We're three weeks away: figured out your Launch Day plans?

Pre-order season appears to be crawling to a close, with Toys R Us likely being the final major retailer to offer reservations...so barring any sudden awesome bundle deal that we hear about before launch, I figure most of us now have a decent idea for how we're handling Launch Day.

So for those of you who pre-ordered, which store did you grab one at, and (if it wasn't online) when will you go pick it up? For those of you who didn't pre-order, which store(s) are you likely to hit up, and at what time will you begin the waiting process? Or are you confident in being able to drive around 'til you snatch one up somewhere without waiting? Or will you just wait for things to cool off and try your luck with a later post-launch shipment?

Let's hear your plans!

As for me, the plan after being expectedly thwarted yesterday at Toys R Us is now to just prepare myself to wait as long as it takes on the 18th outside that same Toys R Us. 24 hours or more? I'm up for it. Whatever...we'll see how long will be necessary, but I hope to be top five in line. Not sure if anyone I know will be willing to wait with me, so I hope I get stuck with a cool crowd of like-minded gamers. I hate imaginging going 24 hours without a bathroom but I guess it won't kill me (though there's a McDonald's in the same parking lot, so it'd be great if we have cool line members willing to take breaks).
I'm hoping to go to Wal-Mart around 8:00 the night before and walk out just after midnight, but who knows if that will be possible. This thing is turning out to be way bigger than I expected.
November 17th- Walk into EB and pick-up my pre-ordered PS3. Beat Resistance by November 19th.

November 19th- Walk into EB and pick up my pre-ordered Wii. Beat LOZ: TP before Grad School break is over.
I'm hoping to just camp out at Best Buy or Target, since I've missed all the other pre-order opportunities.
Personal History:

1) Failed at 2 EB's.
2) Lines for EB and TRU creates self-doubt. A big :whistle2:( if I do not get one at launch; been waiting forever for Wii and especially Zelda.
3) Camping out for midnight launch is not an option; no car and buses don't run that late.

Wii Launch Timeline:

1) Prays EB takes second pre-orders b/c both stores are 5 minutes away.
2) Desperately wait to hear more info. about Best Buy, Target, and Costco's launch plans.
3) Hope the above have no midnight launches or weekday pre-orders.
4) Start looking at bus schedules as of 11/18.
5) Online is not an option unless free shipping. Refuses to pay unnecessary $.
6) Fail to become a launch adopter, but realizes how studies will not be hindered by awesomeness of Zelda.
Well, my plans are promptly to hide out in my Meijer after midnight untill they roll the Wii's out (something tells me we'll be getting quite a few, it is a launch system afterall), pay for it, then pick up Zelda and Trauma Center (or go to gamestop if we don't have it). I really hope I have the $250 saved by then though (I spend way too much :))
Well, I've got a preorder at GS. I've got to figure out if they're doing a midnight launch or not. They are literally a stone's throw from WalMart so I'll probably call them up this week or next and see what their plans are for the launch. I'd like to secure two from the get go in the event that they're hard to find before Christmas and a CAGer may need one. If no one needs it, I'll just return it to the store. So, likely wait and get one at WalMart and then head over to GS to get mine there.

The best part? I'm on my internship year training to be a pastor. I'm up to preach twice on Sunday, Nov. 19. Ah, delightful conflict. ;) Have to be up at 6 am and actually be awake, but at 12:45 walk in my front door with a system I've been eagerly awaiting for many months. Zelda may not get opened that night, but the system WILL get setup and my wife and I will likely play tennis, unless she's long since ditched my and gone home to bed. ;)
Got mine preordered at EB. Buddy of mine is planning on being in town that week, and we'll probably hit up the midnight launch. Given the rumored Best Buy allocation (where he'd like to get his) we'll probably just go after that launch and see how any line may be. Maybe worth sitting in line, maybe just go back home, play a few hours of Wii, and then go sit outside the store till it opens. Figure if they have at least 50 consoles, there won't be that many people in line, but we can judge that when the time comes.
Plan: Get Wii from amazon early (hopefully) see this email:
Thank you for writing to Amazon.com with your concern.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience that might have caused regarding
this order.

The Estimated Delivery Date displayed in Your Account for this
shipment is November 07, 2006 - November 14, 2006.

I assure that this item will be delivered in time as mentioned in
your account, we have it on hand and preparing for the shipment.

We will send you an e-mail to let you know when the order has been
[quote name='defiance_17'] This thing is turning out to be way bigger than I expected.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Good for Nintendo, bad for us. :(

I'm not revealing my plans. Too many users on here from the same area. I actually want a chance at getting one. :)
I'm still not dead set on getting a Wii at launch. Kind of waiting for some reviews to come out. I'm honsestly not feeling this new generation of consoles. However if Zelda gets an amazing review (9.7 or above) then I will be completley sold and have to come up with a launch day plan.
i probally go to best buy and see if they got any when they open. I dont plan on standing in line for hours. IF i get one i get one if i dont i dont.

now last month i was probally going to stand in line but with my teeth acting up i dont know if i can afford a system since i probally be out 500 + for getting teeth pulled , hopefully i can put it off till jan or feb
11/18 I will be confirming if store will be open at 12:01 a.m. on launch. If so, I will be waiting in line an picking up my paid for system. A few hours later I will head down to BK for the three 360 games they are selling. So on the 19th I will be occupied with Wii Sports and Sneak King:)
For the PS3, I will consider camping out at Sams Club, Costco, or a local Wal-Mart that opens at 7am. I will be paying cash (or check) and flip the unit on eBay.

For the Wii I have my brother trying to aquire a unit at the Wal-Mart he works at a county over (picking up a Wii + buying me a Wiimote is his Christmas gift to me).

If that fails, its back to a Sams Club, Costco, or 7am Wal-Mart on Sunday.
I'm still holding out hope that Best Buy and Circuit City will do online presales of the consoles, like they did for the 360 last year.

If not, I'll probably try to swing by a Walmart at midnight or Best Buy first thing on that Sunday morning.
My plans are still quite shaky and depend on weather and opening hours.

I know I'm going to go to a Best Buy, around 4-5 hours before they're opening, I'd guess. Less if its raining or sleeting. Haven't decided which-- the closest location is in a very... urban neighborhood. I don't know if I'm comfortable with the idea of waiting there, it will depend widely on how many people are in line (Kind of a double edged knife here-- If there's too many people I might get scared off because I don't think this is gonna be one of the places that get 80 consoles at launch. If there's not enough people (Like one group of 1-3 guys), I might get worried for my personal safety and hang out in my car until more people come.).
I could also go to another one which is about a 40 minute drive, which I expect to get more wiis in, and is in a more populated area near a mall, but I'm not sure I feel like driving that far, honestly, because I'll be pissed if I get there 5 hours to opening and there's a line of 200 people.

If neither of those pan out, it's over to EB games to pick up my preordered wii. If I get one at a BB, then it's over to EB games to pick up my preordered games, cancel the preordered wii, and home to play.
Still undecided.

What I'd love to do, ideally, is go to Austin and camp out at one of the Targets. There, a few Austin CAGs would meet up with me and we'd camp out together - namely Dr Mario Kart. If LiquidNight and Mr. Anderson showed, all the better. I'd find a way to hook up a GC, and we'd Smash Bros for during the wait. Maybe set up a little tourney just for fun with the people in line.

The next step down would be to go to the local Target and camp-out there, and just bring my DS and play games for a while.

Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, it really looks like this is bigger than I give it credit for (I was already astounded with GS pre-order lines). Which would mean I'd have to camp-out, I'm thinking, at least 12 hours in advance, if not many more. Which doesn't bother me, as I've never done it in my life, so I'd really like to have that experience. However, Austin is 2 hours away, and I'd have to find a way to get food to me. My little sister is there, so maybe she could come over and help out.

Also, being Texas, I imagine the coldest it will get is about 40 degrees, so that's not an issue at all.

I need to ask the Austin CAGs what their plans are and go from there.
I pre-ordered mine from Amazon (their first batch in early September), so the big question is when will I receive it? I went for 1-day shipping, so I'd assume that I'll have mine by Monday.

Since I have work, I'll just play a little bit at night on Monday and Tuesday. Only working a half-day on Wednesday, so a bunch of my friends will be coming over for a pizza and gaming marathon Wednesday night. Also, have off until the following Tuesday -- so I have nearly a week of Wii except for Thanksgiving day.
Saturday: get up early and take care of everything for class on monday and tuesday, then go back to sleep for a few hours, get up at 11, shower/brush teeth, leave
Sunday: already be at the EB store a few minutes before midnight, walk in, sign for Wii, leave. Then spend the rest the rest of the day playing Wii Sports and ExciteTruck.
Monday and Tuesday: go to class... struggle to pay attention
Wednesday - Sunday: 5-day Thanksgiving break/non-stop Wii-for-all.

Also my birthday falls on Thanksgiving day, so if my girlfriend can manage to get a her hands on a copy of Zelda, I'll have that to look forward to as well.
Guess I'll ask here and the Ohio/Kentucky threads, but is anyone in the Hamilton/Fairfield area camping for a Wii? I plan on hitting up the Walmart on Princeton Rd and grabbing one. I know someone who works there so I'm going to ask beforehand what they plan on doing.
November 19th- 10am-6:30pm (starting maybe earlier)
-Working launch.

November 19th- After 6:30pm
-Pay for my TRU pre-order Wii, and spend forever enjoying it.
pick up wii at midnight...play said wii until i can't feel my teethe, or my arms are sore to the point of atrophy of the muscle fibers.

T. Foolery
Hitting the local Wal-Mart Supercenter on Saturday afternoon (or whenever they say a line is starting to form) and playing my DS all day long. Hopefully some other DS owners will show so I can get some multiplayer gaming on.
The day the Wii launches I'll be out of town at an anime convention, but I plan on picking mine up from Circuit City while I'm out of town and then playing immediately after I get home.
Luckily I got in on the first wave of Amazon preorders back in September; even managed to get my best friend one since his birthday is right after the Wii launch and he really wants one.
i have to wait to get mine. didnt get in on of the pre orders so ill be sitting at home plaaying FF 12 and hoping to pick one up later down the rd.
I had a preorder at Amazon, but I cancelled it.

I have decided to do the camp out because for some sick twisted reason I love stuff like that. I plan to get to a 24-hr Wal-Mart mid day on the 18th, find the line and my gf and I will chill until midnight and hopefully snag one. I will have the DS in tow, and maybe a book, just in case I run the battery dry while in line.

Should we have no luck at Wal-Mart, that still affords us the opportunity to wait out at Target or Best Buy.
[quote name='PenguinMaster']My plan is to stay at home and enjoy playing my Xbox 360 (on both November 17th & 19th).[/QUOTE]

It's certainly good such things compel you to tell us about it in the Wii forum.
about a 15 min drive from me is (all in walking distanc of each other) an:
Eb, 2 GS's, BB, CC, Target, Tru, Walmart, Sears, and a Compusa. Do you think I will be able to walkk in and pick one up anyway?
My plan is to figureout which retailers around me are having midnight launches and see if they know how many units they are getting. Since I'm usually up late anyway, I'll probably drive around around 10 and see if there are lines forming anywhere. If they aren't, I'll grab something to eat and show back up around 11:30 or 11:45 and hopefully get one. If this strategy doesn't work, I'll do the same for the other stores opening at regular hours, but probably show up a bit earlier.
I'm gonna pick up my Wii on the 19th from the EB I pre-ordered it at, grab an extra Wiimote, Zelda (reviews pending, otherwise I'll wait for GC version), and Excite Truck and go home and play Wii Sports with some friends. Later that week, I will take a foray into the wide world of substance abuse and Wii. Wii Drink? Wii Smoke? Wiid? Wii think so.
The GS where I preordered my Wii apparently won't be doing a midnight launch. Oh well. I thought I might go to Wal-Mart to pick one up when they start selling them at midnight and then cancel my preorder at GS. Then I thought better of it. I waited 4 hours in line to get that preorder, I may as well keep it. Of course, that means I have to wait for GS to open at 10 AM on the 19th which in turn means that there will be people playing the Wii for a full 10 hours before I do... and that's going to bother me. A lot.
I will be at Toys R Us when they open, perhaps even a little bit early. I will then go home and play lots and lots of Zelda.
[quote name='daroga']Well, I've got a preorder at GS. I've got to figure out if they're doing a midnight launch or not. They are literally a stone's throw from WalMart so I'll probably call them up this week or next and see what their plans are for the launch. I'd like to secure two from the get go in the event that they're hard to find before Christmas and a CAGer may need one. If no one needs it, I'll just return it to the store. So, likely wait and get one at WalMart and then head over to GS to get mine there.

The best part? I'm on my internship year training to be a pastor. I'm up to preach twice on Sunday, Nov. 19. Ah, delightful conflict. ;) Have to be up at 6 am and actually be awake, but at 12:45 walk in my front door with a system I've been eagerly awaiting for many months. Zelda may not get opened that night, but the system WILL get setup and my wife and I will likely play tennis, unless she's long since ditched my and gone home to bed. ;)[/QUOTE]

This has nothing to do with the topic, but I KNEW you were a Christian. I could tell just by your posts and was basically waiting for you to confirm it.

Anyway, my plans consist of camping out at a Wal-Mart that's out in the middle of nowhere along with one of my friends. We'll be there at 6 p.m. until midnight and walk out of the door with whatever's available. We're both expecting to get a Wii and Zelda at least, but if we come away with PS3s as well, so be it. Thank God for credit cards. ;-)

The guy I'm camping with is a PK and works for his dad's church, so he really has no choice but to be at church Sunday morning. I'll most likely go with him, but I know we'll at least get some Wii Sports in until 1 or 2 a.m.

And no, I wouldn't resell my PS3 on eBay if I were to get one. It's all mine.
Most of these plans seem pretty easy compared to what I'm going to (attempt to) go through. I've got my pre-order at EB which is in the middle of a shopping center. Target's at one end, and Best Buy's at the other.

10:40-ish: Go to Target, pick up Red Steel*, Marvel:UA, and Rayman. Get the $20 gift card for buying 3 games on launch day, then use the gift card to buy a 2000 Wii Points Card.

11:00: Go to EB (open at 11), pick up the Wii and Zelda (prepaid in full). Hopefully their modem for credit cards isn't down for 30 minutes like it was on the pre-order day.

11:30: Go to BB, pick up controllers. I've got 8 GGCs with $10 on each card, plus the coupons, as well a $5 RZ certificate and a few Monopoly BB Bucks. All of that will let me pick up 3 remotes, 3 nunchucks, and 2 classic controllers for about $100. I do feel a little sorry for the cashier that's going to have to scan all of that, but $40 in GGC coupons = free wiimote.

Hopefully by 12:30, I'll be home and have it set up. I'm throwing a launch party with the groomsmen in my wedding, so it should be a pretty good day. I won't get to start Zelda until later that evening, but I'm taking the rest of the week off of work (very much needed vacation time), so it's probably going to be only Zelda until Friday or so.

* I had originally paid off Red Steel at EB, but with Target's "Buy 3" deal, I cancelled it and moved the credit over to the balance on my Wii.
[quote name='Travelsized']Most of these plans seem pretty easy compared to what I'm going to (attempt to) go through.[/quote]

My original plans were a lot like yours. I've got a bunch of GGCs and that's where I'm getting my extra Wiimotes and accessories. I planned on visiting 2 or 3 stores on launch day.

But now, on launch day, I've decided not to bother.

I tried and failed to get an EB preorder. I figured it would be about the same at TRU, and didn't bother going. Seems I was right about that. I would not have left early enough to have gotten one.

But circumstances have changed. I originally was going to get the Wii at TRU because I had over $100 in gift cards. Now, thanks to EB's trade-3-get-10 promotion and to my cancelled Trauma Center preorder, I have enough to pay off the Wii at EB. So that's where I'm going to get it.

I put a bunch of my TRU gift cards into last week's buy-2-get-one game special instead, and I have enough left over for Trauma Center if I still want it. I'll probably still be playing Okami and Rocket Slime come the 19th.

My new plan is to pick up Zelda on the 20th and drop into EB/GS every few days, or whenever I'm near one. If Nintendo is half as smart as I think they are, I'll probably snag one before Christmas. If not, oh well. I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer.
I’ll hit GC first to pick up my pre-ordered system. Next I’ll sashay across town to collect my pre-ordered copy of Trauma Center from GS. Then I’ll hit up BB, GGC in hand, to snag Zelda, a second Wiimote, or both. And finally I’ll head home, set up the system, and enjoy.
bread's done