WARNING: Possible problems with the BB X-Box 360 Preorder


I just got an email from Best Buy notifying me that my x-box 360 system that I preordered today was canceled; HOWEVER, they kept all of my games on the invoice. So I am being charged over 200.00 for games and accessories (came in the bundle) that I don't want WITHOUT a system. There seems to be no way to cancel the order online, and I have been on hold with their CS for 30 minutes. This is amazing. Has this happened to anyone else?

OH, and they are keeping my shipping charge at 19.99 as well. HAHA!
Damn glad mine never went through. I am sorry for your situation, but best buy is REALLY good at fucking people over. They won't bother to refund your card for a month or so either, if it was billed.
Well if you don't want to keep the charge call your bank. Tell them what occured and you are disputing the charge now since they didn't fullfill on it. If their policy is anything like mine you'll be credited back the full amount within a few days and BB will be SOL.
[quote name='NatasZero']Well if you don't want to keep the charge call your bank. Tell them what occured and you are disputing the charge now since they didn't fullfill on it. If their policy is anything like mine you'll be credited back the full amount within a few days and BB will be SOL.[/QUOTE]

I would personally wait til they ship the items to me and then dispute it .....that way you get the games and the money (hehe)
[quote name='tayaf69']Finally am talking to a CS rep and she barely speaks english. Best Buy is the best[/QUOTE]

Damn curry
She didn't understand why I was canceling.

Idiot CS: "uh....you want to cancel the games that you order......"


Idiot CS: "uhh....then why you order games...."

Me: It was a bundle....Woman, please cancel the entire order right now.

Idiot CS: "uhhh....okkkk....tank you....You will get email confirm....

Me: *click
Hey, I just found a loophole....

I called back and got someone else to talk to. I told him about my preorder and he saw the invoice. I asked if he could put it back on there without the games (because I found out that everything will ship completely seperately) and now I am preordering an XBOX 360 with no games!!!!

I got an email and everything. Pakastani people may not speak english, but they solved a pretty good problem. AHAHAHA!

So, my total order...for Core X-box 360....362.58. Not too shabby
[quote name='tayaf69']Hey, I just found a loophole....

I called back and got someone else to talk to. I told him about my preorder and he saw the invoice. I asked if he could put it back on there without the games (because I found out that everything will ship completely seperately) and now I am preordering an XBOX 360 with no games!!!!

I got an email and everything. Pakastani people may not speak english, but they solved a pretty good problem. AHAHAHA!

So, my total order...for Core X-box 360....362.58. Not too shabby[/QUOTE]

Uhh isnt the core supposed to only be 299.99?
[quote name='Dragonsbane']Uhh isnt the core supposed to only be 299.99?[/QUOTE]
TN taxes = 30.00 + 5.99 shipping.....

theyre charging me tax for 2 systems!!!!!!!!

back to the phone....

Thanks for pointing that out
[quote name='Odenat']so taya i see you live in Nashville. gonna let me come over and try your 360 ;)[/QUOTE]
i live in mboro at mtsu
[quote name='bostonfrontier']with tax and shipping........no[/QUOTE]
he was pointing out that the total was 362.00 when it was supposed to be much less. They are fixing it now. My new total is...

336.32. YES!!!!!!!!

i want to point out one thing.....Madden 2006 was 73.00 after tax and shipping...Is that not amazing?
[quote name='The VGM']:whistle2:$

Don't speak[/QUOTE]
What the hell are you talking about? How are we done here? This is a major problem that may affect those that preordered the system today. Some people might see their system as canceled and assume the entire order was cancelled, when in fact, they are being charged for their games. You've confused me.
[quote name='tayaf69']What the hell are you talking about? How are we done here? This is a major problem that may affect those that preordered the system today. Some people might see their system as canceled and assume the entire order was cancelled, when in fact, they are being charged for their games. You've confused me.[/QUOTE]

This obviously went way over your head. Move along, citizen.
[quote name='tayaf69']Core X-box 360[/QUOTE]
[quote name='The VGM']I think we're done here[/QUOTE]

op, i believe he is being condescending b/c you ordered a core system instead of the premium version LOL! :D
I guess that would make sense. lol. The premium was sold out (i tried ordering it for 30 minutes! but the site had tax errors).
[quote name='xbox23']where are you guys preordering them in store or what?[/QUOTE]
BB had a RZ members only preorder this morning.
bread's done