Utterly Pointless Comparisons - Arcade vs Console


CAG in Training
Hey everyone! 

I've been on CAG since almost the very beginning with my personal account, but created this new one to align with my recently launched YouTube channel that I think people here might like.  It's a retrogaming channel named Inglebard and will feature a lot of comparisons between different versions of the same game, some series retrospectives, retro-related hardware reviews and more.

I was already a fan and subscriber to PatmanQC and was surprised to see him posting here, so hello to you, sir!

The first three comparisons are up and feature Altered Beast (arcade cs Genesis), Strider (arcade vs Genesis) and Contra (arcade vs NES), check them out below:

Altered Beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51LA6FHHunc&t=2s

Strider: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOhb6WeBdp8

Contra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU4BcL2KzdE

Hope you enjoy them, I'll post when there are new ones (weekly) if that's cool.

bread's done