WebRidestv.com: Free Ps3/Wii/360/iphone/amazon gift cards+many more

I'm pretty sure the $50 Amazon GC was restocked, and is now OOS.
I refreshed the page, saw 1 in stock. But the "Purchase" button wouldn't do anything, refresh again and 0 in stock.
[quote name='Shady3011']Well, that was fast. I certainly lucked the hell out on that one. Congrats to everyone else who snagged SMG. :D[/quote]

Haha, 5 copies and I got 1 :applause:
[quote name='mguiddy']I'm pretty sure the $50 Amazon GC was restocked, and is not OOS.
I refreshed the page, saw 1 in stock. But the "Purchase" button wouldn't do anything, refresh again and 0 in stock.[/quote]

I doubt it. All the hot ticket items were going to sell out fast.
[quote name='mguiddy']I'm pretty sure the $50 Amazon GC was restocked, and is not OOS.
I refreshed the page, saw 1 in stock. But the "Purchase" button wouldn't do anything, refresh again and 0 in stock.[/QUOTE]

They just recently restocked 5 of the GCs, but they're gone
[quote name='Shady3011']I doubt it. All the hot ticket items were going to sell out fast.[/quote]
Yeah, that should have been "now OOS", not "not OOS". I was originally going to type something like "not anymore" or "not in stock" but changed my mind, but forgot to change what I already typed.
499,999 for a PS3. That would take years. I signed up looking at the first few pages of the thread and not notice they up'ed the price on the prizes like crazy. I could get a max of 510 in one day so 499,999/510=980 Days. You have got to be out of your mind. Is there an easier way to get to that many points? Hell even Super Mario Galaxy is 49,999 that would take 98 days.

Am I missing something?
essentially, you are correct, i just checked and its 570 days for u to get a ipod touch, essentially, 1 year of clicking ur ass off, hell, id rather work
i saw a post by the admin about the SchwagMart complaints:
[quote name='admin']Keep your eyes open for more adjustments to the rules of the SchwagMart, you may be extremely happy very soon![/quote]

A very small glimmer of hope for getting a PS3 by the end of the year???
[quote name='mguiddy']The good news is they are supposed to restock twice a month.[/quote]

IT said bimonthly... but does that mean twice in a month, or once every 2 months?
[quote name='orbit18']IT said bimonthly... but does that mean twice in a month, or once every 2 months?[/quote]
Well the blog post I linked to says
Twice a month we’ll make sure there’s more goodies in here for everyone.
i think the only reason y they raised the prizes is cuz they dont have a lot of prizes to give out so they brought them up. if they a lot more prizes, they would bring the prices down.
[quote name='WarriorBlake']i saw a post by the admin about the SchwagMart complaints:

A very small glimmer of hope for getting a PS3 by the end of the year???[/quote]

Man, we all hope they fix it. We WANT OUR FREE STUFF XD
Yeah, I gave up on the 360 after the price hike, it would literally have been 2 years of clicking. I'd rather beg my wife to let me save for it... and would probably have a better chance of seeing it through. :lol:
Well I guess I'll get a nice 5-pack of hot wheels now and get the brake disc keychain whenever they restock again.
an email i got said

"WebRidesTV.com's first user demographic survey was a big success thanks to YOU! We received so many responses that we had to close the survey earlier than we planned!

Your responses helped us get a MUCH BETTER understanding of who you are and we'll be better able to serve your wants and needs for automotive video content as a result.

There will be additional surveys coming in the days and weeks ahead, addressing specific types of opinions and attitudes. And in order to make things a bit more interesting, we'll be offering 1,000 SchwagMart points respondents. But this bonus points award is limited to the first 1,000 respondents only so make sure to chime in early with your responses!"
fuck that place. I'm sitting on 60k worth of points. I'm unloading these points for SMG next restock and that's the last time I visit that place.
I just got PGR4. It isn't worth the price per points, but getting anything from this site is worth it since it is free. Racing games aren't really my thing so might just sell it.
unless they up the daily point limit or dramatically reduce the prize points, i'm gonna go for at least some kind of game and get out.
They better put up more than like 5 freaking gift cards to amazon next friday...I didn't bother refreshing every 5 seconds as I figured when they came in, there'd be a sizable amount and that it would be readily obvious when they were restocked. Guess not. Next time I'm refreshing every few seconds...I wish I had joined this site 2 weeks earlier...the first run through of the schwag mart was all it was good for.
[quote name='hksevo']did anybody else suddenly get a shit load of neg. pts ?[/quote]
o, but then agian, I actaully let the whole vidoe play and comment. If you are just clicking and moving on, they will find you out.
Well, you can avoid the "DOS Attack" warning if you watch every 6th video to completion. That's what I did and didn't see any problems or negative point balance.
The dos message and negative points are unrelated. Negative points are for cheaters, people who have multiple accounts over the limit, etc.
actually I figured out how to avoid the DoS thing (kinda). You can click on 11 videos at one, but you need to wait about a minute till you can get another 11
Its easier and faster if you click on 11 videos, then a page or two of photos/rides (your choice they each cost 5 points but make sure you click on an even number so you can get max), and then switch between 11 vids and the pics until you get max.
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']Its easier and faster if you click on 11 videos, then a page or two of photos/rides (your choice they each cost 5 points but make sure you click on an even number so you can get max), and then switch between 11 vids and the pics until you get max.[/quote]

That takes up time. I have five tabs of 10 or so videos each that I open in a separate browser so I don't ever lose any time.
Check for email subject: "Take Part in the WebRidesTV.com Survey #2!"

Surveys about cars and it's a measly 500 points or one days worth of points. They should have given us some more points for this survey, but meh...i'm gonna jump ship as soon as I can snag SMG from both accounts.
[quote name='WarriorBlake']Check for email subject: "Take Part in the WebRidesTV.com Survey #2!"

Surveys about cars and it's a measly 500 points or one days worth of points. They should have given us some more points for this survey, but meh...i'm gonna jump ship as soon as I can snag SMG from both accounts.[/quote]
GH3 and Amazon $50 for me
If the prices were like they were at the beginning, I would have stuck around for the ps3. About one year of clicking would have been OK for me for a PS3, but now it would take me more than a year and it just wouldn't be worth it.
Thanks OP this looks cool. I only hope it sticks around long enough for me to get anything.

Funny though, it reminds me of Armageddon the Musical (by Robert Rankin) where the survivors are paid to watch religious programming. This is way better than the 700 club.

I only wish I could give you ref cred.
bread's done