VX8100 Verizon Under $99.99


Interested in purchasing a LG VX8100 under a 2-year contract with verizon as a roll-over customer. So to begin with I am seeing:

$149.99 LG VX8100
-$50.00 mail in rebate

Not bad for a top of the line phone with all the bells and whistles but was curious if there are any other tricks I can use to pull down the price even more? Also, cell phone insurance, I've never bought it any advice?

Thanx for the help.
They released a firmware upgrade a week or so ago that fixed a lot of the initial complaints about the MP3 player, volume, and camera glitches. Sounds like after that the phone is really good for that price. $99 is good, was just wodnering if there were any tricks to get lower.
I think I have this model. It's the one with the gigantic LCD screen, right.

The reception is absolutely horrid. I might as well be speaking out of two cans connected with a string.
I got this phone for free(150-50 MIR - 100 credit for renewal), but the reception was worse than the model it was replacing VX6000.
Ended up returning it and got Motorola e815. Super reception..
Hmm... well $50 sounds even better. I prefer the VX8100 because of the external MP3 controls, text messages on outer screen, easier UI (personal preference), stereo speakers, size/style, and the build quality (I've heard horror stories with some motos including the 710 which the e815 is based on). Do you guys have EVDO?
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