Wal-Mart will accept Video Game Trade-Ins starting March 26

I wasn't the guy, but there's a huge difference between showing your driver's license and having them scan it for their files.

Also, police =/= Walmart/corporations, what a ridiculous comparison to make. Seriously, don't rag on the guy just because he has issues. giving up his personal info to retailers

There was some guy in here yesterday saying that he never trades in games ever because he has to show his driver's license. I don't even think he drives a car because he might get pulled over the police and then he'll be forced to show it to them.

For those who are scared of a sudden change in offer price when they mail them in, try calling Cexchange and ask them about their policy about locked in prices for video games. If enough people get the same reply that it just has to be postmarked within 7 days then it can be pretty safe to assume that our values won't be changed suddenly when mailing them in.
emailed and they said you're eligible for the offer given when you created the order

I just got paid for my 3 copies of Ni No Kuni!! No problem no issues at all. $140.76 on an e-gift card!

Edit: Just to clarify, I sent in 3 brand new, opened copies of Ni No Kuni. All 3 were the Greatest Hits version with the red case. My trade in was recieved yesterday at 2:08 PM central time, and my gift card was sent this morning at 8:08 AM central time.
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Awesome! How many days did it take after they sent you an email about receiving your games?
I got the email that it was recieved yesterday afternoon and I got the Gift card email this morning.

Sorry, added a little more detail to my first post.
Yup. Just came to post another success story as well.  Sent in an order that had 3x Ni No Kuni (all greatest hits version, all still sealed too) and got credited the full amount without issue.  Items were received yesterday and processed/paid out today.  Good stuff...

hmm, I have another earlier ni no kuni order sitting at a TIV of 38.60 that I replaced with a new order when they TIV went up. Got paid for the higher TIV today, so I'd be a fool not to submit the earlier trade considering it's the last day to ship today !!

hmm, I have another earlier ni no kuni order sitting at a TIV of 38.60 that I replaced with a new order when they TIV went up. Got paid for the higher TIV today, so I'd be a fool not to submit the earlier trade considering it's the last day to ship today !!
And even better, I can buy from Walmart using todays gift receipt to sell back to walmart for a profit.

I found a very small flip. Best Buy DOTD 360 Batman Origins is $20 with GCU $16. It trades for $23.10
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I just received my $30.80 gift card from trading in call of duty ghosts for ps3 on the 21st! Looks like Wal-Mart is a legitimate place to trade in now! lol


I sent my Ni No Kuni in on Monday, they confirmed they received it Tuesday, and i haven't heard anything since.

Looks like everyone else is getting it processed faster.  Should I be worried?

Do they just send an e-mail with a link to the eGift Card? I noticed my Order Status says "Paid", but I have yet to receive an e-mail.

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Do they just send an e-mail with a link to the eGift Card? I noticed my Order Status says "Paid", but I have yet to receive an e-mail.
Yeah its an email that has a link to the card. Then you enter your email address to verify.

Email subject line: "Thank you for trading in your items (payment included)"
Yeah its an email that has a link to the card. Then you enter your email address to verify.

Email subject line: "Thank you for trading in your items (payment included)"
Thanks! That's what I figured. I'll just have to be patient and keep an eye out for the e-mail.


I sent my Ni No Kuni in on Monday, they confirmed they received it Tuesday, and i haven't heard anything since.

Looks like everyone else is getting it processed faster. Should I be worried?
I'm sure yours is going to get paid too. I don't really understand the order in which they process. How many total games did you send in? I wonder if they bump smaller trades to the front of the line.
Walmart should have had a 1 copy per customer restriction on this things. The abuse on flipping some people are doing is disgusting. Not because your ripping walmart off but because you will eventually kill the program for other people. No shame. Im fine with 1 even 3 per person but 10 to 20. Really guys?
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Walmart should have had a 1 copy per customer restriction on this things. The abuse on flipping some people are doing is disgusting. Not because your ripping walmart off but because you will eventually kill the program for other people. No shame.
1. Walmart is trying to build a business for used products. The more they have the better for them.

2. Other stores allow multiple trades, if Walmart limits it to one than they are losing. They need to match or be better than other stores.

3. A bunch of people trading in 1 copy per game isn't much better. Either way TIV's will drop due to so many people trading in the same game. Be quick about trades and that won't happen to you.

4. Just as buying a game for dirt cheap is a deal, so is trading in games. You don't think getting a new release game for half off is disgusting, so why should trading in games be any different. Both is a way to save / make money.

5. The program will not die just b/c people trade in games. Walmart expects this and wants it to happen. They can lose some money on these deals cause in the long run they will have an overstock of cheap used games that will eventually (let's hope not) ruin any other stores used game sales.

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5. That's just stupid. Of course they don't want it to happen. They may not mind 10000 people trading in one or two copies each because they want people to test out the site. But they certainly don't expect or want one person trading in 19 copies.
Tell Walmart, not us.

Honestly, Walmart shouldn't have offered to pay $47 for a game that is currently sitting on their shelves for $20.
Nope but I'm glad they did! Was never gonna play my copy.

Still sending in 19 copies is really bottom feeding.
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I got the gift card for the 3 copies I sent in as well as some other games (not flips, just old games I was never going to play again like Wii Play). It's nice to see the e-gift card can be used in store.

hmm, I have another earlier ni no kuni order sitting at a TIV of 38.60 that I replaced with a new order when they TIV went up. Got paid for the higher TIV today, so I'd be a fool not to submit the earlier trade considering it's the last day to ship today !!
That's a really good idea. I'm considering doing the same thing. The only thing that concerns me is it says

"In order to receive the full quoted value for your trade-in, your items must be postmarked within 7 days of the original quote."

I submitted the $38.60 trade last Friday March 21st. If they count the day submitted as a trade as day 1 then yesterday might have been the last day to send it in.

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1. Walmart is trying to build a business for used products. The more they have the better for them.

2. Other stores allow multiple trades, if Walmart limits it to one than they are losing. They need to match or be better than other stores.

3. A bunch of people trading in 1 copy per game isn't much better. Either way TIV's will drop due to so many people trading in the same game. Be quick about trades and that won't happen to you.

4. Just as buying a game for dirt cheap is a deal, so is trading in games. You don't think getting a new release game for half off is disgusting, so why should trading in games be any different. Both is a way to save / make money.

5. The program will not die just b/c people trade in games. Walmart expects this and wants it to happen. They can lose some money on these deals cause in the long run they will have an overstock of cheap used games that will eventually (let's hope not) ruin any other stores used game sales.
2. I feel as though they should have started with 1 copy, then based on feedback and success of the program, bump it up accordingly. Their primary business isn't buying and reselling electronics - all they want to do is horn in on Best Buy, Amazon and Gamestop's territory. As long as WM gets a piece of the trade-in pie, WM is content. And hey, if Gamestop or Best Buy were to be impacted negatively in some way (read: Gamestop shuts down lol), that's even moar win.

3. People trading in 1 copy keeps the value floating. If 100 people traded in 1 copy of GoW, the value would hold. If 100 people traded in...5+ copies each of GoW, the value would plummet. It would be a red flag, and the supply/demand would fluctuate so that supply is way more than the demand. Granted, the sample size is way bigger than 100 people, but my statement still stands.

I'm not sure how WM came up with the prices for NNK and GoW, but it would have been sad if it was the result from a group of "experts."

I hear sirens, the morality police have arrived. Or as I like to call them the sour pusses...
People really don't see anything wrong with trading in 5+ copies at a time? Especially if their only logic is "Wal-mart deserves this" or "Wal-mart can handle this loss?"

They should just beat BB and go for 4 copies of the same game, of the same system, in a one-year period or whatever it is now. Walmart wins through and through.

Walmart should have had a 1 copy per customer restriction on this things. The abuse on flipping some people are doing is disgusting. Not because your ripping walmart off but because you will eventually kill the program for other people. No shame. Im fine with 1 even 3 per person but 10 to 20. Really guys?
I did two orders of 19 each on GoW3 because that nets about $400 in Wal-Mart money. we shop there regularly and that is a month of groceries for my family (4 kids 4 and under). Do I get a pass since I'm feeding children? lol We'll see if I get paid...

bread's done