Wait to Buy! HDTVs About To Get Even Cheaper


25 (100%)
Not sure if this has been posted yet but here goes:
Credits to Slickdealz

Wait on buying your TV. Fresh off a round of price-cuts barely two months old, Mitsubishi, Sharp, Panasonic and Samsung will drop prices on their sets by as much as $400 in the coming weeks.

With too much inventory and not enough demand, the HDTV makers are cutting prices yet again to clear out stock. After these guys finish slashing, you can expect other bigwigs like Pioneer, LG and Sony to follow suit. So before you shell out for that sweet new LCD or plasma set, make sure you're not overpaying and check out the chart of everything we know so far. Link Gizmodo

I really wanted to buy my first lcd hdtv within the month but I guess I'll have to wait a couple more months to save some money. Also a new laser tv that is more cost efficient in producing but better in quality than plasma or lcd will be produced by Q3 of 2008, so expect a price drop again. Hopefully this will be right before Black Friday for even MORE savings.
This potential price drop info was posted on Gizmondo back in May, but never came to fruition. I really hope something comes of this. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long.

Guys, there is one important rule about buying technology: by the time the price gets low enough for you to buy it and consider it a "bargain", there are already new models with new features that you "absolutely must have" and you begin the price-drop watch all over again.

If you want an HDTV now, buy one now and then pricematch...most places will give you 30 days worth of price adjustment now. While stock may be piling up, there is a little thing called inflation that is rearing its ugly head...which means after you factor in how much your money is worth these days versus the money you'd save by waiting another 3-4 weeks, in the end economically you might wind up at exactly the same point.

Remember, what we crave is PERCEIVED value...not ACTUAL value :)

So long as we THINK its a good deal, we go home happy...and between the hours of birth and death, really, what else are we doing to do with ourselves!? SHOP NOW!
My perception is always that buying it now is better than waiting for a little bit of savings. Even ignoring the fact that I could literally die at any moment, I would rather have the item now and enjoy it during those weeks/months/years that I would have otherwise been waiting for something slightly better or cheaper.
[quote name='Zing']My perception is always that buying it now is better than waiting for a little bit of savings. Even ignoring the fact that I could literally die at any moment, I would rather have the item now and enjoy it during those weeks/months/years that I would have otherwise been waiting for something slightly better or cheaper.[/quote]

Quite a philosophy you have there. Very interesting..
Quite simply: time is money. You either waste time not having the item and save some money, or you spend a little more money and get more time out of it.
This is akin to the endless conversations that always break out whenever there is a price cut on a console. There is always some agreived party who bought his unit just a few months ago and feels riped off. This is just plain grass is greener syndrome and general whininess.

Whenever this sort of bitchfest would break out, I'd ask the question: How much have you used your TurboStation 4.5 in the time you've had it? If the answer were, as it most often was, quite a lot, I'd then ask what it would have cost to have rented the hardware for that period of time before the price cut. This number was going to be substantially more than the price cut and likely more than the purchase price of the machine. Those the purchaser lack any basis for complaint. Someone buying after the price cut didn't pay as much but neither they enjoy the use of the game system.

Sometimes the answer would be that the machine had seen little to no use, in which case the purchase was questionable at both the old or new price. I used to buy nearly every new platform at launch with a single game to tide me over until the early releases started getting marked down. For the most part this was a real waste of money since I got so little use from those machines until months later. The main motivation was the allure of the new but I tried to excuse it on the basis that there was usually some money in having first hand knowledge of the new machine when writing. That attempt at mitigation would have held more water if my primary writing income was not on subjects other than video games.

There is always a price reduction, sooner or later, coming on any major bit of digital electronics gear. The question is when it falls into your price range.
As a last minute hold-out on the whole HDTV thing, I'm simply gonna wait until Black Friday. They had some fantastic deals last year, and with any price drop in the future (and the fascist mandate of mandatory DTV broadcasting in Feb next year), this year's black Friday should be a great time to buy.
[quote name='Zing']Quite simply: time is money. You either waste time not having the item and save some money, or you spend a little more money and get more time out of it.[/quote]

Yes. As others have said, if you keep waiting for new tech you will never have anything, only waiting.

The only time stuff like this matters is when something very specific is announced, like a possible console or mp3 player price drop. Otherwise, act as you normally would.
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