What are you getting with your Wii?


84 (98%)
Being thats its roughly a week away...what will you be buying with your Wii on Day 1?

Wii System
Component Cable
Extra Wiimote with Nunchuck
Classic Controller
1Gig SD Card
Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess
Legend of Zelda - Twilight Princess Guide
Super Monkey Ball
Metal Slug Anthology

Extra remote
Extra nunchuk
Red Steel
Trauma Center
Zelda guide and soundtrack - this probably ships on the 19th, so technically won't have it on launch day.

Maybe component cables, no big hurry for those.
Super Monkey Ball
Red Steel
Component Cables

And it's gonna cost me around $100 out of pocket
If my Amazon pre-order comes thru..

I'll use my EB credit to buy Zelda, if its available.
I already got a 1Gig SD card from buy.com ($5 after rebate and $10 google checkout)
Defenitely get some Component Cables
Extra-Wiimote and nunchucks maybe..
Check Ebay for cheap Monkey Ball from bundle buyers who dont want it..
Wii console
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
(Possibly) Trauma Center: 2nd Opinion or Red Steel
Component Cables
2000 Wii Points

1/2 GB SD Card and 2nd controller possibly, but I'll probably wait on those.
Don't forget a rechargeable battery kit if you don't already have one... you can get some *excellent* ones with batteries for $20 and under. Try to get one that will stop charging on its own. Should more than pay for itself over the life of the Wii.

Also, I'm all about supporting Nintendo, but their branded SD card is stupidly overpriced. If you're paying anything more than $20 for a 1gb SD card, you're being had.
Extra Controller
Extra Nunchuck
Gt Pro Series(possible)
Excite Truck
Metal Slug
2000 Wii Points
Monkey Ball
Tony Hawk Downhill
Red Steel

December will be another big spending month. I may even get 2 2000 point cards. I really want to get a lot of VC titles, I will probably get all the TG 16 games.
Wii System
Component Cable
Extra Wiimote with Nunchuck
Classic Controller
1Gig SD Card

No video game besides wii sports, unless the girlfriend picks up Trauma Center. Nothing is really blowing my mind to buy at the moment, but talk of the launch is making me still pick up a system lol.
Extra Controller (maybe 2..)
Extra Nunchuck (same as above)
Trauma Center or Super Monkey Ball or Red Steel (Def one of those)
2000 Points card with the $20 Giftcard from Target when I get 3 games :) (Maaybe I'll get 2 cards, or make my BF buy 1)

I don't think I need componet cables. I don't understand them? I thought it came with standard AV cables, or am I wrong? I have a standard TV, so if it comes with AV cables.. I'm good.. riiight?
Yeah I'm going with Wii only right now, I'm already spending money I should be using on friends and family this Christmas.

I'm such a selfish bastard.
Wii Console w/ Wii Sports
1 GB SD Card
Extra Wiimote
Extra Nunchuk
Classic Controller
Component Cable
Trauma Center
2000 Wii Points Card
My brother said he wants a Wii now since WOW got delayed. So here is our list...

2 Wii Consoles
Extra controller with nunchuck
Red Steel
Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam
Super Monkey Ball
Excite Truck

Some of these might depend on what I hear before the game comes out. Imight just rent a few.
Red Steel
Excite Truck
Retro Controller
1000-2000 points
Maybe a 2nd controller if Wii Sports/Excite Truck is fun enough
1000 Wii Points (For Super Mario 64)
Thats it for me. I would buy Red Steel but I want to save some money for Black Friday. So, I get paid end of December and will most likely but it then.
Here is what I have money-wise:
...$370.00 in EB/GS credit
...$200.00 saved away in a bank account
+ $50-$100 in cash in wallet/ lying around


May Want (50% or lower wantage factor)
What I will get, but have not Pre-Ordered

Here is what I may/want/have [already Pre-Ordered]:
  • Wii (Pre-Ordered at Amazon.com w/ 1 day shipping): $253.98
  • Zelda: $52.49 in EB/GS credit
  • Excite Truck: $52.49 in EB/GS credit
  • Tony Hawk: $52.49 in EB/GS credit
  • Rayman: $52.49 in EB/GS credit
  • Redsteel: Pre-Ordered at FamilyVideo.com: $38.96
  • Super Monkey Ball: $49.99
  • Call of Duty 3: $49.99
  • Madden 07: $49.99
  • Trauma Center: $49.99
  • Exrta Wiimote: $39.99
  • Extra Nunchuck: $19.99
  • Component Cables: $29.99
  • 2,000pt. Wii Points Card: $20.00
Total cost of Everything I want and every thing I Pre-Ordered.:

$612.87 (EB/GS Credit= $319.93, Bank Account Money= $200, Extra Cash= $92.94)

OR... I could get a PS3 and nothing else in a state with 2% tax.
Wii+Zelda+component cables[maybe]
though actually I plan on trying to get Zelda early (I think BB says 11/15), so technically it won't be a day one thing.....
I actually don't plan on picking up Zelda at launch, I'll get something else instead.

No epic, time consuming games for me until after finals :p

After that? Who knows.

component cables maybe.
another wiimote/nunchuk maybe.

Red steel? Probably. Gotta support 3rd party exclusives.

Then there's a big list of games that had glimpses of fun combined with the chance to test out the controller further.

CoD3, FarCry, Excite Truck, Downhill Jam, Madden, Raving RAbits, MonkeyBall, .... in no particular order.

I was really interested in Downhill Jam, but I saw a video and it looked like fun and the combination of racing but skateboarding game which I've never played seemed like fun. Excite Truck is an arcade racer which I just love those games. The only question really is do I want to spend $50 on these games. And I guess I'll use reviews to make sure there's no frame rate problems or other quality problems.

CoD3. Well just saw a video and you know the graphics actually look pretty good. I was thinking worse. I feel an urge to test out the controller in more than 1 fps game too. Far Cry trailer looked alright. And the graphics looked good enough. Another test of the controller. I don't really want to rely on reviews to know whether I like the controls or not. I'm going to play the games myself for the most part unless I read about alot of quality control problems.

Rabbits and Monkeyball. Well probably 1 of those games will end up in my Wii. Not sure which.

Then there's Madden. I really am getting a vibe that EA is actually making an effort here to really bring Madden to the Wii. Might be hard tho to pay $50 for the game this late in the season. EA really should hook folks at this point at a cheaper price and bring them on board for next year at regular price.

So really only ZElda is for sure. Not even sure about component cables right away even tho I have an hdtv. I'll probably do most of my gaming on a regular TV. The wife will have the hdtv. We'll see tho. If the extra wiimote has those wiiplay games then I'll probably get a 2nd one right away.
Wii System
Component Cables
Extra Wiimote
Extra Nunchuck
Classic Controller
Wii Points (either in card form or just online if its easier)
Zelda or Red Steel
A Multiplayer Game

I didn't really want to spend more than $400 on this, but looks like I will definately end up doing it. I'll probably make my limit $500 and go for another game.
Wii System followed by a trip to BK for:
Here's my list, so far :p

Extra Wiimote
Extra Nunchuck
Trauma Center
NFS Carbon
Classic Controller
2000 VC Card

I also have Super Swing Golf and Elebits preordered, and i'm debating on possibly picking up Madden for the Wii as well.

I'm not worrying right now about the extra SD card. Office Max is having 2GB SD cards on Black Friday for $24.99, so I'm going to have the wife stop by and pick one up. :p
-Trauma Center
-*mysterious third game, DBZ, Metal Slug, or Red Steel*
-Classic Controller
-Extra Wii-mote
-Component Cables

I'll wait on the SD card until BF as I've got a perfectly good 512 one sitting on my desk from last BF.
Though none of it is coming from the same store, I plan on getting:

The Wii
Second Wii-mote (possibly another Nunchuck)
Component Cables

I can't make myself buy more than that. That's already freakin' expensive.
Wii w/ Wii Sports
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Zelda Twilight Princess

Zelda alone should keep me busy until the prices drop on the other launch games I want (Trauma Center, Excite Truck, Monkey Ball).
Wii w/Wii Sports
Zelda: Twilight Princess

I'm getting those through my friend whose bro works for NOA, and I plan to order these from EB (since they ship internationally, woo):

-Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
-Metal Slug Anthology
-Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2
-Rampage: Total Destruction

I want to get Red Steel and Trauma Center too, but they're not listed on EB/Gamestop's websites? WTF?
[quote name='Gameboy415']Wii w/Wii Sports
Zelda: Twilight Princess

I'm getting those through my friend whose bro works for NOA, and I plan to order these from EB (since they ship internationally, woo):

-Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
-Metal Slug Anthology
-Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 2
-Rampage: Total Destruction

I want to get Red Steel and Trauma Center too, but they're not listed on EB/Gamestop's websites? WTF?[/quote]They stopped taking individual preorders for those in addition to Zelda, as far as I know. Hooray for forcing bundles.
I was originally going to get Zelda and Elebits, but Elebits got pushed to an Xmas gift :whistle2:(. I need another game to go with my launch day purchase, but I'm having trouble deciding on which one. I need a game that would be fun being played by multiple people (not necessarily in multiplayer, but taking turns with single player), and that uses Wii functionality pretty well. This reasoning is leading me towards Monkeyball or Rayman, but eh. Both of those games seem like "wait until $10" to me. Of course, this is a console launch, so my buying guidelines are loosened up a little. Kind of want to try out Red Steel too, but I dunno.

Damn you Elebits. You were the perfect launch game. DAMN YOU!
It kinda depends on what kind of people you will be playing with. Red Steel or COD3 (depending on your tastes) might be something fun for more gaming-oriented people. Not sure how Rayman and Monkey Ball would be single player, but they'd probably be a lot of fun for non-gamers in multiplayer.
I'm thinking I'm pretty locked in on Red Steel, Excite Truck, Zelda, and Rayman at this point.

I could end up picking up Call of Duty 3 and Monkey Ball at launch too.

I'd like to get one of the minigame collections too, but I can't decide between Monkey Ball and Rayman. Or maybe I'll just wait and get the golf game. That looks fun.
Plans so far include:

Wii System
Extra Wiimote
Extra Nunchuk
Classic Controller
Trauma Center
Monkey Ball
Excite Truck
2000 Wii Points Card
Component Cables

It's going to be a painful week on the credit card
bread's done