Vista Service Pack 1- Breaks stuff.


7 (100%)
Just downloaded SP1 and my internet no longer works on that computer. It added some new IPv6 thing in my device manager which may or may not even be the cause of the issue.

Be warned if you were considering getting SP1.
I've been using SP1 for awhile now.

Everything is fine, in fact most things are better (except for that fact that file copying is slower).

IPv6 has been around since Vista launched.
GRRRR.... I may never end up installing Vista Home Premium since I bought it last year from the CompUSA close out!!!
The only issue I've had with SP1 is that Zone Alarm's monitoring driver isn't compatible and it prevented me from getting online. Once I uninstalled the program everything worked fine again.
[quote name='zewone']except for that fact that file copying is slower.


Hmmm, weird for me, it's the exact opposite. When I plug in an external to back up or transfer for example, it's noticeably faster.
[quote name='zewone']
IPv6 has been around since Vista launched.[/QUOTE]
That may be, but the 6 to 4 conversion never showed up as a separate device with a driver error until now.
I just got SP1 today and everything works fine still, with no problems. And the IP4 and IP6 thingies were there before I installed SP1.
Just uninstalled SP1 and everything works fine again, so its certainly something to do with SP1. I'll see if I can figure out what the issue is tomorrow when I don't have stuff to do.
I've never actually downloaded one of these service packs... our copies of XP already had SP2. Are they free or do we have to pay?

I'd love faster file transferring... but that could go either way from the sounds of it. And I really don't want to lose internet.:whistle2:k
[quote name='crystalklear64']Just downloaded SP1 and my internet no longer works on that computer. It added some new IPv6 thing in my device manager which may or may not even be the cause of the issue.

Be warned if you were considering getting SP1.[/quote]

You being a tard is your parent's fault. IPv6 has been in Vista, and XP for that matter, since day one. Without having details I'm guessing that you didn't get sp1 from windows update and ran into an driver issue. Go to device manager uninstall your network adapter and reboot.
[quote name='Richard Longfellow']Any news on that? I heard 1st quarter '08.[/quote]

Next month. Last I heard it's very, very close to release. All the stuff Microsoft typically releases right before a service pack have already been released for sp3, so it could be here in as soon as a week.
oh, and also go into services and disable iphelper. It does ipv6 translation, but unless you are on a ipv6 network it will just slow down your internet connection
[quote name='zewone']I've been using SP1 for awhile now.

Everything is fine, in fact most things are better (except for that fact that file copying is slower).

IPv6 has been around since Vista launched.[/quote]

Indeed, except file copying is quite a bit faster now. This seems to be the general consensus.

Strange you're seeing the opposite when you copy files.
Both times it added the 6TO4 device and the device has a driver error. I have the latest drivers for my NIC and the only drivers for this 6TO4 thing are MS which do not solve the issue.

Disabling the device does not work, Uninstalling the device does not work. Removing SP1 works.
bread's done