What Do You Do Really Late at Night?

I really should watch kittie, I never found her particularly attractive, and her personality would kind of ruin it, but I just feel like it's something I should do seeing as I'm on CAG a lot.

Though right now I'm playing "abadox" for nes, one of the first games I ever got. It's really fun, but the difficulty is insane. Getting to the second level used to be a major accomplishment for me, and it isn't much easier now.

Though the first level is a little odd. With all the severed eyes and other disgusting body intestinal/body part like things, there's this cartoony looking pterodactyl flying enemy every once in a while.

edit: Now I'm playing "bible adventures". Just threw baby moses out of the clouds and sent him crashing down to earth. The moses game seems to use the same engine that they used for mario 2 (u.s.). I bought this game for 5 bucks as a novelty, but the moses one (it has 3 games on it) is actually sort of addicting. Though I hope it doesn't break my system, it has to be squeezed into the toploader.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I really should watch kittie, I never found her particularly attractive, and her personality would kind of ruin it, but I just feel like it's something I should do seeing as I'm on CAG a lot.

Though right now I'm playing "abadox" for nes, one of the first games I ever got. It's really fun, but the difficulty is insane. Getting to the second level used to be a major accomplishment for me, and it isn't much easier now.

Though the first level is a little odd. With all the severed eyes and other disgusting body intestinal/body part like things, there's this cartoony looking pterodactyl flying enemy every once in a while.[/QUOTE]

Well, right now I'm up late at night because I am having a horrible night. I'm just... at a low right now. I haven't hit rock bottom, thankfully, but I'm figuring that things will either get worse or stay the same. That's not a good frame of mind, is it?

Well, I guess I'll just write for a while, listen to some tunes and hope that I can drift off into what resembles sleep.
[quote name='DT778']http://kittys.ytmnd.com/[/QUOTE]

Is it wrong to think that was better than kittie's porno? I remember a girl I had a crush on in high school, after knowing me for about a year she asked me if I was gay cause she had a gay friend who she thought I'd be perfect for, things like this are probably the reason. Well that and cause I said I didn't like any girl in the school, and I was too nervous to say that she was the one I liked.

poptart kitty, kitty fights sleeping dog, and dog bowl kittie are the cutest, but ivy eating kitty and kleenex box kitty are close. Damnit, I want a kitty! A big black fluffy kitty!
I moved from 2nd shift to 3rd shift at work (for school starting back up again next month).

So I'm working. That said, it tends to be pretty quiet on night shift here, monitoring computers. The Pacific and Europe are a lot quieter in general than North America!

So at work: surf forums - lately a lot of CAG, some LCVG.com, occasional straying back to my old haunts AVSforum, hometheaterforum, and DVDtalk...play my Nintendo DS (lately emulated NES Dragon Warrior IV, Kirby Canvas Curse & Shining Force), read.

At home when wife is home: watch anime/indy films/TVonDVD with my wife on the projector, etc

At home when wife is working a 3rd shift: play videogames (lately Star Ocean 3) on the projector or watch DVDs, read, or play games on my PC (Battle For Middle Earth or UT2004 online) and continue beta-testing Gametap.
[quote name='Rich']I just watched kittie in her new porno.[/QUOTE]

"Two blondes down" was the review given by Ebert and Roeper, I believe.
[quote name='Blade']"Two blondes down" was the review given by Ebert and Roeper, I believe.[/QUOTE]


It was actually pretty good for a lesbian flick. They're usually boring as fuck.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Is it wrong to think that was better than kittie's porno? I remember a girl I had a crush on in high school, after knowing me for about a year she asked me if I was gay cause she had a gay friend who she thought I'd be perfect for, things like this are probably the reason. Well that and cause I said I didn't like any girl in the school, and I was too nervous to say that she was the one I liked.

poptart kitty, kitty fights sleeping dog, and dog bowl kittie are the cutest, but ivy eating kitty and kleenex box kitty are close. Damnit, I want a kitty! A big black fluffy kitty![/QUOTE]
I think these two are pretty cool
Watch some tv episodes on my laptop, play some CS:S, browse forums, listen to music, sometimes I go for a walk around the street with a flashlight.
[quote name='DT778']I think these two are pretty cool

My favorite cats are black persians (though sphynx's are pretty cool, being hairless), and my favorite cat color is black, it's just black cats don't make good kittens in my mind.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']My favorite cats are black persians (though sphynx's are pretty cool, being hairless), and my favorite cat color is black, it's just black cats don't make good kittens in my mind.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no matter what a black kitten/puppy will never be as cute as one of a different color.
making a trade list, finalizing my school schedule, having a beer, occasionally playing some SF3, gonna play some pac pix, then sleep
Winding down after a long long day. I'm hoping sleep will come but there are things to take care of before sleep.
I'm usually doped up on some sort of sleeping aid, usually listening to music until I pass out, that or watching Adult Swim or what ever my tivo felt like recording.
Play slow games like JRPGs... music... but that latter is a constant no matter what time of day or night... catch up on email...
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Yeah, no matter what a black kitten/puppy will never be as cute as one of a different color.[/QUOTE]

You racist bastard!
bread's done