
Well, someone had to make a topic about it. If you're of legal age go out and vote today. As an American it's your most sacred right so go exercise it.

edit: this isn't the proper forum to lavish oral attention on any candidate or issue's genitals, so do NOT f.uck up this thread with such things.
Already did.. 6:30AM when the polls opened. And I've spent the last 2 hours calling everyone I know getting them to the polls. Ohio is probably going to swing this election, and without naming any names, I'm making sure my candidate gets every vote I can get him.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Already did.. 6:30AM when the polls opened. And I've spent the last 2 hours calling everyone I know getting them to the polls. Ohio is probably going to swing this election, and without naming any names, I'm making sure my candidate gets every vote I can get him.[/quote]

I'm in WIsconsin, so we are a swig state too. It's crazy how many times each candidate has been here. This election could be as close as the last one.
just did an hour ago. i feel i did my part by handing out voter registration forms at shows we've thrown and mailing them for the people out of pocket. lets hope something changes with this election- it's imperative. either way it goes, the path to righteousness is important.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']already voted, those machines that I voted with seem to be older then my parents[/quote]

agreed. you'd think living in NYS we'd be top of the line, but i of course am in the rust belt.
[quote name='greendj27'][quote name='Cornfedwb']Already did.. 6:30AM when the polls opened. And I've spent the last 2 hours calling everyone I know getting them to the polls. Ohio is probably going to swing this election, and without naming any names, I'm making sure my candidate gets every vote I can get him.[/quote]

I'm in WIsconsin, so we are a swig state too. It's crazy how many times each candidate has been here. This election could be as close as the last one.[/quote]

Yea I was surprised that both Bush and Kerry were in town last night and this morning.. its odd to think that northeast Ohio could be deciding our next President.
[quote name='EddieBelfour'][quote name='Ikohn4ever']already voted, those machines that I voted with seem to be older then my parents[/quote]

agreed. you'd think living in NYS we'd be top of the line, but i of course am in the rust belt.[/quote]

Well, keep in mind that top of the line for this election are those Diebold piles of crap. You're no doubt better off with whatever you used.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Vote Ackbar![/quote]
I know I would.

I'll be voting, but a coworker of mine refuses to because if you vote you'll get jury duty shortly after. I know I got stuck after the 2000 election.
[quote name='chosen1s']Your sacred duty is to know and understand each candidate's position - and then to vote.[/quote]

Hey, we're not running for Jesus here. Just voting will be sufficient for now. We'll work on voting smart next time.
[quote name='Othergods']I did my part this morning at 7am. I am in FL.[/quote]

Good luck with all THAT.
I think that the whole country should have the day off of work today, that or internet or mail voting, something that doesn't take 2 hours of the day to do, I know a lot of people that won't be able to vote because of work, kids, everything.
[quote name='jmcc'][quote name='chosen1s']Your sacred duty is to know and understand each candidate's position - and then to vote.[/quote]

Hey, we're not running for Jesus here. Just voting will be sufficient for now. We'll work on voting smart next time.[/quote]

I have heard some people say "I would vote for anybody so long as it isn't ****** ". That's shameful. They could be voting for Hitler for all they know and their rationale is "Because he isn't ******".

When the founding fathers were all together fighting over how the Government would be set up, the following comment was made about Democracy - "Democracy doesn't ensure that the people get a good government, it ensures that the people get the govrnment they deserve."

Voting is indeed a sacred privelege - don't misuse it. If you are voting today, please put a smidgeon of effort into finding out where the candidates stand on the issues. There are plenty of huge arguments here in the CAG forums that will pretty much iron those positions out for you so at the very least you know who you are voting for.
Vote Or Die, Vote Or Die!
Puff Daddy: Haven't you heard of my campaign 'Vote or Die'?
Stan: What does that mean, anyway?
[Puff Daddy and his posse pull their guns on Stan]
Puff Daddy: What you think it means!

Puff Daddy "Vote Or Die!"

Vote Or Die, mutha F***, mutha f***, Vote Or Die!

Rock the vote or else
I'm gonna stick a knife through your eye
Democracy is founded on one simple rule
Get out there and vote or I'm a mutha f****** kill you (yeah)

I like it when you vote bitch,
Shake them t***ies when you vote bitch.
I'll shove my jimmy through your mouth roof,
Now get your big ass in the polling booth.

I said vote bitch,
or I'ma gonna mutha f****** kill you

Vote or Die, mutha f***, mutha f***, Vote Or Die

Can't run from a .38, go ahead and try
let your opinion be heard,
you gotta make a choice
Cuz after I slit your throat,
you won't have a f****** voice
I wish we would get the day off too. I mean, I probably won't be able to vote until like 5:30 or later tonight....hopefully not many people in my town are there by then...I guess I'll see.
I early voted last week, and I agree, if you're qualified to vote, it's your right and duty as an American. Get out there and let your voice be heard......
[quote name='chickenhawk']The election has already been decided. The Redskins lost their last home game before election day,[/quote]

Wow, I guess nobody needs to vote now.
I'm at college, and I gotta work at 1 :( , so I'll be driving home afterwards to vote at my elementary school. Sucks I gotta wait all day though. I'm sure there'll be a lot of people, as everyone will be out of work by then. But I'm excited! :D
[quote name='xzafixz']I think that the whole country should have the day off of work today, that or internet or mail voting, something that doesn't take 2 hours of the day to do, I know a lot of people that won't be able to vote because of work, kids, everything.[/quote]

They already do. It's called absentee ballot. You can call, write, or go online and request your ballot be sent to you, then you mail it back, postage prepaid. There's no excuse not to.
Agreed, id rather see a lower vote turnout with less ignorant voters than to know millions of people are voting just because some clown told them to- thats not america for me
[quote name='Doylerulez'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Vote Ackbar![/quote]
I know I would.

I'll be voting, but a coworker of mine refuses to because if you vote you'll get jury duty shortly after. I know I got stuck after the 2000 election.[/quote]

Actually, most states pull jury lists from driver's licenses these days for that very thought.
[quote name='Steve Dave']
vote today

Unless you don't know what you are voting for.

Don't just vote because people say vote.[/quote]

I agree. Unless you follow the race enough to know the candidates fairly well you're just blindly guessing. Many people don't follow politics at all but they should still vote?

It's like your girlfriend watching a football game and cheering for the team with the prettier uniforms........
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='6669']I CANT![/quote]

Me either. :([/quote]

Did women get the vote taken away again?

edit: spelling.
I think if they made election day a holiday you'd just have people go out of town with their day off and not bother to vote. Maybe if they made it a Wednesday, but with it being Tuesday most people would just make it a 4 day weekend.
[quote name='wubb']I think if they made election day a holiday you'd just have people go out of town with their day off and not bother to vote. Maybe if they made it a Wednesday, but with it being Tuesday most people would just make it a 4 day weekend.[/quote]

I completely agree with you, but if they made it a Wednesday, then people would just find a way to abuse that also.
[quote name='Doylerulez'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Vote Ackbar![/quote]
I know I would.

I'll be voting, but a coworker of mine refuses to because if you vote you'll get jury duty shortly after. I know I got stuck after the 2000 election.[/quote]

I've voted in every election, primary, general, dinky 2-prop ballots, since I've turned 18 and have never had jury duty.
I'll be going later, I'm home with my sick boy and don't want to have him wait in that long line with me when he's not feeling well..
I would add an addendum to the topic title:
Educate yourself, Don't Believe the Hype, Read Between the Lines, *then* vote. THere's plenty of BS from all sides to sift through, I'd respect a voter who votes opposite from me, but has valid logical thought out and true reasons to do so, more so than a blindly allegiant voter for any other side.
I'm done trying to get other people to vote. They end up voting Nader or some other wack job.

All the props are nuts and have to be intimidating for a new voter. Throw "when in doubt vote no" out the window now too since they're starting to do the no means yes crap. *pulls hair out*
I'm about to go vote, just got home from school. I live in Kansas though, so it doesn't really matter as far as the presidential race goes.
Props to anyone that actually took the time to do an absentee ballot if they wouldn't be able to vote today.
bread's done