What do you do when a store's alarms go off when your entering?


Or leaving for that fact, and you know you didn't steal anything. It just happened to be today, my Advanced AV pack for Xbox set off Walden's alarms for some reason. I just kind of looked around a bit then left :wink:
I just keep walking and ignore everyone. I don't steal stuff, so I see no reason to go back. I pray that one day someone chases me, that store will have a nice lawsuit on their hands if that does happen and the employee touches me.
Most stores have the same policy that toyrus has. Where, if they dont see you with whatever you might be stealing the whole time you are in the the store, they can't/won't go after you because even if the person is stealing its prob only $100 (deffinitely not in some circumstances) and probably will cost them a lot less that a possiable lawsuit.

Edit: grammar
It happens to me so often it's not even funny. Whenever I have my gameboy with me I usually have to convince an employee that I didn't steal it from their store.
samurai style. :D

it happend to me because i had a magnetic thing in my pocket and it went off, im like hah lets run, and the sec. gaurd at target ran after me. but im like shaq fu u i didnt steal anything, and ran off.

I bought a pair of steel toe shoes from k-mart before they went out bankrupt around these parts. They never deactived them! Every store I went into made the alrams go of. Entering and leaving.

I go into home depot every day for wrok. I set them off ever time i went in or out! I would get stopped every day for a week!

Finially on thursday I went in and they stopped me again! I told them it was my shoes. I then kicked my foot back in forth in front of the alarms and set them off each time! They made me take off my shoes. stand in line at the register, and get them scanned to make them stop beeping! The had enough of me setting the alrams off.

I thoght it was funny so I never had a store deactivate them! you know I could get them in trouble for stopping me evreytime and making me look like I stole stuff. Oh well! It was funny staning in line with my shoes off and watching them scan them like they were merchandise!:)

Oh yeah TO answer the qusetion.

I yell if im on the way in

Don't worry I stole from a different store before I got here so you don't have to worry!
I have worked in the same retail store for the last 11 years, our security system was broken for the longest time. Everytime somebody make a copy on the copier that we kept by the door, the thing would go off. For the longest time, we just told customers if it went off just keep walking. The funny thing was that I was in another retail store, and they have the same system, I bought something and they forgot to deactivate it, the thing went off and I kept walking. Some guy came running after me yelling at me.
entering: ignore them and keep walking
leaving: stop and glare at the security guard until they let me go
i stare at an employee like "what the heck?" until they tell me to go on. most will do that since almost every store usually has a security camera also,so if you steal something you will more then likely get caught. they don't check you there because they will get sued if you didn't (by a lot of people).
yeah rarely does it happen when I'm leaving. If it didn't go off when you came in what are the odds that it will go off when you come out. If it does happen when I come in, I usually look at the Cashier and give them a little smerk. They usually look back and give me a "Yeah sorry, this store blows" look.
Thanks to recent research much of human intent can be detected by scanning hardware that is now affordable for security purposes. If the alarm goes off for no apparent reason it may have detected your possessing an inherent dishonest personailty. You may not be consciously aware of it but it's there.

As Zaphod Beeblebrox discovered, it's one thing to believe something about yourself but another another thing entirely to have it confirmed by a machine.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Oh yeah TO answer the qusetion.

I yell if im on the way in

Don't worry I stole from a different store before I got here so you don't have to worry![/quote]

i'm sure you mean well, but employees don't really want to hear your jokes, and chances are that you make them want to hang themselves.
LOL, I was dressed in all black with a Metallica shirt on too. I figured they'd expect me to steal something to begin with.

Edit: Yeah, this is Ultimatallica, my friend's a fucking dumbass.
If you're near the checkout, you just walk through the door as you exit.... as long as an employee saw you buy something. If not, RUN
Been working in the same store for 9 years now. So if I'm in another store and set alarms off going out I go immediately back to the register and thell them what they forgot to do. On the way in...I tell them I'm trying to return merchandise without them knowing.

And rccannon has a sweet avatar.
i usally just stop look at the cashier, then walk on.

i bought some junk from one store, their alarms didn't go off when we left. every single other store we went to in the mall's alarm went off.

i've bought stuff from one store, and came to return it, then the alarm went. off

i'll stop look at them and leave.
I usually (*USUALLY*) turn pale, soil myself, and scream like a schoolgirl while taking blind swings at anyone that tries to console me.

Other times I just look at the cashier like I'm saying "DO SOMETHIN" because I don't believe in breaking the law, only BENDING it. ;)
I stop look to see if someone is coming wait till someone starts coming toward me and walk or run out of the store if they want to stop me they are more then welcome I got my recipet I know I did not steal. target for me is the worst with this.
When I go into a store and the alarm goes off I tell them I am sneaking things into the store. And when it goes off when I am leaving the store, I run. :lol:
hell yeah, I would keep walkin, point out that if they touch me, they wouldn't be employeed anymore. then again, I have been a good criminal for years, and I just don't care anymore
bread's done