[Video added] CheapyD Back on Bloomberg TV (9/14/06)

good job! it seemed to me like you might've been running out of breath at sentences but it happens to me all the time in pecarious situations like those (been interviewed/grilled before). good job with being really prepared, and i think she should've been more prepared on questions (some questions seemed too benign).

but yeah, good job on the non-fanboy slant. if it were me it'd probably be "PS3 sux! Wii will be under your Xmas tree!"
[quote name='E-Z-B']Hey, we're all getting laid! :lol:[/quote]


much better this time around. You didn't shake your head as much and were a little less nervous. I thought you were great. I look forward to seeing you again on Bloomberg.

How come all the reporters/news casters/whatever on Bloomberg always seem like dicks? The delivery of their questions just seems smug for some reason. Maybe I'm crazy.
Pretty good, it seemed your were a little nervous, like you were thinking alot more about doing things different this time. Plus the reporter was pretty stone cold on ya, asking you the same question 3 times, which is better in japan PS3, Nintendo, or xbox. Okay now which one is going to be under the christmas tree in Japan!?! Does Japan like Xbox?!? Crazy props for the CAGcast.
Wow, that interview just did not seem very fluid. It was like the reporter was completely lost as to where the conversation should progress to next. I love CheapyD though, he represents us well! You sounded well-informed and intelligent, buddy.

Incidentally, it seemed that you were very hesitant to say which console you thought would rule the Christmas dollars; am I correct in assuming that you don't want to back one particular console publicly?

But since you are here now in our little world, who's it gonna be? My guess is the Xbox 360, then the Wii, and finally the PS3.
Even now having my Xbox 360 KIA, so I'm not so happy with Microsoft. I think they will do great this holiday season. It will be insane to find a PS3.
Cheapy, this is the first time I've seen you not in cartoon form and it kind of freaked me out putting a face to the voice. Anyway, I'm a reporter for a small newspaper in Washington State and that interviewer didn't know how to ask questions. You looked poised, a couple of awkward pauses, but overall I thought you did a good job.
[quote name='the ender']Incidentally, it seemed that you were very hesitant to say which console you thought would rule the Christmas dollars; am I correct in assuming that you don't want to back one particular console publicly? [/quote] It was really just hard to say at that time, since it was before TGS and I hadn't had any PS3 hands on time since E3. I'm hoping they will have me back so I can reveal all!!!!!
[quote name='CheapyD']It was really just hard to say at that time, since it was before TGS and I hadn't had any PS3 hands on time since E3. I'm hoping they will have me back so I can reveal all!!!!![/quote]
Does Bloomberg typically have a guest appear more than once?

I typically don't watch the channel, so I'm wondering if maybe you have set a Bloomberg record or something. :applause:
I just got a chance to see your appearance. I mean wow you said barely anything on the subject and the host was unable to graspe anythin besides responding.
bread's done