Viewtiful Joe...

I thought it was tough in the old school sense (having to replay some levels/bosses over and over again until you learn the pattern). I still haven't finished it for that reason. But it is an excellent game and I recommend picking it up, especially since you should be able to get it pretty cheap.
Not very long, but very hard.
Towards the end, you have to face all, like 4 or 5 bosses, back-to-back, and after that, you fight an even harder boss.
^ And after that, there's another whole stage. Don't forget that.

Truth be told, once you master it, you could beat it on the easiest skill level in 4 hours. But you will not master it that quickly. The game is next to impossible on the normal setting, and there's two unlockable difficulty levels after that, which I can't begin to imagine ever beating... and it's my favorite game of this past generation.

I mean that, sincerely. The game is absolute gaming perfection, from blissful gameplay to a spectacular presentation, I can't easily name a game that I can say is as well-rounded.

For 6 bucks now, you shouldn't have to ask other people how it is; I'm telling you to buy this game. You absolutely will not be disappointed if you have the patience to see it to the end (2 or 3 times).
Didn't like it... too short, and the only reason it's longer is cause it's hard so you have to repeat the same boss/level over and over. Ya it's a really tough of the harder ones I've played. If you beat it once, though, the second time is a lot easier cause you know how to beat everything. And when I got to that boss part where you have to beat all of them and then a final boss yet, I quit the game for a long time. Beat it awhile ago though, and havent played it since. I found it really fun at first cause it felt cool to play...but it got old to me rather quickly.
[quote name='6669']Not very long, but very hard.
Towards the end, you have to face all, like 4 or 5 bosses, back-to-back, and after that, you fight an even harder boss.[/QUOTE]

I hate being a perv.. I had to read that about 7 times to actually make sense of it.
I have the first Viewtiful Joe and I thought it was pretty hard after I put it down for awhile. I have the second Viewtiful, but my question is the third one Red Hot Rumble worth it because I heard it wasn't too good?
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']I have the first Viewtiful Joe and I thought it was pretty hard after I put it down for awhile. I have the second Viewtiful, but my question is the third one Red Hot Rumble worth it because I heard it wasn't too good?[/quote]

It isn't. Just avoid Red Hot Rumble. It tries to play like SSBM, but fails.

My recommendation is getting Viewtiful Joe for the DS.
I love Viewtiful Joe. I have 1, 2, and Double Trouble. 1 is probably the hardest, but with persistence it can be beat. None are very long, but for as cheap as you can get them these days that shouldn't be much of an issue. They are all well worth playing. They are pretty hilarious to boot.
one of the bosses in the game is really tough
fire leo
, but the game is beatable
I love me 2d (in this case, 2d-ish) platformers, and I had high hopes for VJ. After buying both of them, I just can't find the appeal. No, it's not because they are overly difficult; I actually enjoy games that make you work for the win. And I love the story, graphics, music, and such. I just don't know what kept me from liking the games in general.
I got this game for like 7 bucks a while ago for the PS2...haven't gotten around to playing it though...even though I grew up playing "old school" games, I've realized that I don't have the attention span or patience anymore for playing stages over and over again so I can move on to the next level like I used to...
i beat kids mode in the gamecube version right after it was released a while back. over the summer i tried working my way through adult mode. emphasis on tried. i've only got so much patience.

edit: also, worth the purchase.
I thought it was awsome until I got to the submarine, and couldnt pass it.
I looked at guides and still can't figure out what the fuck to do. I got passed all those huge missles and get to what looks like the steering wheel of the sub where you can flip the ceiling to make it the floor and I can't figue out what the fuck to do.
It was awsome up until that.
[quote name='hupp']I thought it was awsome until I got to the submarine, and couldnt pass it.
I looked at guides and still can't figure out what the fuck to do. I got passed all those huge missles and get to what looks like the steering wheel of the sub where you can flip the ceiling to make it the floor and I can't figue out what the fuck to do.
It was awsome up until that.[/quote]

That's exactly where I quit. I haven't played it in over a year because of that stage, and I rarely quit games.

It's really fun, but very hard at times.
lol ya that submarine part was kinda tough. I didn't use guides for that game...cause I found it fairly beatable after a few tries....UNTIL I got to Leo. Then I had no idea how to kill the guy and so I looked in guides and it still took me like 3-5 continues of getting to him and fighting him. And that shark boss is freaking annoying....
Once I realized what I had to do with Leo, he really wasn't very difficult...

Maybe I just rock.

Oh, and you have to continue back out through the sub once it's upside-down - it's pretty linear, not sure what the problem you're having was.

Maybe I just rock.
Am I the only one that was bored with this game as soon as I played it. I bought both of the games based on all the hype that they had and I have played like an hour of each. I am not sure what it is. Perhaps it is that I just do not like fighting games (except for Super Smash)

If you like those types of games, then go for it!
bread's done