One of his favorite moments was when a box opened and spilled styrofoam peanuts everywhere. He and his coworkers had much fun dropping other boxes on the floor so the peanuts would fly in all directions.

I was watching the UPS driver when he pulled up to my apartment. He sat there for a while wrapping tape around a package (not mine, thankfully). This thing had been completely mangled. Like, run over with the truck mangled, and he was wrapping it over and over again with packing tape. Trying to make it look "normal" I guess.
I thought it was pretty much common knowledge that package/postal services toss around your stuff.
Most people get lucky and nothing happens to it, but sometimes stuff does break.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Couple that with the fact that UPS drivers are timed on their routes and can only spend finite amounts of time on each delivery and that likely leads to a lot of drop and run UPS ninja deliveries..[/QUOTE]
Lmao, I've had one of those deliveries. The UPS guy didn't even walk up the walkway, but just tossed my package (luckily it was well padded) about 15 feet to my front porch where it slammed into the door. I guess he thought nobody was home, but I was sitting there watching him the whole time.
My UPS guy has been.... alright but there is the occasional delivery where I only know its here when I hear it slam against the door .
Well those gorillas from the old samsonite commercials had to get jobs somewhere, now you know! They are UPS & USPS package handlers.
[quote name='Zaku77']I work at a warehouse. the #1 rule when shipping UPS is it's you vs the UPS guy. The package is only ready to go when you can shake it up and down and basically roll it down the stairs and have it not move at all in the box. They are ROUGH!!!![/QUOTE]

I work at a place that does alot of shipping through UPS as well. We make metal checkstand parts, but if it goes through UPS it needs about 1 inch of styrofoam to make it there safe.

You ever seen the big dino car crusher that breathes flames? He retired and is now a package sorter for UPS
It's a miracle to me than when I order computer parts from newegg that they actually work when they arrive. How a hard drive can withstand all that torture is pretty magical.
I used to work at ups, and when unloading a truck the fast way to do is is pull out the boxes on the bottom and let all the ones up top just fall over. They have no regard for your items, this is the truth...
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']drop and run UPS ninja deliveries.[/QUOTE]

I used to get those until I started giving the UPS man a Christmas gift.

Now he knocks and stands there with the package for a minute or so to see if I come to the door.
[quote name='iamsobroke']I used to work at ups, and when unloading a truck the fast way to do is is pull out the boxes on the bottom and let all the ones up top just fall over. They have no regard for your items, this is the truth...[/QUOTE]

Unbelievable. I love all the stories but this one made me go wat.

I'd love to see a movie like Castaway where Tom Hanks teaches the drivers to unload trucks jenga-style and chuck the packages like they're making a hail mary pass.
[quote name='blindinglights']I used to get those until I started giving the UPS man a Christmas gift.

Now he knocks and stands there with the package for a minute or so to see if I come to the door.[/QUOTE]

That's what I do when I can't hide the package from being visible from the street. Otherwise, I try and take it to the side door, back door if possible.

Thanks for all the stories, I know being a company as bid as UPS it would have some more structure in how shit gets done but in the end it's just numbers to them.

I always tell my co-workers, I have two speeds
slow & stop!
[quote name='skiizim']That's what I do when I can't hide the package from being visible from the street. Otherwise, I try and take it to the side door, back door if possible.[/QUOTE]

I live in the country with no one around. He could literally leave it on a table in the middle of my yard with a neon sign that says "EXPENSIVE, STEAL ME" and it would be there when I got home every single time.

He used to do the ninja toss and run. I swear there were times where I heard the truck pulling out the driveway right before the thud of the package hitting the porch.

Large gift card and box a Christmas candy, and he rings the bell and waits until I get to the door every time now. I wonder how he makes up for that lost time at other deliveries. Maybe he throws some of the packages all the way from the street now :D.
I had a package a while back that my UPS guy gave to the dog. Why did that even need to happen? She left bite marks in it.
I worked at UPS for 5 years. While I didn't see anyone intentionally damage a package, work conditions often resulted in damage.

Jams in conveyor belts mangle packages, and improperly packaged items can damage other packages. Drivers do their best to tape up any mangled boxes, because we hate to return something as damaged. Drivers hate packages being refused for little holes too :)

Most everything will make it just fine, and if a penis is drawn on your box, it wasn't me
bread's done