Way to go out with grace, Nader....

Wow, Uncle Tom? I don't understand what he was getting at. It was needlessly racist and he didn't even come out with a valid point. He could have said, "Is he going to be Uncle Sam or Poo-Poo McPants" and at least he wouldn't come out looking like a racist.
[quote name='Koggit']I've never heard "Uncle Tom" before[/QUOTE]
Really? How have you never heard that term?
[quote name='SpeedyG']Really? How have you never heard that term?[/quote]

I could explain how, but then I'd be ban.
If you keep in mind what "Uncle Tom" actually means,
"Uncle Tom is a pejorative for a black person who is perceived by others as behaving in a subservient manner to White American authority figures"
, then I guess I can kind of see what the point was he was trying to make... but he definitely shouldn't have said it.
[quote name='zewone']How?[/QUOTE]
The same way he thought the American soldiers who fought in WWII and Viet Nam were volunteers.

Hint: It rhymes with "fleas a buckin' shidiot".
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Way to go, Nader. Set the precedent.

I can't wait until I first overhear someone snidely say "oh, you know about President $$$$er..."
[quote name='SpeedyG']Not really sure how they were shidots's. certainly not so much in the WWII era.[/QUOTE]
... I was talking about Koggit...
"Uncle Tom" I've read that he was more like Jesus. But damn our culture for turning him into a derogatory symbol.
And curse Nader for mentioning the poor. I thought our government sent all of 'em away to mental institutions.
Not surprised. The guy's a nutball and always has been. That's why my brain short circuits when people say things like "I'm not voting for one of the 2 corporate candidates..." and go on to say they support a 3rd party candidate like Nader. Not that there isn't ANY good 3rd party candidates ever, but if they were that good they would have caught the attention of a lot more people and made themselves heard without using the phrase "Uncle Tom".
[quote name='mykevermin']
I can't wait until I first overhear someone snidely say "oh, you know about President $$$$er..."[/quote]

You'll probably hear a "hail to the chimp" joke first. You know that's a popular one in certain areas of certain states right now.

I don't think this is really Fox news defending a democrat. It's Shep. This is the second time I recall that he went out of his way to defend Obama. I think he's a closet Democrat. I predict he eventually jumps ship just like Kiran Chetry.
So if Jessee Jackson had said the exact same thing, would it have been considered racist?

Isn't being "behaving in a subservient manner to White American" corporate interests the reason you people hate capitalism and politicians in the first place?

The pejorative nature of the term "uncle tom" is fundamentally different than calling a black person a $$$$er. It's a traitorous labeling of a betrayal to one's own group, not directed at someone because he is a member of the group. The racism in the comment wasn't the "Uncle Tom" label, it's the notion that because he is black, he is obligated to represent african-americans' interests before the interests of the american people. Or, in this case, the interests of the american people who elected him and the corporations that run politics.

I don't think Nader intended it as a pejorative but, the bandwagon has already been filled with group-thinkers, and we all know the brakes on that train don't work.
While I voted for and will continue to support Nader, this was done in bad taste. The historical weight that comes with "Uncle Tom" is not necessarily racist in nature - and his point was a good one. Will Obama live up to his promises, or become a pawn for big corperations? I think that's a question we're all interested in answering.

The same thing has been said by MANY high profile black individuals. Not sure why Nader saying it is so groundbreaking.

In either case, I think he should have used a different term because whether he did or did not intend it to be a racially loaded comment, it carries heavy racial connotations for many people.
It was entertaining to see what's his face from FOX News lay into Nader so hard.. lol.

Irrelevance. haha
[quote name='jer7583']It was entertaining to see what's his face from FOX News lay into Nader so hard.. lol.

Irrelevance. haha[/QUOTE]

That was quite a hit job he gave Nader. I'm not sure why that was necessary, unless Fox just wants to get ass kiss points by trying to be anti-racist. They should have followed up with Trent Lott and asked if the country would be better of with McCain instead of that black guy.
[quote name='bmulligan']So if Jessee Jackson had said the exact same thing, would it have been considered racist?

Isn't being "behaving in a subservient manner to White American" corporate interests the reason you people hate capitalism and politicians in the first place?

The pejorative nature of the term "uncle tom" is fundamentally different than calling a black person a $$$$er. It's a traitorous labeling of a betrayal to one's own group, not directed at someone because he is a member of the group. The racism in the comment wasn't the "Uncle Tom" label, it's the notion that because he is black, he is obligated to represent african-americans' interests before the interests of the american people. Or, in this case, the interests of the american people who elected him and the corporations that run politics.

I don't think Nader intended it as a pejorative but, the bandwagon has already been filled with group-thinkers, and we all know the brakes on that train don't work.[/QUOTE]

I was mostly with you until the last point. The idea that "intent" is necessary for racism to be the case is simply incorrect. I'm sure Food Lion was full of good intentions when they had a month-long sale on watermelon and fried chicken in celebration of black history month so many years ago, but good intentions don't immediately mean "free from racist scrutiny."

But good on ya for discerning b/w Uncle Tom and $$$$er. I didn't think you had that kind of intellectual capacity.
He could have used patsy, stool pigeon, puppet, even sellout - there's alot of other words that would have gotten across the point he was pushing.

He may have misspoke but he should have taken the opportunity to apologize.

That's my opinion - I support his right to free speech but I don't agree with the offensive way he phrased what he said. On another note I'm tired of the "keeping it real" bullshit on both sides of the aisle - as Chris Rock says keeping it real means keeping it real stupid.
[quote name='camoor']He could have used patsy, stool pigeon, puppet, even sellout - there's alot of other words that would have gotten across the point he was pushing.

He may have misspoke but he should have taken the opportunity to apologize.

That's my opinion - I support his right to free speech but I don't agree with the offensive way he phrased what he said. On another note I'm tired of the "keeping it real" bullshit on both sides of the aisle - as Chris Rock says keeping it real means keeping it real stupid.[/quote]

I'm a big Nader supporter and I agree 100%.
Damn, myke. Why didn't tell me watermelon and fried chicken were on sale? Shit. I would've been there in a heartbeat.

Oh, and if anyone's a boot licking Uncle Tom, it's that bitch ass Ken Blackwell and the token black guy on Faux News. EVERY other black man on television last night was basically in tears. Hell, I teared up. Dude on Faux News? Looked like he shit a brick.
[quote name='nathansu']While I voted for and will continue to support Nader, this was done in bad taste. The historical weight that comes with "Uncle Tom" is not necessarily racist in nature - and his point was a good one. Will Obama live up to his promises, or become a pawn for big corperations? I think that's a question we're all interested in answering.

The same thing has been said by MANY high profile black individuals. Not sure why Nader saying it is so groundbreaking.

In either case, I think he should have used a different term because whether he did or did not intend it to be a racially loaded comment, it carries heavy racial connotations for many people.[/quote]

How could the phrase "uncle tom" not be a racially loaded comment?

The very nature of the phrase is nothing but racially loaded. What other intention was he getting at?
Yeah Uncle Tom is a pretty bad thing to say about any black man.. It's a negative connotation all around.
[quote name='gareman']How could the phrase "uncle tom" not be a racially loaded comment?

The very nature of the phrase is nothing but racially loaded. What other intention was he getting at?[/quote]


I think he was getting at the subservient thing. Again, the tone was wrong - I'm not defending that at all.
Uggg, how soon we forget that once upon a time Barak Obama just wasn't really black enough, spoke too much like a white man, and talked down to black folk. But since the people saying that were black, it must not be counted as racist.

I guess I missed this year's racial draft when Barak became part of the team. Maybe I'll have to re-watch my Chapelle's Show DVD's.
Did anyone see him on Bill Maher a few weeks ago? It was hilarious. Every talking point of his sounded like something you'd see on an infomercial at 2 AM. He'd turn to the crowd and get all wide-eyed with a grin on his face, thrusting his hands into the air and talking about "WE'RE GUNNA TAKE DOWN THEM FAT CAT WALL STREET SHITfuckERS!" I half expected him to start selling me a curative elixer that would banish foul humors and restorativize my exuberant jollywags.

What about when he announced his intention to run this time around? Someone was interviewing him as...well it looked like he was trying to get into his car. The man looked so beaten down and fatigued. I think Brit Hume was channeling him last night, actually.
[quote name='paddlefoot']"First person to publicly use a racial slur against the 44th President."

Who had Nader in the pool?[/QUOTE]

Someone who's ordering appetizers at Bennigan's tonight.

That's who.
The guy actually helps citizens directly and you folks dismiss him over this?

He's calling on the president-elect to help the poor and starving in our country and everyone harps on one racially charged statement?

Do you think Obama is anything more than an "18-29 voter friendly" version of every other president? While I hope he is, I'm not content with that.
[quote name='willardhaven']The guy actually helps citizens directly and you folks dismiss him over this?

He's calling on the president-elect to help the poor and starving in our country and everyone harps on one racially charged statement?

Do you think Obama is anything more than an "18-29 voter friendly" version of every other president? While I hope he is, I'm not content with that.[/quote]
We dismissed this because he did this just for the shock value no other reason. Not to help the people or whatever he thought he was doing. Nader is a douche and this comment just proved that.
[quote name='Sc4rfac3']We dismissed this because he did this just for the shock value no other reason. Not to help the people or whatever he thought he was doing. Nader is fantastic but just happened to have made a douche comment.[/quote]

No. If he 'just happened to make a douche comment', he could apologize and drop it. Defending a statement like that is douchiness incarnate.
[quote name='gaxur']No. If he 'just happened to make a douche comment', he could apologize and drop it. Defending a statement like that is douchiness incarnate.[/quote]

I never once defended it - only mentioned that people are making it out to be WAY more racially loaded than it is. People are acting as if he dropped the N-bomb on national TV.
I wonder how many people have actually READ Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Probably in the hundreds.

My personal opinion on this is that Nader just doesn't have any tact, and stuck his foot in his mouth. It'd be like someone calling these rich hip-hop stars (*cough* i.e. Diddy*cough*) "Zip Coons" to describe them as individuals who fell into wealth but have no intelligence or class. That's just fucking ASKING for it.
Probably much more then that, we were (unfortunately)required to read it in HS.

It's not very worthy of your time unless you enjoy it, as it's nothing more then a simplistic morality play. It's not like there's any nuance to Tom in the book - like the rest of the cast he is a two dimensional character.
[quote name='nathansu']The same thing has been said by MANY high profile black individuals. Not sure why Nader saying it is so groundbreaking.[/QUOTE]

This has always intrigued me. Why is it that "black success" at anything other than sports or the music industry considered selling out? Are the only choices poverty, hustlin' the game or being ostracized? What a bunch of crap...
[quote name='VipFREAK']WTF is wrong with his eye. That's the first reason I wouldn't vote for his ass.[/quote]

BMulligan gave me an idea for a movie the other week: a zombie outbreak at a Presidential debate.

The opportunities for parody would be delicious. One of the running gags I thought of was everyone mistaking Nader for a zombie.
[quote name='depascal22']Because you gotta keep it real.....real stupid.[/QUOTE]
Just watched that yesterday for the black president bit. Classic.
bread's done