Vanity Fair exposes more of Sarah Palin's vile: Evil, Vindicative, Delusional ,etc



More further proof of how despicable, stupid, racist, bible-thumping, delusional, emotional, hypocritical, scheming, and evil Sarah Palin is. Her staff and family are all scared of her and she constantly threaten to ruin anyone and their family should they ever displease her. Her supporters are not only stupid, racist, and delusional, they are all mindless cult zombies as well who would gladly drink poison or jump off a cliff should Palin demand it. Palin's cult makes Scientology looks like paradise. Palin's plan of ridding America of her un-americans citizens reeks of nazi germany. She also exhibits all of Hitler's traits. As the article proves, there's no doubt that should Palin successfully scheme and cheat her way to the Presidency, she will exact merciless vengeance and cruelty against all who displeases her before setting off world war III and ends all life as we know it.
I'm at page two but haven't seen any real content yet. I would be more bothered by her vested interests in Down Syndrome kids than her Herr Fuhrer tendencies. Establishing a Special Class of People = Anti-American.
Trig and his down syndrome was the result of incest between Palin's husband and her daughter. Many articles have exposed this cover-up. Palin's family is really despicable, and Sarah's continued insistence that Trig is her son instead of her incest grandson just furthers the endless lies she's been spewing.
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Really OP?

And this thread shows up as "Vanity Fair exposes more of Sarah........" on the main forums page. VERY dissapointing thread, I was promised exposing damnit !!!!

EDIT - Admittedly I don't think I could trust anyone who calls it "the lamestream media". Thats some corny shit right there.
Trig isn't retarded because of incest, Trig is retarded because the Palin's knew that they had to start the future of the Tea Party somewhere...

Also, she would be Frau Furer (I don't know how to do umlauts) and not Herr Furer which refers to a Mister.

If I go to my scary plce and attempt to get into he head, I think she knows that she's done as an actual politician but can serve a great purpose in a supporting role. Well, a great purpose in terms of supporting those that believe her which probably wouldn't do best for America in the long run. It might play well in "Umerka" but for those of us that are reasonable people she's little more than a frightening piece of entertainment.
bread's done