

i didn't really know where to put this request for help.. sorry. but my vcr doesn't play the picture, but the sound is there, the screen is just snowy and there is no picture. do i need a new vcr or is there something that i need to tweak or change??


Are you sure the TV is on the right channel? Since you are getting sound I guess it is (unless you are hooking the VCR to a stereo for the sound) Try mtx's suggestions too if you haven't already.

If it's not something simple like that you're probably better off just buying a new one. VCRs are cheap these days.
VCR!! ha, how obsolete that piecec of "technology" is!!!

j/k. yea, you probably need to get it cleaned..
How are you connecting the VCR to the TV? If you are using a coaxial cable (as in cable television cable) then it sounds like it could be the VCR. Otherwise, if you're using RCA cables there are two for audio and one for video - are they all well connected?
I just bought a VCR head cleaner at Circuit City a couple of weeks ago. I think the dry cleaner is $9.99 and the wet cleaner is couple of dollars more.

(it comes with a solution you put into the tape before putting it in the unit)

They are usually located at the end of the rows of electronics - at least that is where I found mine.

My VCR finally crapped out on me after 12 glorious years of taping Star Trek DS9, the A-Team and Adult Swim.

As for a replacement - I'm going with a Super VHS model made by JVC. I can use it for editing old home movies with the computer and still tape the things I like to catch when I'm out. (Adult Swim, Scrubs, etc...)

If you're in the market for a new VCR, I did a lot of research and this model seems to work nicely:

If you look around, you can find a $10 off coupon for Crutchfield if you use a certain payment. ($10 off with Discover Card for example)

I know, I know... it's still a freaking VCR, why not go with a TIVO or something? I want to wait until the technology gets better and buy a TIVO/DVD burner all in one.

The latest Humax is nice (300 hours), but I've read that it takes up to 4-5 minutes to burn a DVD! No thanks.

It would be nice to have certain shows on DVD, but I can wait.

(sorry for the long post, but I'm in a similar situation myself!)
oh, i have one, well actually two, but all my favorite classic movies are on vhs and i wanted to relive those without rebuying them. i have a ton of dvds too, but i still really enjoy the movies that i have on vhs.


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