What do you do for a living?

graphic designer for a stained glass company.. Ill produce brouchures and other ads, Ill produce new designs for our product, video presentations when needed, help coordinate out web page layout, any many other jobs... very much a jack of all trades with the graphics part being my main job
I'm a software engineer for a federal contractor that does research and development on sensor systems for the U.S. military. We do a lot of work with thermal imagery, for example.
Well I'm a full time student that's been working at a Dairy Queen for about 5.5 years. I got the job though to pay for my PS2 when it came out :)
Currently I work as a credit representative, but I just found 2 days ago that I'm getting a promotion into the IS department.

I'm also a student, majoring in IS, I finish school on July 1. I cannot wait. :D
Part-time Resource Coordinator, part-time stay-at-home dad, and full-time user of hyphens! :D

I also do some freelance writing.
[quote name='sheepboy_1923']I'm a ticketing bitch for theatre and concerts. I hope to god it's not a career. Also a part time student. (School is one expensive hobby...)[/QUOTE]

Same here.
Professional slacker...............

Factory drone. I stand at what is pretty much a computer(mac I should say) hooked up to a copy machine(Riso) and run "copies" for 8 hours and work. 3rd shift none the less too.
[quote name='adamsappel']Stay-at-home dad to three-year-old daughter. Modernboy, it is I who am Master-of-Hyphens![/QUOTE]

I humble myself in your highly-punctuated presence! :D
[quote name='ajh2298']Professional stunt cock.[/QUOTE]

Orgazmo's an awesome movie.

Uh, not a career but I'm currently a stocker at Costco, I get up at 2 and don't get off till 10 in the morning. I'm also a full time student.
Retail and god no its not my career but I have been out of high school only 2 years and I am working on something. Not sure what it is but something.
[quote name='camoor']your mom[/QUOTE]

So i'll pretend that it's 1996 and your reply is completely original and also not already posted on the first page.
I do some consulting for non-profit agencies, I instruct an after-school tennis program for elementary kids 3 days a week, and I just started working for a minor league basketball team.
Management Consulting (specifically HR related). It is my career, but I hope to have a new career at some point in the future cause this is not what I was put here to do....probably when I have more money in my piggybank. ;)
[quote name='Consummate Canuck']Professional Message Board Lurker.[/QUOTE]

Freelance writer. It pays the bills for now and I figure eventually I'll get a staff position somewhere, so good times.
bread's done