Watchmen: The End Is Nigh Parts 1&2

I checked and there didn't seem to be a thread for this game. I just bought the disc version from a closing HWV store the other night for around $7-8 and thus far it's been worth every penny.

I've unlocked a decent number of combos already and the finishing moves remind me a bit of the ones in The Warriors.

It's a very underrated brawler, if you ask me.

Anyone else have this game and know if there's online(or offline) co-op for it?
I didn't think much of a game... it was ok but repetitve.

Online co-op is the only form of co-op for this game.
Really? I would've thought you could've done same system co-op too? Oh well. It's still a decent enough brawler for me to blow through in a weekend and maybe pair up with 2 more titles before the Gamestop trade 3 get $10 extra dealie ends.
It does have offline co-op. That's probably the best way to play it I never saw myself playing this game solo.
Played the demo, thought it was alright, then read a review which stated they never add a different enemy type so I saw no need to pick-up the full game as you basically have already played it.
Different enemy type? Such as? Thus far I've stopped a prison riot and stopped a shitload of armed and unarmed street thugs. Were their attacks similar? A bit.

But as you battle the street thugs they do spice things up a bit by adding in some bigger thugs, though the basic armed/unarmed thing like in the prison does still apply here. I didn't get much further than battling some of the thugs before I quit playing this morning to go get some breakfast, but it is a fun brawler and you do have to switch up your attacks or the enemies will start blocking pretty quick.

If you don't vary your attacks though the enemies will trounce you in a second. I learned that first hand at the start of the one segment of the street level.

It's definitely an ok game for what I paid for it, but paying $20+ for it like I think some might've would've swayed me into the 'no way' category. I almost picked it up from for $12 a while back. Is it worth that much? It depends on how you play and if you play it co-op or not probably.
I got it for about $18 at Shopko with the Director's Cut blu-ray, and I played the first level the day before I sent it off in a trade and didn't really enjoy it at all. Thankfully the Blu-Ray came with it...
This was supposed to be one of the sets with the Blu-Ray as well, but it was a former rental copy from HWV, which means they probably split up the BR movie and the game or the first person who rented the game kept the movie after renting the game.:roll:

I asked them a couple of times wasn't supposed to be a 2 disc set or not when I was buying it and they looked at me like I had three heads and said it came with some compiled volume of some animated series or something.

Oh well. I've seen the movie(or at least the ending)and I never really followed the comics/graphic novels at all. I just wanted a brawling game to have a lil fun with. I was kinda hoping Rockstar would've made an upgraded version of The Warriors for the PS3 since that was the last brawler I really enjoyed.

Actually I think it was the last brawler I played.
It was incomplete though when I picked it up(HWV case with their half coverart and no manual), but I'll probably stop at one of the GS stores in my area listing the game in stock and throw a $5 pre-order down to entice them to let me have an original case w/ artwork & manual.

EDIT: I just noticed you're looking for this for :360:, but I have the :ps3: version. I think the same HWV I got this copy from had 1-2 of the 360 version left. If I get back there anytime soon I'll check for ya.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It was incomplete though when I picked it up(HWV case with their half coverart and no manual), but I'll probably stop at one of the GS stores in my area listing the game in stock and throw a $5 pre-order down to entice them to let me have an original case w/ artwork & manual.

EDIT: I just noticed you're looking for this for :360:, but I have the :ps3: version.[/QUOTE]

ashhhh poop! Thanx for posting the thread tho. loved the comics and movie but was wondering how the game was.
It's really not a bad game. Then again I tend to like games that most will poo poo as 'junk' and hate the ones that people think are insanely good(aka KOTOR, Beyond Good & Evil, Oblivion).
I bought the Director's cut for the movie primarily with the games being a nice bonus. For 19.99 or less now it's a pretty good value. I only played the demo of the game and thought it was just okay. I liked the animated look of the cutscenes, but the gameplay felt a bit repetitive and clunky.

I personally loved the movie. I thought it did a good job adapting a very difficult graphic novel to adapt. It still doesn't compare to the graphic novel but I can't see someone doing a better job being faithful to the bulk of the story (sans the ending). I was also impressed by the "Under the Hood" documentary they did, as well as Tales of the Black Freighter.
I bought this primarily for the movie back when the price dropped. The game was a nice bonus but it is totally not worth the $15 they were asking to download each episode.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']I bought this primarily for the movie back when the price dropped. The game was a nice bonus but it is totally not worth the $15 they were asking to download each episode.[/QUOTE]
That's why I couldn't say no at $7-8, even though the BR copy of the movie was nowhere to be found.:cry:

Then again I would've probably just resold the movie to FYE or something, since I already saw it on Starz or whatever channel my one buddy had on about 3-4 months ago.
bread's done