Waterworks Strategy Discussion


Due to an underwhelming response for strategy discussions, I've decided to post this in an open forum.

1-8 = Numbers Assigned to Players (only applicable for ease of comprehension)
Alpha = Offensive team consisting of two individuals (Secondary)
Omega = Offensive team consisting of two individuals (Primary)
Eagle Eye = Sniper
Midship = Building in the Middle of Waterworks
Driver = Warthog
1) Ghost------> Enemy Rocket Bridge
Tasks- Advise Sniper, Recover Rockets, Protect Banshee
2) Banshee---> Enemy Wraith
Tasks- Destroy and Return Home
3&4) Warthog + Gunner ----->Enemy Wraith
Tasks- Destroy and Return Home
5) Sniper-----> Rocket Bridge Outlet
Tasks- Take advise from 1
1: "Multiple Enemies"
-Stay and Erridicate the enemy
1: "All Clear"
-Proceed to "Midship"
6) Wraith-----> Defend Home
7) Rocketeer----> Rocket Bridge
Tasks- Grab Rockets, Return Home
8) Guardian---> Rocket Bridge
Tasks- Protect Rockets
2 Strike Team System will be utilized in an effort to coordinate our attacks.

1 remain under bridge, (preferable backside ramp), meet with partner
Proceed on foot to enemy base, through our teleporter side

Omega- Assume Strike position, either behind enemy base or on roof
O: "Omega, Locked and Loaded"
Alpha- Request Pickup
A: "Driver, Alpha Request Pickup"
D: "Roger Alpha, advise location" or "Negative Alpha (Insert Reason)"
Alpha- Driver---> Back of Enemy Base (drop of Alpha)
Alpha- (relay strike command) e.g. "Banana! Banana!"
Omega and Alpha Simultaneously move in
Driver----> Front for Flag Pickup
*System can be repeated without following positions to the letter.
-Entire Strategy Depends on Omega Team first getting in position, where they wait for Alpha
-Alpha team relays strike command
"Eagle Eye Advise"
- Sniper Relays info on enemy positioning

CRITICAL: Teams must be WELL equipped with COMPLEMENTARY weapons.
e.g. Short Range + Long Range (Short first to infiltrate, Long takes em down with headshots)
TEAMS (ALPHA&OMEGA) must be "bedfellows" i.e. extremely comfortable working together.
Omega&Alpha Strike must be WELL COORDINATED or will prove EXTREMELY INEFFECTUAL i.e. PRACTICE!!!!

There are a myriad of different stunts alpha and omega can pull for example:
Alpha- Location rear ramp to roof
A: "Eagle Eye Advise"
E: "All Clear"
-One jumps down tosses flag to window
Omega- Hidden in Rocks
-Grabs flag
-Partner + Eagle Eye + Alpha cover escape.

note: I am aware they are fixing pulling flags through walls, but I had written this b4 that anouncement, the purpose was to merely serve as an example.
Nice tactics, thats gonna take some work for us to have that down. Also, they fixed grabbing through walls, but you can still pull through windows
just a thing about the banshee. what if it would be able to actually grab the wraith because the other team was too slow in getting to it?
[quote name='Girion47']just a thing about the banshee. what if it would be able to actually grab the wraith because the other team was too slow in getting to it?[/QUOTE]
That would give the other team both banshees or leave you with none (assuming you destroyed your own)...Having two Wraiths without having a banshee is useless, giving the other team two banshees is signing your own death sentence.
but the wraith can easily take out their hog and ghost and banshee. against slow teams you can decimate their vehicles with the wraith plus if your teammmate had the rockets you can sit there and shell right in the front door and the top of the base until they manage to take you out. or you can bring it back to base and have 2 wraiths on D.
when your pour water into a cup from six feet up it goes everywhere, and unless prepared with paper towel, the spill will take valuable time to clean up, and the amount in the cup is sparing, but pour the water down a long straw, and the water is still the same, it is only moving in your favor, and there will be no variables, though this is ideal, it is a rare occurence, but must be counted upon
[quote name='Girion47']but the wraith can easily take out their hog and ghost and banshee. against slow teams you can decimate their vehicles with the wraith plus if your teammmate had the rockets you can sit there and shell right in the front door and the top of the base until they manage to take you out. or you can bring it back to base and have 2 wraiths on D.[/QUOTE]
Sure the Wraith can take out the Banshee if it's just sitting in it's spawn point...But the Banshee is usually one of the first things out of the base, hitting a Banshee in the air with the Wraith's cannon is a much harder task.
I'd be interested in seeing which would frustrate the enemy more. their wraith destroyed by a banshee or a wraith destroying their vehicles when they spawn, shelling their sniper location and shelling in that front door/window.
Crymson, you should be named the general after that spout. I just think it is hard to communicate that stuff in the heat of halo. Nerely all folded plans that happen are caused by miscommunication during matches. I think that if people could talk that much during a match they would be very effectic (spelling). Glad you brought up waterworks too. It seems like that map just causes chaos during a match. It is so huge people just lull the match to sleep. I am as guilty as anyone during matches for lacking in communication but if everyone could get "more talkative" during battle they (and we) would be a lot better off.
[quote name='jughead']I just think it is hard to communicate that stuff in the heat of halo. [/QUOTE]
With practice this will become second nature to those who ultilize this technique. It may look complicated, but if you break it down into individual jobs, most people only have one task. The initial rush at the beginning will be as well rehearsed as we are in Headlong or Coagulation. The only communications this tactic pivots on is between the two groups of attackers, which I believe we have players who are skilled enough to be able to adapt and wield such responsibilities. Now the question is, does anyone care enough to try and up their game or are we satisified wasting 12 minutes of our lives every time waterworks shuffles into the playlist. You be the judge.
bread's done