Vita: complain, praise, debate, and price drop cry thread

I use that thread. I don't want to see that thread choked with subjection. It's a resource. This thread can be the personal conjecture thread.

Will it work? Who the heck knows, but it has to be better than the off-topicathon that is going on in almost everythread site wide with the name vita in the title(and some without)
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[quote name='6er']I use that thread. I don't want to see that thread choked with subjection. It's a resource. This thread can be the personal conjecture thread.

Will it work? Who the heck knows, but it has to be better than the off-topicathon that is going on in almost everythread site wide with the name vita in the title(and some without)[/QUOTE]

Hopefully jamesesdad will be the first to offer his anti-Sony hate in this thread (have at it dude!); we certainly get too much of that in the normal deals threads for Vita products! The endless whining about the proprietary memory cards and their prices has gotten really, really old. We get it, but if you're so outraged by the prices/proprietary format, just don't buy the Vita and move on.

Thanks for creating the thread, for the future when people crap up the deals threads, they can be directed here instead.
[quote name='chimpmeister']
Thanks for creating the thread, for the future when people crap up the deals threads, they can be MODERATED here instead.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully I fixed that for you. It is called Cheapassgamer, but if we were all really cheap would we own multiple game consoles or be spending money on video games instead of gas or food? IMO we are enthusiasts looking to save when possible in our hobby. So if I have decided to spend disposable income on a 'luxury' item, paying $83 instead of $100 is a pretty damn good deal to me.
People are really gonna be mad/disappointed when Sony doesn't price drop this & just bundles at the same price. BF will offer cheaper deals as always but flat out drops fantasy.
Here's my take on various Vita topics:

Is the Vita doomed?

This is the number one question that's making the rounds right now. Is it already over for the Vita? The scary thing is, in Japan, this might actually be the case. The Vita sold less than 9,000 units last week (or two weeks ago), in Japan. In the USA, the sales are very disappointing. What's criminal about all of it, is the Vita is an AMAZING little device. I mean, I'm absolutely blown away by the quality that I'm seeing with all the Vita games. The launch lineup is stellar, and yet this thing just doesn't seem to be selling. Is it the price? Is it the marketing? Is it the current game lineup? Is is the fact that everybody would rather have a smartphone or a new Ipad ?

Many things can get the blame for the problem, but I actually think it's marketing more than anything. The price is also a biggie, but marketing the Vita hasn't gone so well. I ended up with a Vita kinda by accident, and I'm totally blown away with the games and experiences that I'm having with it. The thing is, if I didn't accidenlty come into a Vita, I would have never known that the thing was so amazing. I really don't think the games can be blamed because the launch lineup is actually DAMN good. There are at least 12 very strong Vita games available right now. Considering the total number of games released, 12 strong games isn't bad AT ALL. Just think how long it took the 3DS to have 12 strong games. A lot longer than the Vita.

Still, again, we come back to the poor sales of the Vita. The reason I have a Vita in the first place, is because the demand for Vita is so low. I ended up seeing a ton of Craigslist ads for people selling Vita's, and that's how I noticed it in the first place. Not a good sign for the long-term success of the Vita, if so many people are dumping it after just a month or two of using it. Yet, where I'm living there are quite a few people trying to sell their Vita's on Craigslist, and the only reason I ended up with a Vita, is because there were some deals that were just too good to pass up.

I paid quite a bit less than $200 for the Vita, and paid like 10 bucks for the 8 gig mem card, and all my games cost like $17 each. (got 6 games). I'm in seventh heaven with Vita myself, but I paid WAY less for all my stuff. I understand why the general public is not interested in the Vita, because at $249.99 I wouldn't be interested in it either. At under $200, I'm very interested. At $39.99 per game, I'd have ZERO interest, but at $17 per game (out the door), I'm very interested.

So, on the one hand, it's sad to see Vita doing so poorly, but it's resulting in an amazing buyers market on Ebay and Craigslist, in terms of getting games and memory cards and such for much cheaper....
[quote name='Anthony1']Here's my take on various Vita topics:

Is the Vita doomed?

This is the number one question that's making the rounds right now. Is it already over for the Vita? The scary thing is, in Japan, this might actually be the case. The Vita sold less than 9,000 units last week (or two weeks ago), in Japan. In the USA, the sales are very disappointing. What's criminal about all of it, is the Vita is an AMAZING little device. I mean, I'm absolutely blown away by the quality that I'm seeing with all the Vita games. The launch lineup is stellar, and yet this thing just doesn't seem to be selling. Is it the price? Is it the marketing? Is it the current game lineup? Is is the fact that everybody would rather have a smartphone or a new Ipad ?

Many things can get the blame for the problem, but I actually think it's marketing more than anything. The price is also a biggie, but marketing the Vita hasn't gone so well. I ended up with a Vita kinda by accident, and I'm totally blown away with the games and experiences that I'm having with it. The thing is, if I didn't accidenlty come into a Vita, I would have never known that the thing was so amazing. I really don't think the games can be blamed because the launch lineup is actually DAMN good. There are at least 12 very strong Vita games available right now. Considering the total number of games released, 12 strong games isn't bad AT ALL. Just think how long it took the 3DS to have 12 strong games. A lot longer than the Vita.

Still, again, we come back to the poor sales of the Vita. The reason I have a Vita in the first place, is because the demand for Vita is so low. I ended up seeing a ton of Craigslist ads for people selling Vita's, and that's how I noticed it in the first place. Not a good sign for the long-term success of the Vita, if so many people are dumping it after just a month or two of using it. Yet, where I'm living there are quite a few people trying to sell their Vita's on Craigslist, and the only reason I ended up with a Vita, is because there were some deals that were just too good to pass up.

I paid quite a bit less than $200 for the Vita, and paid like 10 bucks for the 8 gig mem card, and all my games cost like $17 each. (got 6 games). I'm in seventh heaven with Vita myself, but I paid WAY less for all my stuff. I understand why the general public is not interested in the Vita, because at $249.99 I wouldn't be interested in it either. At under $200, I'm very interested. At $39.99 per game, I'd have ZERO interest, but at $17 per game (out the door), I'm very interested.

So, on the one hand, it's sad to see Vita doing so poorly, but it's resulting in an amazing buyers market on Ebay and Craigslist, in terms of getting games and memory cards and such for much cheaper....[/QUOTE]

I dont see any deals on VITA games on ebay about 5 maybe 10 bucks off new prices...

what i blew so far on my VITA

VITA brand new 3g system with 8 gb memory card
hot shots golf
Dungon hunter
Unit 13
Disgaea 3

tnd sadly i think its just an overweight paperholder ... i Probally played it 4 hours tops ... sadly i got disgaea today and the way the camera jumps all around makes me sick

i think the people who own them are going to have a major hard time selling them.. i had it listed with all the games for 400 and couldnt get a bite at all last week .

i can see the systems falling to 199 by summer and even 149 by thanksgiving ...

overall if i had to do it all over i doubt i would even got one .... and would love to find a sucker to take it off my hands at 400 but it will never happen.
Personally I love the system. It's got power. The menu although not perfect is a lot quicker than the 3DS. The screen is beautiful. The battery life is not as bad as I thought it would be. The pause anywhere sleep mode is a god send.

I think the games are great. I finished Uncharted, re-playing Ninja Gaiden, having fun with Escape Plan, Mutant Blobs is good and cheap, Lumines is awesome (never got into the PSP one), Motorstorm is a fun free game, Hot Shots is the same but still great, Marvel vs. Capcom looks and plays great, and Rayman is awesome as well.

I've gotten deals on just about everything and I have no regrets. I've been playing it. It comes down to the games and I'm enjoying them all.

As for doom and gloom...everyone had doubts about the 3DS and all of a sudden it's selling like crazy. I'd give the VITA a bit longer. Let the price come down and some more games launch. Something like Call of Duty. I think that will paint a better picture.
[quote name='IanKazimer']All I want is my PSOne Classics support. Then I'll really never put the thing down.[/QUOTE]

yea forgot about that but i doubt you see it added this year .... HOpefully some BIG news at E3
[quote name='IanKazimer']All I want is my PSOne Classics support. Then I'll really never put the thing down.[/QUOTE]

Would be nice :)
[quote name='jkam']Personally I love the system. It's got power. The menu although not perfect is a lot quicker than the 3DS. The screen is beautiful. The battery life is not as bad as I thought it would be. The pause anywhere sleep mode is a god send.

I think the games are great. I finished Uncharted, re-playing Ninja Gaiden, having fun with Escape Plan, Mutant Blobs is good and cheap, Lumines is awesome (never got into the PSP one), Motorstorm is a fun free game, Hot Shots is the same but still great, Marvel vs. Capcom looks and plays great, and Rayman is awesome as well.

I've gotten deals on just about everything and I have no regrets. I've been playing it. It comes down to the games and I'm enjoying them all.

As for doom and gloom...everyone had doubts about the 3DS and all of a sudden it's selling like crazy. I'd give the VITA a bit longer. Let the price come down and some more games launch. Something like Call of Duty. I think that will paint a better picture.[/QUOTE]That's exactly what's missing some more top notch system sellers. If the rumors of GOW IV are true then there's a chance it could be cross play this will help, we'll know on 4/19.

[quote name='slidecage']yea forgot about that but i doubt you see it added this year .... HOpefully some BIG news at E3[/QUOTE]there's gonna be huge focus on Vita & tons of game across the board since they'll need to hold their own vs Nintendo w/Wii U & possibly a Wii price cut.
Sony may even price cut PS3 to take all the buzz but MS may do the same so it will be who jumps 1st(you feeling froggy?)
I really can't so a lot on mine right now since I just got it last night. But I am truly enjoying it so far. It's been years since I had the PSP which I didnt care for much. But this thing naturally, is leaps and bounds above the PSP. One thing I am curious about is when I see people talking about cases and screen protectors, they all mention the touch pad on the back. What exactly is that for?
[quote name='krashhole']I really can't so a lot on mine right now since I just got it last night. But I am truly enjoying it so far. It's been years since I had the PSP which I didnt care for much. But this thing naturally, is leaps and bounds above the PSP. One thing I am curious about is when I see people talking about cases and screen protectors, they all mention the touch pad on the back. What exactly is that for?[/QUOTE]

i know the touch screen on the back for disgaea 3 changes the camera glad you can turn it off cause am always bumping it
[quote name='slidecage']I dont see any deals on VITA games on ebay about 5 maybe 10 bucks off new prices...

what i blew so far on my VITA

VITA brand new 3g system with 8 gb memory card
hot shots golf
Dungon hunter
Unit 13
Disgaea 3

tnd sadly i think its just an overweight paperholder ... i Probally played it 4 hours tops ... sadly i got disgaea today and the way the camera jumps all around makes me sick

i think the people who own them are going to have a major hard time selling them.. i had it listed with all the games for 400 and couldnt get a bite at all last week .

i can see the systems falling to 199 by summer and even 149 by thanksgiving ...

overall if i had to do it all over i doubt i would even got one .... and would love to find a sucker to take it off my hands at 400 but it will never happen.[/QUOTE]

Wow man, your post is a bit on the depressing side. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and you have yours, but it's just so hard for me to understand why somebody would be disappointed with the Vita. I think the thing is beyond amazing, and it's hard for me to imagine somebody getting bored with it.

Now, if it was more a case of buyers remorse, because you bought everything at full price, that's a different story. I'd have major buyers remorse too. Who knew that Vita's would get so cheap on the secondary market?

Looking at the list of games you got, maybe you could have chosen some different games. I've played every game on your list, except the new one that just came out. Hot Shots is a truly amazing game imo. Yeah, it's pretty much the same Hot Shots forumula that we've seen a million times, but it's executed with perfection. The best thing about it, is how well it shows off the 5 inch OLED screen. Hot Shots is easily one of the most beautiful portable games that have ever been made. Details are everywhere in that game. I get so caught up in just looking at the water and the trees, and the ducks swimming, and squirrels running around.

I played the Unit 13 demo, and one thing that really stood out to me was the weaksauce enemy A.I. Those enemies seemed really dumb to me. I thought the graphics were fantastic.

ModNation is an ok game, but with no online play, it's pretty bunk. I mean, how many people have another person in their house with a Vita that you can play them ad hoc? Not many. So, this really kills the value of ModNation imo. It gets boring racing against the computer. The graphics and sounds are really nice.

I played the Dungeon Hunter demo and thought that the game was pretty mediocre. Just seemed like a connect the dots hack n slash. Kinda mindless.

Those are my takes on the games you got and it's just my opinion and I could be 100 percent off base with my takes, so totally disregard if you like. Still, I'd recommend these games:

Fifa Soccer
Wipeout 2048
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Rayman Origins
MLB 12: The Show
Virtua Tennis 4
Super Stardust Delta
[quote name='slidecage']I dont see any deals on VITA games on ebay about 5 maybe 10 bucks off new prices...

what i blew so far on my VITA

VITA brand new 3g system with 8 gb memory card
hot shots golf
Dungon hunter
Unit 13
Disgaea 3

tnd sadly i think its just an overweight paperholder ... i Probally played it 4 hours tops ... sadly i got disgaea today and the way the camera jumps all around makes me sick

i think the people who own them are going to have a major hard time selling them.. i had it listed with all the games for 400 and couldnt get a bite at all last week .

i can see the systems falling to 199 by summer and even 149 by thanksgiving ...

overall if i had to do it all over i doubt i would even got one .... and would love to find a sucker to take it off my hands at 400 but it will never happen.[/QUOTE]

Just sell it on ebay and you probably will get $400
Lumines maker says they know of some games that will soon Be announced that make vitas current problems soon to be distant memory.

My guess? Maybe E3 will have GT, Killzone, and a rachet and clank game. Something dug up and revitalized like Siphon Filter? Maybe something that flexed vitas muscle like a crysis portable?
I love almost everything about it and the library is good seeing as it just launched not too long ago, people have no patience.

My only complaint with it is they need to let you launch your Vita games without the cards once they are installed, there is no reason why they shouldn't let you do this. Why can't they just restrict it to 1 Vita and or the account tied to it? This is one thing that needs to happen, it's really annoying.
I loved my PSP even though there was only one PSP game I really liked- FFVII CC. The reason I liked the PSP was because of all the things it could do after you put custom firmware on it. SNES emulation was a blast. Ripping your UMD to memory to improve load times was great. Being able to play my PS1 games on it was PHENOMENAL! The system was easy to pirate for, but I doubt piracy was as big an issue on sales as they'd want you to believe. It's a lot like the music industry in that they were massively over charging for crap and then blaming piracy when sales faltered.

I did download some games... and immediately deleted them as they were just terrible and not worth $10, not to mention $40. However, good games were worth the price and I bought them after playing them to make sure. Even with the disappointing selection of PSP games, the platform was still amazing with what you could do unofficially.

The Vita, on the other hand... Well, they're charging $40 for an electronic copy and $40 for a physical copy. They're requiring you to register for multiplayer- they make you buy a $10 (?) license to play online if you get the game used. They're forcing you to update firmware to check PSN, use the web browser, or even transfer files to your PC. I understand their intent, but it greatly diminishes the experience.

Sony wants to be 100% in control and apparently never watched Star Wars because they'd know that the tighter they close their grasp, the more systems slip through their fingers.

Instead of realizing with the PSP that the market doesn't want to pay $40 for a bad game and lowering prices, they just spent a ton of money ensuring you can't do anything with the system besides over pay for terrible games. So, instead of people buying a Vita to play with homebrew ignoring the games, people will just opt to not buy a Vita period.

Valve originally charged $X for Team Fortress 2 and sales were good. One day, they had a sale for 75% off and PROFIT -not sales- went up 300%. They eventually went to the current free to play model and are making more money than ever before and said had they known, they would have started free to play from the get go.

The lesson that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are failing to learn is that while, yes, you may need to sell 100,000 units at $60 to break even, you'll move significantly more units, make more money, and have happier customers if you make the price more reasonable.

My cell phone costs twice what the Vita does and is inferior as a gaming machine, but I've still spent overwhelmingly more time playing game on my phone. The reason is because games on my phone are free and supported through small ads and offer almost all the same game types with the exception of proprietary content.

One of the big factors in game cost has been the cost of making boxes, disks, manuals, shipping them, building stores to sell them, and hiring employees to shuck them. That's not an issue with the PSN, but you wouldn't figure from the price. They list PS1 classics on the PSN for more than you could pay for the game on ebay. I'm not saying they don't have the rights to make money off their content, but they're actively gouging prices. Instead of them making a good faith move like "Hook your VITA up to your PC and put a PS1 game in your computer and we will move it to your memory stick" (totally possible as it's exactly what you can do with a PSP) they say FU, we don't care if you bought the game for $50 before, pay $20 again NOW. There is little to no new labor or development involved in PS1 classics beyond hosting them for download.

They're not willing to let go of control and that is what is going to hurt them. Just like phones, once again. As soon as I get one, I root it. I don't root it because I'm going to pirate everything; I root it because I don't want a company telling me how to use MY device that I paid for.

With the PS2, they said hey guys, you can still play PS1 games on your PS2! And it was good.
With the PSP, they said hey guys, you can still play your PS1 games on your PSP! And it was cool.
With the PS3, they said hey guys, you can still play PS1 and PS2 games on your PS3! And it was great.
Then they said... gee... I dunno guys... we don't wanna do this backwards compatibility thing on new PS3s... and it was lame.
Finally, with the Vita, they said hey guys... You know that PSP game you bought on the UNIVERSAL Media Disk? Well... funny story, not only is it not UNIVERSAL and won't work on the Vita, but we're going to charge you $30 to get the identical game in digital form on your Vita. Oh... and we're also going to come out with a brand new totally proprietary memory stick for games as well as making another proprietary memory stick for saving data. We know we could have used microSD cards, but those aren't expensive enough.

Greed and obstinance will be the downfall of the Vita.

[quote name='Anthony1']Here's my take on various Vita topics:

Is the Vita doomed?

This is the number one question that's making the rounds right now. Is it already over for the Vita? The scary thing is, in Japan, this might actually be the case. The Vita sold less than 9,000 units last week (or two weeks ago), in Japan. In the USA, the sales are very disappointing. What's criminal about all of it, is the Vita is an AMAZING little device. I mean, I'm absolutely blown away by the quality that I'm seeing with all the Vita games. The launch lineup is stellar, and yet this thing just doesn't seem to be selling. Is it the price? Is it the marketing? Is it the current game lineup? Is is the fact that everybody would rather have a smartphone or a new Ipad ?

Many things can get the blame for the problem, but I actually think it's marketing more than anything. The price is also a biggie, but marketing the Vita hasn't gone so well. I ended up with a Vita kinda by accident, and I'm totally blown away with the games and experiences that I'm having with it. The thing is, if I didn't accidenlty come into a Vita, I would have never known that the thing was so amazing. I really don't think the games can be blamed because the launch lineup is actually DAMN good. There are at least 12 very strong Vita games available right now. Considering the total number of games released, 12 strong games isn't bad AT ALL. Just think how long it took the 3DS to have 12 strong games. A lot longer than the Vita.

Still, again, we come back to the poor sales of the Vita. The reason I have a Vita in the first place, is because the demand for Vita is so low. I ended up seeing a ton of Craigslist ads for people selling Vita's, and that's how I noticed it in the first place. Not a good sign for the long-term success of the Vita, if so many people are dumping it after just a month or two of using it. Yet, where I'm living there are quite a few people trying to sell their Vita's on Craigslist, and the only reason I ended up with a Vita, is because there were some deals that were just too good to pass up.

I paid quite a bit less than $200 for the Vita, and paid like 10 bucks for the 8 gig mem card, and all my games cost like $17 each. (got 6 games). I'm in seventh heaven with Vita myself, but I paid WAY less for all my stuff. I understand why the general public is not interested in the Vita, because at $249.99 I wouldn't be interested in it either. At under $200, I'm very interested. At $39.99 per game, I'd have ZERO interest, but at $17 per game (out the door), I'm very interested.

So, on the one hand, it's sad to see Vita doing so poorly, but it's resulting in an amazing buyers market on Ebay and Craigslist, in terms of getting games and memory cards and such for much cheaper....[/QUOTE]
[quote name='6er']Lumines maker says they know of some games that will soon Be announced that make vitas current problems soon to be distant memory.

My guess? Maybe E3 will have GT, Killzone, and a rachet and clank game. Something dug up and revitalized like Siphon Filter? Maybe something that flexed vitas muscle like a crysis portable?[/QUOTE] Yeah, problem is, those games won't be out for months. Every day, people are getting rid of their Vitas, Sony needs to do something like yesterday.
Spent a few hours on my vita a few days ago, mainly Unit 13 daily challenge. Game surely has some replayability in that form, and I can only imagine what the games will be like once the devs have the system figured out.

I agree the AI is a bit dumb, but finally having a great shooter with great controls in portable form is sweet. I like real buttons, I cannot lie.
[quote name='6er'] I like real buttons, I cannot lie.[/QUOTE]

You other brothers can't deny

That when a thumbstick walks in with an itty bitty waist

And a round thing in your face

You get sprung, wanna pull out your thumb
I wish Near was better seems real cool, but maybe the games just aren't there yet. I will admit that seeing some gift challenge for Katamari made me buy the game (I was gonna get it at some point anyway, but that little hook just got me). The challenge turned out to be super minimal (like 200 candies i think), but I can see where this is going.

I want Dualshock 3 support and TV out for the Vita! I also want an adapter to be able to use PSP Go accessories with the Vita.

For the mean time, give me Dual Shock 3 support with the PSP 2000/3000 models via official firmware since the system is already dying if not dead already.

It would not surprise me if such adapters existed that converted PSP Go accessories to Vita. Just don't want that composite A/V PSP Go cable and PSP Go headset to go to waste.

I want a Vita that has the functions of a PSP Go like a cradle to charge and connect to a television, while being controlled by a Dual Shock 3.
[quote name='JustOneFix']With the PS2, they said hey guys, you can still play PS1 games on your PS2! And it was good.
With the PSP, they said hey guys, you can still play your PS1 games on your PSP! And it was cool.
With the PS3, they said hey guys, you can still play PS1 and PS2 games on your PS3! And it was great.
Then they said... gee... I dunno guys... we don't wanna do this backwards compatibility thing on new PS3s... and it was lame.
Finally, with the Vita, they said hey guys... You know that PSP game you bought on the UNIVERSAL Media Disk? Well... funny story, not only is it not UNIVERSAL and won't work on the Vita, but we're going to charge you $30 to get the identical game in digital form on your Vita. Oh... and we're also going to come out with a brand new totally proprietary memory stick for games as well as making another proprietary memory stick for saving data. We know we could have used microSD cards, but those aren't expensive enough.[/QUOTE]

I love how this story is told!
I want one.. and now I got the money to purchase it... but 40 dollar Vita games just turn me away. Also, I really don't like their proprietary memory sticks. They should have went with SD cards. Allow people to buy cheap memory.. the more memory the more pieces of content I'll buy to fill that memory up.
[quote name='Thomas96']I want one.. and now I got the money to purchase it... but 40 dollar Vita games just turn me away. Also, I really don't like their proprietary memory sticks. They should have went with SD cards. Allow people to buy cheap memory.. the more memory the more pieces of content I'll buy to fill that memory up.[/QUOTE]well E3 is nearly here so just wait for the announcements to come that way you can make the best choice for yourself. New bundles will most likely come with bigger memory or deals for more. As for the $40 prices...I still don't like $60 for PS3 games so I price match or wait for the right sale/deal to get it so what's the difference in waiting for a vita game. Besides since they're already $40 a $10-$15 sale price looks alot bigger.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Woah, the Vita is still around?[/QUOTE]

Yep, just like blu ray which you used to endlessly birch and moan about
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yep, just like blu ray which you used to endlessly birch and moan about[/QUOTE]

There's been practically no games released and the thing is bombing in every territory.

Again, it's still around?

(as for Blu-ray, it's already peaked and currently failed. it's an embarrassment for the studios.)
[quote name='GizmoGC']There's been practically no games released and the thing is bombing in every territory.

Again, it's still around?

(as for Blu-ray, it's already peaked and currently failed. it's an embarrassment for the studios.)[/QUOTE]
This guy is funny. Probably works for JP Morgan investment.
Guess he hasn't heard about 4K. Or the new encoding method that will allow Blu Ray to be relevant during 4K. Or how streaming and US internet capacity will take years to get to the levels to make 4K standard stream throughout the nation("experts" estimate a minimum constant 20 Mbps) . Making disc media revelant to anyone who wants to see movie in 4K and can't get or afford the bandwidth.

Now quick, someone shine a flashlight on this guy.
[quote name='GizmoGC']There's been practically no games released and the thing is. bombing in every territory.

Again, it's still around?

(as for Blu-ray, it's already peaked and currently failed. it's an embarrassment for the studios.)[/QUOTE]

Well I guess its time for you to start the crusade to bring back HD-DVD and the PSP then. Don't worry, we're right behind you. :roll:

Your trolling is uninspired but at least you're keeping it in the bitching thread I suppose.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']
Your trolling is uninspired but at least you're keeping it in the bitching thread I suppose.[/QUOTE]

No, the title does NOT have TROLL anywhere in it.
Ive played through Lumines, Plants Vs Zombies, Stardrone (though I cant beat the last level), enjoyed Hot Shots golf for a while, and have Uncharted and MNR in the backlog while I play through Disgaea 3.

D3 is the perfect game type for the Vita. I pick it up for 20 minutes, grind a little, and put it back down. You can do that with any game. Just put the system in stasis and you're good to do anything else without losing your progress. Since getting the Vita, I havent really played my PS3 that much, and all but completely forgot about the games I played on my phone and laptop.

I'm not big RPG guy on consoles because they normally require scores of hours, and I get bored quickly; however, they are perfect for the Vita. I'll probably buy any halfway decent RPG, or even strategy game for that matter, for the Vita because of the Vita's ability to pause games and put them down for a day. (which is why i loved my PSP).

Love the Vita, it is fantastic.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well I guess its time for you to start the crusade to bring back HD-DVD and the PSP then. Don't worry, we're right behind you. :roll:

Your trolling is uninspired but at least you're keeping it in the bitching thread I suppose.[/QUOTE]

That's the best you can do? Don't be mad that Sony launched another flop.
To me, there's lots of reasons I didn't buy it.

1) Another memory card format. When 32 gb microSDs were $40, the Vita ones were $100.
2) They didn't give us PSP support. Huge library of games I still need to play, and I need to replace my PSP. But since I can't replace my PSP with a Vita, it lost a lot of appeal. Even sending in UMDs for digital code was fine with me.
3) Game sharing lowered to 2. I had two Vitas preordered, then found out I'd have to choose between having a game on the Vita or PSP killed some enthusiasm for me. Again, could have been solved with #2.
4) Bad value with a lot of launch games. Ridge Racer with 3 tracks? Katamari with a dozen levels? Little Deviants? That actually was the last straw. Felt like I'd be paying $700-800 to play expensive demos.

Still haven't bought cause of poor support. Features advertised before launch still don't work, or are barely rolling out. PS1 games, or cross console play, for example.

3G was also a slap in the face.

Only games I'm interested in now are Gravity Rush and Disgaea, so I'm in no hurry.
[quote name='GizmoGC']That's the best you can do? Don't be mad that Sony launched another flop.[/QUOTE]

Stick with your gimmicky, cheaply-made, underpowered 3DS; its more appropriate for your tastes. Oooooo, and its got some Mario and Zelda games on it, in mind-numbing 3D!!! :hot:
I wish the browser was better; I can't acess youtube videos unless I'm doing something wrong.

That being said I don't understand why people are bitching about $40 games when most of the 3DS games are the same price.

I own both the 3DS and Vita and if games were released for both consoles I'd get them for the Vita every single time. The 3D technology on the 3DS is disappointing at best and the lack of a second analog stick is a limiting factor as it pertains to gameplay.

I think most of the people complaining are those that can't swing $250 for a handheld and that's okay.

Also are we forgetting this came out what, 3 months ago? How can you complain about the library of a console that has been out about 100 days. If you can't find a game that interests you that has already been released you must be one of those dorks that only plays handheld games with "Dragon" "Warrior" or "Pokemon" in the title.
[quote name='Enuf']well E3 is nearly here so just wait for the announcements to come that way you can make the best choice for yourself. New bundles will most likely come with bigger memory or deals for more. As for the $40 prices...I still don't like $60 for PS3 games so I price match or wait for the right sale/deal to get it so what's the difference in waiting for a vita game. Besides since they're already $40 a $10-$15 sale price looks alot bigger.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping that some decent deals are announced leading up to, during, or after E3. The system isn't selling so I'm hoping that they'll be aggressive in what deals they announce. Also, Sony needs to do a good job presenting games on the horizon for the Vita. Cause if the Vita part of the E3 presentation is weak, you could turn potential customers away.
[quote name='Thomas96']I'm hoping that some decent deals are announced leading up to, during, or after E3. The system isn't selling so I'm hoping that they'll be aggressive in what deals they announce. Also, Sony needs to do a good job presenting games on the horizon for the Vita. Cause if the Vita part of the E3 presentation is weak, you could turn potential customers away.[/QUOTE]
I'm hopping they're more aggressive with their content offerings.Try recruiting iphone devs,lower prices for download only games and applications.Shit they've got to do something.
[quote name='GBAstar']
I think most of the people complaining are those that can't swing $250 for a handheld and that's okay.

Also are we forgetting this came out what, 3 months ago? How can you complain about the library of a console that has been out about 100 days. If you can't find a game that interests you that has already been released you must be one of those dorks that only plays handheld games with "Dragon" "Warrior" or "Pokemon" in the title.[/QUOTE]

Those 2 reasons right there are the 2 main reasons why I just zone out the Vita trolls now. Mainly because the first is the primary basis for their blind hatred and the second is the ridiculous argument that they always resort to. The lack of games is always cited as either: A) a sign of the Vita's premature death or B) the reason it is teh suxorz... When in reality post launch drought affects EVERY system.

Anyone remember when we were clamoring so badly for a new shooter after Call of Duty 2 on the 360 that the Outfit seemed like it'd be a fun game...? That 360 sure has ended up doing pretty poorly...

How about the fact that the PS3's launch price would be the deathknell for Sony's video game decision? Well, turns out the PS3 is now only about 10% behind 360 in sales...
i love mine and my 3ds. just like i love my ps3 and my 360/wii. my only 2 wishes are more games and ps1 classics/more crossplay support
[quote name='wesdw369']i love mine and my 3ds. just like i love my ps3 and my 360/wii. my only 2 wishes are more games and ps1 classics/more crossplay support[/QUOTE]
Same, I have no preference in my consoles despite owning all the current platforms.
I love my 3ds, but there's not much new to play on it right now. I will get a vita. Probably this year depending on bundles. Right now, there's not enough games I want to play. But, I would bite on a game/memory bundle this year.
[quote name='chimpmeister']Stick with your gimmicky, cheaply-made, underpowered 3DS; its more appropriate for your tastes. Oooooo, and its got some Mario and Zelda games on it, in mind-numbing 3D!!! :hot:[/QUOTE]

Right. Enjoy Uncharted which is run, run, climb, shoot the same 4 enemies, rub the screen, repeat.

I have a Vita (probably unlike you). Thankfully Sony has fanboys like you to help defend every turd it releases.
bread's done