Damn, I got some catching up to do in this thread!
1) My wife is hooked on that Starbucks on Taylor. Don't ask me why. Personally, I can do without coffee alltogether. Everyone said working in IT I would develop a taste for it...everyone was wrong.
2) I would much rather hit Eastchase than either of the 2 indoor malls. Eastdale has become a haven for goth kids and soccer moms - it's a fight to get anywhere in there. I live 5 minutes away from it, and I still avoid it like the plague. We won't even speak of the Montgomery Mall... Of course, the only place I ever go to at Eastchase is EB. That's gotta be the best EB I've ever been to, and I've traveled all over too. Used to have to travel alot for business & would hit EBs when I'd see them - have never seen another one nearly as big or as nice as the one @ Eastchase.
3) Target owns. It's the anti-Wal Mart. Again, Wal Mart is a lot closer to me, but I drive right past it every time just to get to Target. Wal Mart is always packed with rednecks, and it is just WAY too big. Every time I'm in that place, I'll be on one side of the store and realize what I'm looking for is on the opposite side. Ugh. BTW - Target had an endcap w/ some decent PC games on clearance the other day, if anyone's interested.
4) Let's not count anything Hank Williams related as a plus for 'Bama, k? I worked on a website several years back for the Hank Williams fan club, and the lady that runs that is nuts. She brought this big-ass picture of Hank down to the office, and told us to have it up when we worked on the site so Hank could watch what we were doing.
5) Montgomery actually seems to have pretty decent deals, and the other CAG's & deal-seakers are usually pretty cool (tho we had some hoarders hit the BB sale a month or two back...oh well). Our stores seem to be more lenient than other areas tho - never have any penny guide troubles outta BB, for example (or TRU for that matter...).