Well crap...

On my birthday, the first insane asylum was built. Thats a true fact.

It could explain me a little bit....
[quote name='crazytalkx']Well at least you weren't born on February 29th[/quote]

Are you kidding, I would be saving a ton on taxes right now. I would only be what 8 instead of 30 something. I wouldn't be paying anything really on taxes now, and if I did I could deduct myself, no wait couldn't do that because my parents could still claim me as a deduction.

Dang it crazytalk, why did you point out the pain of my birthday not being on the 29th.

Man I could save a ton on movie admissions, hotel stays, etc.
If I were born on Feb 29.
Well, you could be able to get in cheaper to everywhere.
But, if you did that, you wouldn't be able to get into clubs, bars, drive cars :p

Unless you just said you were actually 30 when doing older stuff and saying you were 8 when you wanted to get into the movie cheaper XD
[quote name='jmcc']http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4187183.stm

Figures it would be my birthday.[/quote]
You suck.
bread's done