Vinefire Beta, An Amazing New Program! Earn $10-$100 A Day!


This is a new website that I came across today. Its primarily a paid to click site, but you can also post links, and vote on links to make money.

Vinefire is an experiment...a work in progress. Fun, profitable, exciting.

Imagine a website where you can earn money for simply posting and clicking on links to shocking news, funny videos, great savings and more. The best links quickly rise to the top and the worst are buried as all members vote on links submitted by everyone else.

How to Earn
  • Click Posted Links : Log in, then go to the home page and click on any of the links posted by members. You'll currently earn $0.54 for each link you visit. The links will turn gray once you have visited them.
  • Click Sponsor Links: Visiting our sponsors helps our website grow. Sponsor links are currently worth $0.90 per click.
  • Vote on Links: Use the icons on the home page to vote up (
    ) links you like or vote down (
    ) links you don't like. You'll currently earn $0.12 each time you vote.
  • Add Links: If you have a link to an interesting web page that you think people will like, just visit the Add Link page. You'll currently earn $0.04 every time someone votes "up" on your link. (Until you reach your daily earnings limit).
  • Share with Friends: Have a friend that would like our website? Visit our Share page to get your personal referral link. You'll currently earn 50% of your friends earnings every time they click a link, vote on a link, or add a link.
Earn Even More

Currently, new members can only earn up to $10.00/day. If you would like to earn more, you can verify your account for a small fee ($5). Verifying your account takes about 2 minutes and will instantly raise your daily earnings limit to $100.00/day.

If all goes well and the site continues to grow Vinefire wants to send the First Payments out on June 1st 2009!
You must take advantage of this while you can!

This is a new site, and it looks very interesting. Registering is free and all it really requires at this point is an email address.
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This site is weird, and the guy in the sign up page video tried to entice me to enter his van for candy, and i feel like they are never gonna pay out that first payment, $100 for signing up is way to much.

But, after all is said and done, i signed up under you anyways :roll:
Yeah, I wouldn't pay anything for the site at this point. But for free its worth trying out, you can't lose anything.
Interesting site, I just don't know what to think of it. I'm already at $101 but I won't get paid until January 31st 2010.
I don't understand.. Oo. I signed up, but I don't get how they can give us $100 off the bat... Seems a bit strange to me.
[quote name='JetBlackout']I don't understand.. Oo. I signed up, but I don't get how they can give us $100 off the bat... Seems a bit strange to me.[/quote]

Its a promotion, I have ten days to refer 10 people. Anyone I refer within those ten days gets $100 to start out with. I also get a decent amount of money myself for reffering them.
I'm a bit hesistant about this site. First of all I don't want to wait until 2010 for my first payment. Secondly, they are giving out way too much money for so little. I'll check it out though.
New update! They are going to try to send the first payments out on June 1st 2009!

This here guys is a great
opportunity to get a big sum of cash!

You can make $25 a day useing this site!

You need to check it out!
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[quote name='DarkTang']How would we get paid?
Paypal? Check? Can we get an amazon gift card?[/quote]

They said that they plan to have their payments sent out by PayPal.

Little fishy because how can you simply login the email address without password?!

Its still in the early beta stage, so they are working some stuff out. I'm not sure personally why they didn't add a password feature yet, but I'm sure they will change that when it comes time to send out the payments.

On their newsletter they said they are currently making a forum/message board and that it should be ready within a day or so. Once that is completed that will provide all the answers we are seeking.
[quote name='AlexD']They said that they plan to have their payments sent out by PayPal.

Its still in the early beta stage, so they are working some stuff out. I'm not sure personally why they didn't add a password feature yet, but I'm sure they will change that when it comes time to send out the payments.

On their newsletter they said they are currently making a forum/message board and that it should be ready within a day or so. Once that is completed that will provide all the answers we are seeking.[/quote]

Okay, it better be worth my time. It only takes 10 minutes to earn $50 per day. o_O;

Also, the payment is June 2009? On vinefire, it said January 2010
Site is a scam. They make a profit when you accidentally click their sponsor links (Instead of clicking Vote, you click the site link). That's how they profit. But also, they make almost Nothing per click. They'll never pay anyone--because they're not obligated to pay you--and plus, they're not making shit for cash. You didn't make an account, have them sign any legal document, or even get a guarantee that you'll get paid. All you did was sign your email up for spam and be added to their mailing list.

fuck you, OP.
[quote name='kesh']Site is a scam. They make a profit when you accidentally click their sponsor links (Instead of clicking Vote, you click the site link). That's how they profit. But also, they make almost Nothing per click. They'll never pay anyone--because they're not obligated to pay you--and plus, they're not making shit for cash. You didn't make an account, have them sign any legal document, or even get a guarantee that you'll get paid. All you did was sign your email up for spam and be added to their mailing list.

fuck you, OP.[/quote]

Dude, why the heck are you blasting my topic and making these statements? What gave you the motivation to come on here and say this garbage?

I want you and anyone else viewing this topic to read this post on their new forums. It explains whats going on and what needs to happen for this site to work.

I'm really excited about the potential for this site. I even went ahead and got verified because I love the idea of what could happen if things continue to move foward.

This is what this forum is all about. Part of being a cheap gamer is trying stuff for little or nothing that can potentially yeild a big reward. Get the heck off my topic kesh if you have nothing positive or usefull to say.
Now $10 per day, previously $50. To raise the limit to $25, previously $100 - get verified for $5. Wow. Oh well, my goal to get $500. That will be enough. I don't want thousands of dollars. I look forward and see if the payout will be moved to June 2009.
Yeah, I'd rather have it be a more realistic number and get paid then have it be astronomical and have them not be able to pay out. From here till June you will still be able to earn over $500 if your a normal member, if your a verified member you can earn over $1250, thats a pretty nice sum of money.
Another update to vinefire, verifed members can get $100 a day while normal members stay at $10. Looks like they are really interested in getting people to bcome verified. :)
Hate to say it, but it seems scammy. Think of the prospective money you expect to make. Then consider where the money comes from. An advertiser doesn't pay those really high clickthrough rates. Suppose your referral clicks on a sponsored link. You get paid 50% of that on top of the full 90¢ payout. No advertiser pays over $1.35 for a single click. This is especially true when the clicks don't lead to business and are just mechanically done for credit. The $5 verification fee is probably where they will make the most of their money preying on greedy people who believe they can make thousands for doing nothing.

This isn't the first time this type of program was released to the Internet, and it will not be the last.
[quote name='outphase']Hate to say it, but it seems scammy. Think of the prospective money you expect to make. Then consider where the money comes from. An advertiser doesn't pay those really high clickthrough rates. Suppose your referral clicks on a sponsored link. You get paid 50% of that on top of the full 90¢ payout. No advertiser pays over $1.35 for a single click. This is especially true when the clicks don't lead to business and are just mechanically done for credit. The $5 verification fee is probably where they will make the most of their money preying on greedy people who believe they can make thousands for doing nothing.

This isn't the first time this type of program was released to the Internet, and it will not be the last.[/quote]

True. Believe me, I still think Vinefire is somewhat not legit but hey, it deserves a chance so that's why I'm giving it a try. I have about 8 months or until June. I won't be frantic, just casually taking my time as the time will pass by real fast.
[quote name='outphase']

Also, do some research on wealthtoolbox as it was a similar program. The site now redirects to

I'm doing this to serve as a warning before people start handing over $5 thinking it will lead to bags of money for nothing.[/quote]

I'm not gonna verify any time soon. Probably never. :)

I gotta add, Vinefire even said they would give the payouts FIRST to people who VERIFIED their account. How interesting! Vinefire lure people into verifying for just $5, they made profits from that. =P Baloney!
bread's done