War of the Worlds sucked


1 (100%)
I can't believe this movie was hyped so much. I'm especially disappointed since Speilberg directed it. The special effects were decent. The plot sucked. Anyone else hugely disappointed?
you got caught up in the hype for a speilberg movie?
Speilberg's why I dont have high hopes for it (assuming I ever watch it)
I thought the movie was actually really good until Tim Robbins came onto the screen. That's when the movie really started going downhill for me.
[quote name='Vampire Hunter D']No it didnt you suck.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it did. It was just an excuse for special effects.

***spoiler**** for those lucky enough not to have watched it

so tom cruise runs around the whole movie, and at the end the aliens die because they can't handle earthly bacteria and crap! wow, exciting!
I thought it was decent. 2 complaints...

1. Anybody believe those guys were under us for God knows how long, and we never knew about them? How deep where they hiding?

2. Cop out, feel good ending. Made me want to barf!
Yeah, I enjoyed the movie as well right up until the Tim part.. it just started a steep decline, and the crappy finish capped it off.. the ending made me want my money back in the theatre
[quote name='GameDude']Yeah it did. It was just an excuse for special effects.

***spoiler**** for those lucky enough not to have watched it

so tom cruise runs around the whole movie, and at the end the aliens die because they can't handle earthly bacteria and crap! wow, exciting![/QUOTE]

Dude...That's how the fucking book and all that ends. You should be blaming the source material if anything. It didn't suck, I just really disliked the ending, since it doesn't make sense for there to be all this destruction, yet everyone related to the main character lives. Just seemed dumb.
And if the aliens were so damn smart, why the hell were they using "cold steel." Didn't they have some kind of advanced alien technology they could have used instead.
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']And if the aliens were so damn smart, why the hell were they using "cold steel." Didn't they have some kind of advanced alien technology they could have used instead.[/QUOTE]
Whoever said it was steel, it could have been a methypolyalloid
[quote name='Moxio']It wasn't bad. Though I wanted to kick Tom Cruise's son for being stupid a couple of times.[/QUOTE]
A couple??????? People do act stupid in movies though.
[quote name='Skycaptain99']Whoever said it was steel, it could have been a methypolyalloid[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure Tom Cruise was yelling "cold steel" at the end, telling them where to shoot. And that's how they were able to take them down.
Watch all the movie up to the last 5 or so minutes, then let your imagination finish the ending. You'll enjoy it much more.
The whole time I watched it I could picture that fruitcake Tom jumping up and down on Oprah's couch. The whole time screaming " I LOVE KATIE." It totally ruined the film for me. I hope he does'nt make any more movies.
[quote name='darkcrawlspace']I'm pretty sure Tom Cruise was yelling "cold steel" at the end, telling them where to shoot. And that's how they were able to take them down.[/QUOTE]
Unless he's an Alchemist, or a Metallurgist...He would'nt know
[quote name='doho7744']The whole time I watched it I could picture that fruitcake Tom jumping up and down on Oprah's couch. The whole time screaming " I LOVE KATIE." It totally ruined the film for me. I hope he does'nt make any more movies.[/QUOTE]
He is a good actor, despite being a Scientologist
[quote name='Skycaptain99']He is a good actor, despite being a Scientologist[/QUOTE]


Personally I think Tom is an okay at best actor who is overrated because so many woman fucking worship the ground he walks on and so many men wish they could be him just to have all those women.

And as far as the movie... I'll stick to the 1950s cheesy as hell version thank you very much.
He is a great actor, unfortunately I just can not get the whole "I LOVE YOU KATIE" bit out of my mind. It totally detracts from any film I see him in.
He said since he was now a parent he probably would have made it so the dad didnt go on the ship in Close Encounters. Thats why we get cheesy shitty ending. The son should have been dead...period.

The rest of the movie was pretty entertaining and intense, IMO
[quote name='SpottedNigel']He said since he was now a parent he probably would have made it so the dad didnt go on the ship in Close Encounters. Thats why we get cheesy shitty ending. The son should have been dead...period.

The rest of the movie was pretty entertaining and intense, IMO[/QUOTE]
I whole heartedly agree, the son should have been dead, as with the ex-wife(if for no other reason than to make the movie a solid tragedy)
At the end of that movie...you learn nothing. Nothing at all. If aliens rise up from the ground, a lot of shit is going to go down, but dont worry, every a-hole dad and dysfunctional family is going to make it through just fine. Also, if your a male teenager, you can survive a firball that takes out an entire fucking army.

I really liked his car though...damn nice.
I liked the movie, except for the son at the end and the boring hide from the aliens with a crazy guy part.
Other then that I remember really being pulled into the movie. I was really scared for those people.
I plan on picking up the DVD during the DDD sale, or whenever I can find a good deal on it.
This movie was not as thrilling as I would have hoped. The character development was very weak because honestly I didn't even care if the son died in the fire fight. The part where Tom Cruise's character was in the ship and they only try to rescue him was terrible. The alien ship blowing up and them not burning or crashing into the ground was also disappointing. Too many breaks for Tom Cruise's character and his family while everyone else died. Just not well planned or developed ending either.
It was hella stupid that the son didn't die, I mean Jesus fucking Christ, he was in the middle of that giant attack, and yet not only does he survive, he got there way before Tom Cruise. Seriously, WTF?!?!
[quote name='Graystone']My mom has it on Dvd I will check it out later or tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

thanks for letting us know

what a fucking dumbass post
No one should be surprised at the hollywood ending as the source in question had it similar... and wasn't there already a topic for this 5-6 months ago???? :whistle2:s
[quote name='GameDude']Yeah it did. It was just an excuse for special effects.

***spoiler**** for those lucky enough not to have watched it

so tom cruise runs around the whole movie, and at the end the aliens die because they can't handle earthly bacteria and crap! wow, exciting![/QUOTE]

OMG!! That sounds exactly like that movie from 1953, what was it called? Oh ya war of the worlds. Hey, I may be wrong but maybe it's a remake?
[quote name='alonzomourning23']OMG!! That sounds exactly like that movie from 1953, what was it called? Oh ya war of the worlds. Hey, I may be wrong but maybe it's a remake?[/QUOTE]

OMFG HG Wells ruined Spielberg's new movie! Damn him and his invisible time machine, going back to the turn of the century to spoil a movie for generations to come.

Personally I always liked the book the best, nothing like trying to take down 100 foot tripods with horse drawn artillery.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']OMG!! That sounds exactly like that movie from 1953, what was it called? Oh ya war of the worlds. Hey, I may be wrong but maybe it's a remake?[/QUOTE]

OMFG HG Wells ruined Spielberg's new movie!

Personally I always liked the book the best, nothing like trying to take down 100 foot tripods with horse drawn artillery.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']OMG!! That sounds exactly like that movie from 1953, what was it called? Oh ya war of the worlds. Hey, I may be wrong but maybe it's a remake?[/QUOTE]

OMFG HG Wells ruined Spielberg's new movie!

Personally I always liked the book the best, nothing like trying to take down 100 foot tripods with horse drawn artillery.
I just finished watching it not 20 minutes ago...

It's a fine movie, I didn't go in it expecting anything... the ending was really... "feel good" as you guys say it, but hey, whatever, I enjoyed it for what it was - you could do a lot worse.
It delivered the thrills, I can ask no more these days.

The kid should have died.

I liked the sly references to Shawshank, when Tim Robbins enters the movie.
I just watched it yesterday.. Before the ending, I would grade the movie a C+/B-. Grading the whole movie, it would just be a C. I didn't like the ending very much, but the movie was okay.
I really digged the first 2/3rds of the film. It was also the first time I actually seen Tom Cruise act.....So I like the movie more than Gamedude
[quote name='Xevious']I really digged the first 2/3rds of the film. It was also the first time I actually seen Tom Cruise act.....So I like the movie more than Gamedude[/QUOTE]

You and my mom!
I saw this movie in the theater and I must say, it was MUCH better on the big screen. The big screen and high volume in the theater really made the movie 10x better than it really was.
I saw it in the theater as well. I thought it was OK, but not as good as all the hype. Haven't seen it on DVD yet.
I just saw it for the first time over the weekend and I was definitely disappointed. There's so many questionable plot points and the movie seemed to end rather abpruptly without clearly explaining how those things were dying. They made it seemed like it was because of the cold but then the answer seemed to be bacteria. You think the aliens may have tested factors like that before they decided to launch their million year plan.

I was also wondering why the aliens would keep their equipment buried underground and wait so long to plan their attack. For how early they got to the planet there could've barely been any homo erectus humans alive. Why would they wait until there's 6 billion of them on the planet? Cause they need the blood to harvest their plants is the only thing I can think of but then why not kill humans early and breed a planet full of wooly mammoths or something and use their huge bodies full of blood? Also, the fact that not a single person through their own action or some force of nature (i.e. earthquake) ever unearthed a single one of those 100ft machines seemed a bit far fetched.

I know its just a stupid movie based on a book that came up with the story first but all that stuff just sorta irked me. Also, I agree with other people .. I kept thinking of Tom Cruise the person and how insane he is and it took away from the believability of his character.
I also just saw this movie over the weekend and actually enjoyed it. Sure it wasn't a masterpiece but for a summer popcorn flick it was pretty good. Besides the huge unbelievableness of the son staying alive, I didn't think there was anything else too rediculous. I was expecting to see Tom jumping from rooftops or something to escape.

Overall it really had some dull source material to work with. Sure the idea of Martians invading is cool, but have any of you read the book? It is pretty much a long monologue about a guy hiding in a basement. Practically nothing happens in the book anyway.

I don't know what people were expecting, but I think the movie did exactly what it was supposed to: put an easy to swallow, hollywood twist on the IDEA of martians invading earth.
Yes it sucked and what can you do about? That is the fun part about movies because some are great while other ones are a waste of time and money.
It's good as a mindless, summer popcorn movie. I liked it much better in the theater than on DVD though
Another note -- anybody understand the "blood sucking / red plants all over the place" bit? It's been awhile since I read the book and the whole thing's really vague in the movie
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