Walmart will no longer take ANY returns without receipt in 2009

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Not even in the least all. Stores like GameStop and Blockbuster take trade-ins. It is part of their business model. They don't care where you got the game or much you paid for it. They give you a set price for it, one they think they can still make a sizeable profit after paying. That's not the same as buying something somewhere for cheap, taking it to another store, and saying you bought it there, so you can get more money for it. That's called fraud.[/QUOTE]


if they don't care where you got the game than why do they ban accounts for trading habits?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol::lol::lol:

HAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the laugh anyway. But what the teachers here deserve is a swift kick in the ass to get them out the fuckin' door before they DIE on the job. Then again, I'd wanna stay at a job where I can take as many coffee breaks as I want during the day, while pretending to go get tests and quizzes ready AND get paid well to do it AND get my friggin' health insurance fully paid for while the parents of the students I'm teaching have to do without other things to eek by and afford insurance since their jobs don't hand them every motherfuckin' thing.

So again, thanks for the laughs, but.....I'm just gonna stop there before I say what I REALLY feel.[/quote]

You are really woefully uneducated on the education of young people in this country.... But lets stick to the monetary... practically anyone that works for most states in this country and also the federal government get much better coverage than most people in the private sector... Second in most districts Teachers are at best paid market value you must realize alot of
teachers teaching your kids to count read write act civilized (cause lord knows it's not being done at home) hold masters degrees and specialize in your child's age group at the time and should be paid accordingly....Also you must have not been in a school ever because these teachers have to watch these kids like Hawks 24/7 and usually get rushed breaks at best...And if you know anything you know that most teachers prepare lessons on their own time also all those books in the classrooms and decorations you see well I would say 90% of that is out of their pocket.. And those poor parents are more than welcome to send their kids to a good private school ,oh wait they can't afford that can they so they are educating their children for a fraction of what a private school would cost.And still in most districts in this country a good education can be had with parental involvement.... I know this is off topic but it's hard to believe their is thought process about our educators out there with no parental accountability.... So maybe next we would like the salaries cut of our men and women in the armed forces or how about cops and firefighters....I am stepping off my soapbox and going to return some items to Wal Mart
[quote name='Birakon']WRONG.

if they don't care where you got the game than why do they ban accounts for trading habits?[/quote]


One, capitalizing words does not help make your point. Two, they ban accounts, because they don't want resellers dumping a lot of crap on them. Again, it's all about profitability of their trading business. It still has little in common with committing fraud, which is what you're doing if you buy something for $10 at Toys R Us, run over to Walmart, and get a $60 giftcard for it, because you lie to the employee, say you bought the game there, and simply lost your receipt.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']:roll:

One, capitalizing words does not help make your point. Two, they ban accounts, because they don't want resellers dumping a lot of crap on them. Again, it's all about profitability of their trading business. It still has little in common with committing fraud, which is what you're doing if you buy something for $10 at Toys R Us, run over to Walmart, and get a $60 giftcard for it, because you lie to the employee, say you bought the game there, and simply lost your receipt.[/quote]

Exactly. I don't understand why people insist on justifying this practice of returning merchandise to a store you didn't buy it from, but condemn those who are taking advantage of the intended use of a trading system.

Returning items to Walmart without buying them from there is a breach of their agreement. Trading games into Gamestop... even ones that you've bought from Gamestop, is not a breach of their agreement.
[quote name='GuardianE']Exactly. I don't understand why people insist on justifying this practice of returning merchandise to a store you didn't buy it from, but condemn those who are taking advantage of the intended use of a trading system.

Returning items to Walmart without buying them from there is a breach of their agreement. Trading games into Gamestop... even ones that you've bought from Gamestop, is not a breach of their agreement.[/quote]Plus, GS has it very clearly that they don't want the business from dealers/resellers, so as long as you play nicely, they tend not to care. And with all retail stores, they have a right to refuse service whenever they want.
[quote name='shrike4242']Plus, GS has it very clearly that they don't want the business from dealers/resellers, so as long as you play nicely, they tend not to care. And with all retail stores, they have a right to refuse service whenever they want.[/quote]

Exactly. I meant to add that, as well, because I'm sure that was the point he was trying to make. GS can ban you for acts that are not illegal or dishonest. They don't want to deal with dealers and resellers. Simple as that. Nothing illegal about being a reseller. GS just doesn't want your business.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']:roll:

One, capitalizing words does not help make your point. Two, they ban accounts, because they don't want resellers dumping a lot of crap on them. Again, it's all about profitability of their trading business. It still has little in common with committing fraud, which is what you're doing if you buy something for $10 at Toys R Us, run over to Walmart, and get a $60 giftcard for it, because you lie to the employee, say you bought the game there, and simply lost your receipt.[/QUOTE]

No I don't. all I say (only done it once, but either way) is "I got this as a gift and don't have a receipt"

I wasn't lying, I did get the game as a gift, thought it most certainly wasn't from walmart, I never claimed to have gotten it from there.

either way, flipping and doing this (I don't do either) is practically the same thing, and everyone who is for one and against another is a hypocrite.
[quote name='Birakon']No I don't. all I say (only done it once, but either way) is "I got this as a gift and don't have a receipt"

I wasn't lying, I did get the game as a gift, thought it most certainly wasn't from walmart, I never claimed to have gotten it from there.

either way, flipping and doing this (I don't do either) is practically the same thing, and everyone who is for one and against another is a hypocrite.[/quote]

how about you try that again...

"I got this as a gift and don't have a receipt because I don't think it was purchased here"

Let's see how freaking far you get with that one.

And Flipping because the internal business can't competely match each other is perfectly good business.

Return fraud is completely lieing and stealing.

Please go to and look up the word hypocrite to really know what the hell you're talking about, and how it's so wrong.
Exactly. Go into the store and say, "I didn't get this here, nor do I think it even came from here." See how far you get. Even if you aren't directly lying, it's still a lie of omission. The assumption is, "This item was bought at Walmart by someone." You know full well that isn't the truth. It's fraud.

And as a number of people, just not me, have already pointed out, fraud and flipping are not the same. How thick are you? Here, let me explain...again. Is it legal for me to buy an item and sell it to you? Yes, yes, it is. As long as I legally obtained said item, I can do basically whatever I want with it. I can sell it to you...I can run it up a flagpole...I can stick it in my microwave...whatever my little heart desires. I can even take it to GameStop and trade it in to them. Again, that is part of their business. It's the same, exact thing as a selling an item. Walmart, though, is not in the business of taking trade-ins. Their policy is there to assist people who legitimately lost their receipts. Not conmen.
[quote name='Commander0Zero'] practically anyone that works for most states in this country and also the federal government get much better coverage than most people in the private sector...[/quote]

And for what, are you saying that the people toiling away in the warehouses, retail shops and every other job in this country aren't worth as much as or as valuable as teachers? That's a deluded viewpoint, if I've ever seen one. Teachers and their defenders give themselves WAYYYYYYY too much credit.

Teachers are at best paid market value you must realize alot of
teachers teaching your kids to count read write act civilized (cause lord knows it's not being done at home) hold masters degrees and specialize in your child's age group at the time and should be paid accordingly

Good for them, but did any of us tell them to go to school and get supposed master's degrees and all? No, we did not. Much like any other service industry, they should be paid accordingly as you say. But they should be held accountable and evaluated to determine how effective their teaching methods are. THAT should be how raises and benefits are determined, not because their UNION demands it from the taxpayers in a district.

If they have a high failure rate of kids in their class, then they should be FIRED and not given one red cent in severance. If you were screwing up at your job, do you think you would get such consideration? I sincerely doubt it.

Also you must have not been in a school ever because these teachers have to watch these kids like Hawks 24/7 and usually get rushed breaks at best.

When I was in school(from the 1980's up until 1993 when I graduated from high school), the teachers in this district would disappear for 20-30 minutes PER CLASS with just the day's newspaper and come back with a cup of coffee from the teacher's lounge. This was after giving us the assignment for the day and telling us to 'read chapter 2 through 5 and answer the questions at the end of each'.

So, if you call THAT teaching(again, I say that ANY chimp can go 'read chapters 2-5 and answer the questions at the end of each'), then you are truly deluded and need to step down off that soapbox for some fresh air.
Went to WM today asked about the policy changing and they said they had not heard about it. Returned some Star Wars guys (with expired receipt -Which is the same as a receiptless return to them) today for store credit.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
When I was in school(from the 1980's up until 1993 when I graduated from high school), the teachers in this district would disappear for 20-30 minutes PER CLASS with just the day's newspaper and come back with a cup of coffee from the teacher's lounge. This was after giving us the assignment for the day and telling us to 'read chapter 2 through 5 and answer the questions at the end of each'.

So, if you call THAT teaching(again, I say that ANY chimp can go 'read chapters 2-5 and answer the questions at the end of each'), then you are truly deluded and need to step down off that soapbox for some fresh air.[/quote]

Generalize much? That my friend is an issue that any school board worth its salt would have dealt with. I never saw teachers in my rural high school do this, but we have a good school district. I have a hard time believing this goes on anywhere where there is even basic accountability.
[quote name='turls']Generalize much? That my friend is an issue that any school board worth its salt would have dealt with. I never saw teachers in my rural high school do this, but we have a good school district. I have a hard time believing this goes on anywhere where there is even basic accountability.[/quote]

That's the thing though, as the local school board has its relatives getting on the payroll, so their idea of accountability is making sure their cousins and uncles and so on get a job with the district.

Apologies to the OP and all for taking the thread off topic.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Exactly. Go into the store and say, "I didn't get this here, nor do I think it even came from here." See how far you get. Even if you aren't directly lying, it's still a lie of omission. The assumption is, "This item was bought at Walmart by someone." You know full well that isn't the truth. It's fraud.

And as a number of people, just not me, have already pointed out, fraud and flipping are not the same. How thick are you? Here, let me explain...again. Is it legal for me to buy an item and sell it to you? Yes, yes, it is. As long as I legally obtained said item, I can do basically whatever I want with it. I can sell it to you...I can run it up a flagpole...I can stick it in my microwave...whatever my little heart desires. I can even take it to GameStop and trade it in to them. Again, that is part of their business. It's the same, exact thing as a selling an item. Walmart, though, is not in the business of taking trade-ins. Their policy is there to assist people who legitimately lost their receipts. Not conmen.[/QUOTE]

think what you want, but I know I am right, you just won't admit it because you wish to keep flipping.
Why are you guys still arguing about whether return fraud is on par with flipping games. Obviously, some people want to be crazy about this so just let them be crazy.
[quote name='Birakon']think what you want, but I know I am right, you just won't admit it because you wish to keep flipping.[/quote]

LOL...when you were a kid (probably still are), did you always take your ball and go home when you lost? I completely destroyed your opinion, and you did nothing but say, "I'm right, and you're wrong."

[quote name='slowdive21']^^^ Both could be argued as morally wrong. We should just leave it at that. In theory, both harm consumers.[/quote]

Not at all. There is zero morally wrong with buying something low and selling it high. That's how a lot of wealth in this nation was amassed.

The really funny thing is, I've flipped very few things. Probably a dozen or so games. But the reality is, there isn't anything wrong with it, whether you flip 12 games or a 120 games. GS wants the games. They don't care where you got them, as long as you didn't steal them, and you don't try to flood them with crap all at once.
Birakon is a giant dumbass. But I like his defense. I'll use it if I ever murder someone. "I found this dead body." I hope they don't ask me if I was the one who killed them. :pray:
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']

Not at all. There is zero morally wrong with buying something low and selling it high. That's how a lot of wealth in this nation was amassed.

Yes and we all know the wealth in this country was acquired by completely ethical means, like slavery for one or slaughtering Native Americans. :roll:

Or by short selling/artificially inflating stock prices.

By flipping games you are taking away opportunities from other CAGs/consumers in your area to purchase the same game at the same price. Rorschach would agree with me. :)
This news is pretty terrible. Since I only had a couple days left before 2009, I went around to random K-Mart's and Target's buying clearance games and returning them to Wal-Mart. I have about $21,600 in Wal-Mart gift cards now.. no idea what to do with them though. Does anyone want to buy a Wal-Mart gift card?
There is no sign in both Walmart near me about this change. I really don't mind this going away but I have used it twice this year(2 sealed games I got from goozex). I dont see why people are so pissed off about people flipping games to Walmart, Walmart limits you to 3 returns w/o receipt within a revolving 6 month period so how can you abuse something that is limited.
^^^I can give you a $4,000 GS gift card for it...since that is all they gave me for the trade ins for the same exact games, but now you guys can buy them at double what they gave me for them. I could have left some at the store for you to buy, but a guy has to make a buck (I literally made $1 per game). I feel no remorse and I am happy you all have to pay more for them. I am living the american dream.

This is sarcasm.
[quote name='PhrostByte']This news is pretty terrible. Since I only had a couple days left before 2009, I went around to random K-Mart's and Target's buying clearance games and returning them to Wal-Mart. I have about $21,600 in Wal-Mart gift cards now.. no idea what to do with them though. Does anyone want to buy a Wal-Mart gift card?[/quote]

^^^I can give you a $4,000 GS gift card for it...since that is all they gave me for the trade ins for the same exact games, but now you guys can buy them at double what they gave me for them. I could have left some at the store for you to buy, but a guy has to make a buck (I literally made $1 per game). I feel no remorse and I am happy you all have to pay more for them. I am living the american dream.

This is sarcasm.

[quote name='slowdive21']Yes and we all know the wealth in this country was acquired by completely ethical means, like slavery for one or slaughtering Native Americans. :roll:

Or by short selling/artificially inflating stock prices.

By flipping games you are taking away opportunities from other CAGs/consumers in your area to purchase the same game at the same price. Rorschach would agree with me. :)[/quote]

Your argument is that you're buying games that people otherwise would've bought. The thing is that they're clearance games that aren't selling. The business that sells them is happy that someone came in and bought games. GS or Blockbuster is happy because they have more used games to sell at outrageous profit. The flipper is happy because he gets games for less than he would've normally paid for.

So with your view point, I shouldn't snap up a bunch of stocks and sell them for a profit at a later date just because I'm buying up all the stocks and no one else can. News flash. It's not like I'm going into the store before it opens. You have the same opportunities to get the games that we all do. Quit whining and start hustling.
I am not whining, I am just explaining how a flipper's actions can be morally wrong...That was the argument you guys were bickering about in the thread. I am looking at both sides of the issue as the devil's advocate.

The 'stocks statement' was an example of immoral tactics used to acquire wealth in the US and was mentioned to discredit BDB's argument that capitalism (in this case-flipping games) does not affect morality.

So with your view point, I shouldn't snap up a bunch of stocks and sell them for a profit at a later date just because I'm buying up all the stocks and no one else can. News flash. It's not like I'm going into the store before it opens. You have the same opportunities to get the games that we all do. Quit whining and start hustling.

Stocks are a different story. There are several reasons why they do not apply to the flipping argument, but the most important one is: Stock prices will not vary in price for the same time period. Two copies of Lair can coexist for $12.98 at Target and $29.99 at GS at the same time.

As far as the same opportunities to purchase at the store statement, you are assuming that someone who share's your morals is making the purchase. If the other person is mindful of the opportunity cost of their actions to others, there would be extra copies of the game left for others.
Stock prices can vary. You can sell a stock for whatever price you want. It doesn't have to be the price that's on the ticker. That's why it changes over the course of the day. It's not telling you what it should trade at, it's telling you what it has traded at.
[quote name='slowdive21']Yes and we all know the wealth in this country was acquired by completely ethical means, like slavery for one or slaughtering Native Americans. :roll:

Or by short selling/artificially inflating stock prices.

By flipping games you are taking away opportunities from other CAGs/consumers in your area to purchase the same game at the same price. Rorschach would agree with me. :)[/quote]

:roll: I really hope you aren't serious...

I hate when people bring up slavery and the treatment of Native Americans. Guess what? If you live in America, you benefited from what happened here in the past, good or bad. The blood is on all of our hands, as along as we stay here and reap the benefits of the nation. If you honestly feel that bad about it, move somewhere else. Though...good luck finding a nation that hasn't benefited from segregation and/or genocide.

The fact that people do illegal or immoral things in the pursuit of wealth does not make the pursuit of wealth itself illegal or immoral. People can do bad things in the name of justice. Does that make justice illegal or immoral? Obviously not. There is absolutely, positively nothing wrong with me buying something for $10 and selling it to someone who wants to pay $50. There is something inherently wrong with me buying something for $10, bringing to a store that I know for a fact it wasn't purchased, and returning it for a profit. It's called lying, or at the very least, the omission of truth.

Who cares why someone bought the game before you got it to it? Does it matter if I bought it to sell to someone or if I bought it to play it? Either way, when you get to the store, the game is gone. You'll never know why, so who cares?
^^^I am not supporting the return to WM to profit theory either. I was merely stating that both practices are immoral to stop the chatter. To me if you take away an opportunity from another gamer for your own profit, it is immoral. Since morals vary by individuals there is no right and wrong answer, but if you base morality on social morals, then depriving a person of anything for your own gain is immoral.
[quote name='slowdive21']^^^I am not supporting the return to WM to profit theory either. I was merely stating that both practices are immoral to stop the chatter. To me if you take away an opportunity from another gamer for your own profit, it is immoral. Since morals vary by individuals there is no right and wrong answer, but if you base morality on social morals, then depriving a person of anything for your own gain is immoral.[/quote]

Though morality is not absolute, it can still be objective. Not everything is based on one's own morality. There are certain actions that either right or wrong in just about every situation. Again, you'll be hard-pressed to find more than a handful of philosophers (outside of socialist thinkers, and we all see how well heavy-handed socialism has worked out) who would argue that the buying and selling of goods to be immoral. That's how economies work. That's how the world flourished. Without it, we'd all be still sitting in our own little corners of the planet.

Also, you keep saying "for your own profit." Isn't buying a game so I can play it also for my own profit? I'm getting something out of it, and you aren't. Like I said, if I buy it before you, you don't get it, whether I plan on selling it or keeping it. Either way, you aren't getting the game for the price I found it at. Nothing immoral about it at all. I just found it first.
^^^I would agree to an extent if it were a single copy of a game and it was being played/consumed by the 'flipper'. If it is multiple copies or if it was purchased only to profit financially I still stick with my argument. I guess my biggest problem with it is people who can not afford a game at $30 from GS, could otherwise afford it from a clearance rack for $12.98, and miss out on an experience because someone swept up all the cheap copies. Or on the other end the flipper is raising the price for the next person who is in the market for the game (by turning it in to GS).

As far as socialism goes, the US, although it is a capitalist economy still has elements of socialism within its government (social security being the most glaring example). I am not against buying and selling goods, but in a sense it is price fixing an item in a specific geographic area. The price is being artificially inflated by the flipper and GS and both are being fueled by greed.
[quote name='slowdive21']I guess my biggest problem with it is people who can not afford a game at $30 from GS, could otherwise afford it from a clearance rack for $12.98, and miss out on an experience because someone swept up all the cheap copies.[/quote]

If someone cannot afford a $30 game, they should probably stop buying games and focus on other things.

As far as socialism goes, the US, although it is a capitalist economy still has elements of socialism within its government (social security being the most glaring example).
Which is why I said "heavy-handed" socialism, as in a state that is clearly socialist in nature. Socialism has clearly had an effect on America.
They are both from the Watchmen movie...Rorschach was my first choice, but he was already taken. Immoral sonofva...:lol: He's probably going to try to sell it to me for a huge profit too!
[quote name='slowdive21']^^^I would agree to an extent if it were a single copy of a game and it was being played/consumed by the 'flipper'. If it is multiple copies or if it was purchased only to profit financially I still stick with my argument. I guess my biggest problem with it is people who can not afford a game at $30 from GS, could otherwise afford it from a clearance rack for $12.98, and miss out on an experience because someone swept up all the cheap copies. Or on the other end the flipper is raising the price for the next person who is in the market for the game (by turning it in to GS).[/quote]

I agree with this also, but if GS gets flooded then the price should drop to a lower equilibrium price. (Simple arbitrage, but then again we are talking about GS...)
I see where you're coming from slowdive but it still isn't on par with returning a game to a store that it wasn't bought to. The simple difference is at Wal-Mart people are going in saying it's a return. At Blockbuster/GS, people are trading in games. There's no fraud.

As for morality, what if I'm using my profit to pay child support? What if the profit is going to pay medical bills that are piling up? Should I go into foreclosure just so you have the opportunity to play a game? You could say go get a job but good paying jobs are scarse.

Many of us have taken second and third jobs over the past couple months just to make ends meet. Flipping video games is an easy way to afford some games without breaking the bank. The money I save by flipping means I can still game and pay my bills. You can't say that all flippers are morally bankrupt.
[quote name='nojon']Picked up Guitar hero Aerosmith PS3 bundle for $25 last night and took it back to wallmart for $80[/quote]

^ Originally posted in the Target clearance thread. I just thought it was more appropriate in this thread.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']If someone cannot afford a $30 game, they should probably stop buying games and focus on other things.[/quote]

It's not so much that people cannot afford a $30 game, it's just that they may be someone like ME who doesn't want to pay $30 for a game when they know they can get one for $5-10 in just 5-6 months time when stores clear them out.

However, since the normal shoppers and hoarders clean out my local stores, I've had to resort to the hiding of clearance games to actually afford myself a chance to buy them once they drop to where I want to pick them up at.

Is it immoral and selfish? Yes it is, but otherwise I would not WANT to buy said game if I had to pay over what I personally want to pay.

Thanks to my own diligence and being a member of CAG for the past three years, I have paid full retail for only a handful of titles. If I had it my way, I would have discovered the clearance schedules of each store chain alot sooner and never paid full retail for anything. Paying full retail for most anything, aside from necessities, is ludicrous to me.
[quote name='emg28']^ Originally posted in the Target clearance thread. I just thought it was more appropriate in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Wonder how that got pulled off considering most WM's dont take back anything over 50.00 w/o a receipt?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It's not so much that people cannot afford a $30 game, it's just that they may be someone like ME who doesn't want to pay $30 for a game when they know they can get one for $5-10 in just 5-6 months time when stores clear them out.

However, since the normal shoppers and hoarders clean out my local stores, I've had to resort to the hiding of clearance games to actually afford myself a chance to buy them once they drop to where I want to pick them up at.

Is it immoral and selfish? Yes it is, but otherwise I would not WANT to buy said game if I had to pay over what I personally want to pay.

Thanks to my own diligence and being a member of CAG for the past three years, I have paid full retail for only a handful of titles. If I had it my way, I would have discovered the clearance schedules of each store chain alot sooner and never paid full retail for anything. Paying full retail for most anything, aside from necessities, is ludicrous to me.[/QUOTE]

I know you wont care but I gotta say its a dick move to hide a game you want till it hits a price you can "afford" or "willing to pay".
[quote name='oasisboy']Hopefully, Wal-Mart will be able to provide cheaper benefits (medical, dental, etc) to their employees.[/QUOTE]


Sorry, done.
The benefits have gotten better every year, but my Wifes insurance makes me a very sad panda. If it wasn't so expensive to add me I would have been on it years ago. But luckily I rarely get sick so I'm not all too concerned. Maybe when I get older.

We do get a bonus every quarter now as opposed to once a year, so I am getting more money in my pocket but I'm sure they are compensating somewhere else :p Oh yeah they did, no more 90 day raises for new employees. It's now once a year.

Regardless, this is great news because I got tired of all the people trying to return stolen shit. This will probably increase local pawn shop business. So, for once Wal-Mart isn't killing every little store :p
[quote name='depascal22']I see where you're coming from slowdive but it still isn't on par with returning a game to a store that it wasn't bought to. The simple difference is at Wal-Mart people are going in saying it's a return. At Blockbuster/GS, people are trading in games. There's no fraud. [/QUOTE]

I agree completely.

As for morality, what if I'm using my profit to pay child support? What if the profit is going to pay medical bills that are piling up? Should I go into foreclosure just so you have the opportunity to play a game? You could say go get a job but good paying jobs are scarse.

Many of us have taken second and third jobs over the past couple months just to make ends meet. Flipping video games is an easy way to afford some games without breaking the bank. The money I save by flipping means I can still game and pay my bills. You can't say that all flippers are morally bankrupt.

The same justification can also be extended to the WM 'returners'. I do not believe either party is 'morally bankrupt'...I was only stating that both actions are immoral.

And we are full circle. Thanks to all who participated and everyone who avoided using words like pwned and noob.
[quote name='soonersfan60']:???: (couldn't find the scratching head smilie)

Walmart (unknowingly) gets game for $50 and sells it for $50 = $0 profit (plus loses money for overhead)

Gamestop (knowingly) buys flipped game for $15 and sells it for $45 = $30 profit[/quote]

Hit the nail on the head.
I am glad that is now the policy at Wal-Mart. Speaking as an employee you get some real dick customers who are upset they don't get their way sometimes.

Now if only all retail outlets adopt this kind of policy. Reduces shrinkage and losses for the company, which for a small company can lead to better job security.
[quote name='Will']I know you wont care but I gotta say its a dick move to hide a game you want till it hits a price you can "afford" or "willing to pay".[/quote]

Actually, I know it IS, but since I found out from the local Target employees that an ex employee and another guy come in and clean them out(same thing at Sears), I don't quite feel so bad for stashing one item every so often amidst other games or whatever.

Yes, that's right, I don't actually take the games from electronics and stash them in housewares among the towels. So really, if an employee is doing their job and straightening up every so often, they SHOULD find my little treasure trove, which as of now only has ONE game in it.

Thus far I've been lucky and no one has found the single game I hid though. If it hits $7.48, I may actually buy it. But if it remains stuck at $14.98 like it is now, I'll probably unstash it in a week.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It's not so much that people cannot afford a $30 game, it's just that they may be someone like ME who doesn't want to pay $30 for a game when they know they can get one for $5-10 in just 5-6 months time when stores clear them out.

This, I set a price for an item whatever it is and I don't pay over that simple as that. If a retailer won't lower their prices enough for me then I don't buy the item and they lose business. If the game doesn't go on sale then I know it will drop in price anyways so I just wait until that happens then I buy it then. I have so many games and a huge back library to play that chances are I won't get around to playing that new release until it drops in price anyways.

If you are having a hard time finding games, you might also want to check into a concept I like to call the ebay effect. If everyone is buying them up and putting them on ebay right away then it brings down the ebay price, and if the market is flooded with a million copies of a game then you can probably snag it close to the clearance price on ebay. Sometimes you might even get a better deal than in retail on ebay even if the game is on clearance in retail, especially if the store isn't dropping the price like they are supposed to. I have seen games on clearance at target that were cheaper on ebay and I have seen target clearance games cheaper at gamestop than they were at the target clearance, so you have to find the best price for your specific game wherever that might be. The games that are on sale at target seem to get ebayed the most.

Now you probably won't get those 5$ clearance titles from Kmart on ebay for 5$ but since I only have a Wii/DS/PSP for current gen consoles its been rather mediocre for me in terms of games that are good for playing.

If some fleamarket seller is sitting on a bunch of copies of a game you can probably get them down by mentioning that you know this game was on clearance at x store for x price and you are sitting on a ton of copies that will never sell. If that fails you can laugh at them for buying up a stack of games and not being able to sell them because they are overcharging, the games will become out of date and drop in price even more long before they ever sell them for their asking price. The above 2 concepts work well especially if its a lesser known title you are after.
wtf? my nearby WalMart never accepted any of my returns without a receipt.

I wanted to return the 10 free Blurays that came with the purchase of a PS3, but they wouldn't take them.
[quote name='SaraAB']
If you are having a hard time finding games, you might also want to check into a concept I like to call the ebay effect. If everyone is buying them up and putting them on ebay right away then it brings down the ebay price, and if the market is flooded with a million copies of a game then you can probably snag it close to the clearance price on ebay. Sometimes you might even get a better deal than in retail on ebay even if the game is on clearance in retail, especially if the store isn't dropping the price like they are supposed to. I have seen games on clearance at target that were cheaper on ebay and I have seen target clearance games cheaper at gamestop than they were at the target clearance, so you have to find the best price for your specific game wherever that might be. The games that are on sale at target seem to get ebayed the most.

Now you probably won't get those 5$ clearance titles from Kmart on ebay for 5$ but since I only have a Wii/DS/PSP for current gen consoles its been rather mediocre for me in terms of games that are good for playing.


I've noticed this as well, especially with Target clearance games/toys.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol: Seriously, Walmart(around here anyway) pays their employees SHIT in the first place, so how much lower than nothing could they really pay? Walmart is a horrible company, they're anti-union, anti-worker, pro wage slave. Then again, it seems like MANY companies like this end up being the biggest retailers in the country(WalMart, Gamestop).

It's pathetic, but what's more pathetic is that people shop at these places so much to keep them growing and in business, while other places flounder.

But I do agree that this policy was a courtesy for the longest time and due to rampant abuse many places already eliminated or restricted it.

I have to say again that I'm shocked this didn't happen sooner.[/quote]

"pro wage slave" Don't hear enough people using THAT term. We Americans need to become more aware of this reality. I've been hearing "working poor" used more and more. And you are right. It is pathetic that Americans will nto support America by NOT shopping at these places that are anti-American. I won't entertain the deals this place has. I hope my fellow Americans will try to follow the same principle just to save some cash. Wish I didn't have to say this but I won't hold my breath for that... :cry:Now, Costco, THAT is a good corporation. Thanks to the fact that their CEO isn't a greedy F#*K and they treat their employees fairly.
bread's done