What Bands Do You Believe Need A Little Recognition?


I was just thinking of the great amount of underground and indie musicians and bands out there that are a 100 times better than a lot of the garbage that one hears on the radio today and thought that they need some exposure.

A list I've come up with are these so far:

Los Anormales - Great Spanish Raggaetone (this is probably the only raggaetone that I actually like)
The Mars Volta
The Arcade Fire
At the Drive-In
The Hippos
The Raveonettes
Catch 22
The Skatalites
Fiery Furnaces
Reel Big Fish
Le Tigre
The Flaming Lips
Lacuna Coil
Bouncing Souls
The Voodoo Glow Skulls


I actually have known about these for a long time, but I thought that some more recognition couldn't hurt them.

Lawrence Arms
Operation Ivy

Edit Again:

Now I'm just starting to pick randomly since so many people have offered so many different bands and such.

The Toadies
...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead
Thievery Corporation
Bloc Party
Pretty Girls Make Graves
Postal Service
Snow Patrol
It Dies Today

Edit Again:

In-Decline (Again, I believe this is how you spell their name)
Mag-ni-fi (not sure on this one though)
The New York Ska Xchange


Jedi Mind Tricks
The Roots
Jurrasic 5

Edit: Atmosphere

Edit: Oh, just to let you guy's know, I will periodically be adding to the list some that are suggested as well as others that come to mind.
Steve Vai
Liquid Picasso(though there breaking up)
Dick Dale & The Deltones
Yes(but definetly not live)
Carbon Leaf

They've won an American Music Award (AMA) and were the first unsigned band ever to play on the award show. They've since signed a record deal with Vanguard, but are still not getting the recognition they deserve. I've been following them for almost five years now.

Their older albums are solid rock with a hint of celtic influences (tin whistle, mandolin, etc.), while their newer CD is more straightforward pop-rock.

Check them out at http://www.carbonleaf.com, where you can download MP3s from some of their albums. Or, listen to samples of their CDs on Amazon.com, especially their live album, 5 Alive!

The best way to experience them, though, is to see one of their shows.

Edit: Here's a video of their AMA performance: http://www.blueridgelaughing.com/AMA.wmv
I'd say some hardcore bands, but it seems they're more made for the underground scene.

And hey, i actually know Lacuna Coil.

I'd say Rammstein needs more recognition.
Slim Cessnas Auto Club
16 Horsepower
Reverend Glasseye and his Wooden Legs
Mark Lanegan
Tom Waits (he has recognition, but needs more dag nabbit)
Songs: Ohia
Arcade Fire
Tim Buckley
Mars Volta and Jedi Mind Tricks have a shitload of recognition, and the Arcade Fire has been on the rise as of late.

As for me, I'd go with The Foreign Exchange
rocket from the crypt.

[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Brand New
Taking Back Sunday
The Starting Line
Days Away
Elliott Smith
Sigur Rus[/QUOTE]

Taking Back Sunday has a ton of recognition. It's now one of those "pop punk" bands IMO that conformed to get radio air play. Their older stuff is far superior to their last album IMO.

Also, it's not Sigur Rus it's Sigur Ros and they're awesome.
[quote name='Rich']Mars Volta and Jedi Mind Tricks have a shitload of recognition, and the Arcade Fire has been on the rise as of late.

As for me, I'd go with The Foreign Exchange[/QUOTE]

Mars Volta really only recently has been getting the exposure that they need IMO. And if you ask most people at my schools about who Jedi Mind Tricks, 95% of them will say "What, who are they? Are they from Star Wars or somethin'".
[quote name='Rich']Also has a shitload of recognition.[/QUOTE]

I'll agree with that, though they could use more so that they'll take the place of most of the shit that's on the radio now.
Inspection 12

They're connected at the...knee...to current stars Yellowcard but immensely more talented and versatile. The members of the bands grew up together in Jacksonville, FL, have several songs written about each other (many of them inspired by feuds between the bands), and share a member in Pete Mosely. Though they're pretty much still in "local band" status, they did a couple national tours many years back. The reason they haven't hit it big is because the members have their own little priorities: like finishing college. Tell me you can't respect that. (Whereas Yellowcard dropped out, picked themselves up and moved to California, busting their asses until they caught a break. Not that that didn't pay off...) Anyway, no doubt thanks to their close ties to Yellowcard, they're now signed on Takeover Records and will re-re-release their 2003 album Get Rad nationally. (Priorly, they released pretty much all their records independently, one through Honest Don's, and Get Rad independently then through a European label and in the US in select few chains.) IIRC, Get Rad was Alternative Press magazine's #14 best album of 2003. Currently they only play two shows a year at Christmas time (due to their various schedules), one accoustic/piano and the other with full band setup, both never failing to fill to capacity, leaving many unfortunate fans outside the venue doors.

They started out as a punk act and have now evolved into something all their own, showing influences in metal, rock, southern rock, bluegrass, and other disparate forms. Though listen to their song "Labels are for Cans," and you'll understand they don't like to be pigeonholed into a specific genre. Their song structure is original, harmonies tight, and are undeniably instrumental and compositional virtuosos.
Well, I'd say Against Me! first and foremost. I know that a lot of the hardcore fans would lament this statement, as they like to keep AM! very DIY and underground. However, I believe that the guys write songs that are too beautiful to not share with everyone I possibly can. I'm aware of how lame and gh3y that sounds, but it's definitely a great way to describe their music.

Also, I'll toss in my hat for the Arcade Fire as well. As some of you may remember (yet probably don't, because I'm such a lurker) I had an Arcade Fire sig. I don't worry about them getting to mainstream, since their stuff is so far off the beaten path that they'll never get huge.

And hey, I'd like to see some more respect given to The Band. They own the Hell out of most other bands, classic or modern, and I see very little talk. Check out The Last Waltz on DVD to start, then devour everything else you can find. Pretend I'm Jack Bauer, and trust me on this.

the lead singer is a friend of a friend of mine. they signed up with Wind Up Records (Evanescence, Creed) but are no longer with them. i don't know if they got cut, or if they told them to screw off, but what i do know is that they got no promotion whatsoever. their debut self-titled album is pretty damn good, too bad no one's heard it. i'm pretty sure you can still find the cd around.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']The Roots, Common, Nas, Talib Kweli, Postal Service (Little More Recognition)
Flaming Lips
They Might Be Giants
Reel Big Fish[/QUOTE]
The Roots was one of several bands playing free shows tonight and tomorrow night at my school (UCF in Orlando, FL), but the only one I actually had any interest in seeing. I was feeling particularly lazy/tired to leave my dorm and deal with parking and be herded around, so I wound up just staying in. Afterwards, I hear all these stories about how it was (to quote Comic Book Guy), "Best. Concert. Ever." Not just it being a great show, but several people saying it far eclipses anything they'd ever seen and will ruin any future concerts they attend because they won't be able to live up. That's just depressing.
[quote name='Renzokuken']Copeland
Bowling for Soup
cooool, didnt know there were any other T&N fans here. anberlins newest cd is awesome compared to the last. Copelands last cd is better than their new one though IMO.
Looks at Itunes list:

Aesop Rock (moderate recognition is not sufficient)

Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill soundtrack composer, AWESOME)

The Beta Band (some recognition but they broke up because lack of commercial success...one of the best bands in the last 20 years)

Dredg (incredible, incredible band....imagine Pink Floyd+Tool and then some other unexplainable goodness and you have this band....probably the greatest rock band of the last two decades, seriously listen to "El Cielo")

Explosions in the Sky (if you've seen Friday Night Lights, ask yourself if you remember the sountrack...)

The Flaming Lips (this doesn't really qualify considering their critical success....but still, The Soft Bulletin was one of the top 3 albums of the 90s)

Massive Attack (yes, they are BIG, but not so much in the US, and that is a travesty. They have had more impact on the musical scene then any group since the Beatles. FACT...and they're fucking genius)

Mogwai (Post-rock pioneers for the new school....Young Team is an amazing record)

Mum (Bjork+Sigur Ros+crack)

The Pharcyde (lost in the midst of the bullshit rap of today.....god they made great hiphop records)

Sigur Ros (can't describe but trust me, inspired, unique and incredible)

there are a bunch of others but I'm TIRED
Fishbone - Go see them live any and every time you can.
New Pornographers
Electric Six
Jen Trynin
Eagles of Death Metal (Queens of the Stone Age side project)
Warren Zevon
Simon & Milo
Urge Overkill
Soul Coughing

None of these are super-obscure, but they all deserve more recognition.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']Brand New
Taking Back Sunday
The Starting Line
Days Away
Elliott Smith
Sigur Rus[/QUOTE]

TBS has become MTV's bitch and Elliott Smith is dead.. so.. exposure won't help him much, though he has some awesome music..

Damien Rice is great, Angie Aparo pre-band is awesome (check out "The American" and "For Stars And Moon" on Amazon.com).
[quote name='evilmax17']Are they still doing the Prozzak gimmick, or is this a different band?[/QUOTE]

It's the same band. I listened to Prozzak after hearing Simon & Milo and didn't like it as much.
I have a lot of mp3s, so bear with me...

...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead (some of the best indie I've ever heard)

Addison Groove Project (Boston-based, incredibly funky)

Bedhead (very chill rock music)

Bob Schneider (one of my favorite acoustic artists)

The Books (I can't really classify them, but I really like what I hear)

BT (has some tracks that put the Chemical Brothers to shame)

CocoRosie (an acquired taste, but I think they're excellent)

DeVotchka (Bohemian-dance-style rock, they kick ass)

Do Make Say Think (very Explosions In The Sky-esque)

Efterklang (a mix of Mum and Sigur Ros)

Godspeed, You Black Emperor! (some incredibly long songs, but they're amazing)

M83 (Explosions in the Sky with bit-tones)

Matt Nathanson (kind of like a mix between Goo Goo Dolls and Third Eye Blind)

Slowdive (the best shoegaze I've heard. It's like listening to a dream)

Sound Tribe Sector 9 (very chill)

Thievery Corporation (they were on the Garden State soundtrack, but still don't get as mnuch recognition as they deserve)
Snow Patrol
Secret Machines
Postal Sevice
Eddie Spaghetti
Kings Of Leon
LCD Soundsystem
The Decemberists
bread's done