What do you do when the new version of the game comes out?


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With the call of duty games and sports games that come out every year do you guys keep the previous version even though you beat it and played it to death as part of your collection or trade it in as soon as the new version of the game comes out? I understand sports titles get dropped quickly when the new version of the game comes out, but what about games like the call of duty series? People still play MW2 and the previous Halo games when BO2 and Halo 4 is right around the corner.

My cousin has decided to get rid of his old COD in favor of the sequels, but for me I kind of like to keep a nice collection on my self.

What do you think? Should I get rid of my other halo's and COD's or keep them?
I normally trade them in, but as an adult, I'm beginning to regret it. Starting with the Wii U and other console games I buy for 360/PS3 now, I won't be trading things in unless its Madden. I'll probably start buying some of the old games I want to keep again when the next gen comes out and I can get them for pretty cheap.
I'm not a collector. Pretty much everything gets traded or sold when I'm done playing it.

Was using Goozex a lot in years past, but never get matched up for anything on my requests any more so I'm just trying to use up my points there. I've mostly been selling games on Amazon Marketplace lately.
I always keep all of my games unless I don't particularly like them, or know there's no chance of me or the wife replaying it. At that point I usually just have a lowball on here since I hate GS, don't like dealing with mailing things in to Amazon and don't feel safe dealing with ebay anymore.
I usually only keep games that I love and will play for years (Elder Scrolls/GTA/Halo/Saints Row/Mass Effect) or games I'm forced to keep because they have zero trade in value (Assassins Creed, Fall of Liberty, other crap titles). Everything else gets traded in at some point.
I keep them, but I don't do much multiplayer gaming nowadays. The one game I did play a lot of multiplayer of, and which I sold off the old version when the new one came out, is Unreal Tournament 2003 (UT2004 being the upgrade). It was actually more like a true "upgrade" than a sequel, though.
Trade them in soon before the TIV drops. I can live a month or 2 without multiplayer with friends. Most multiplayer focused games don't have the staying power after the "new" one comes out. So there's not point in keeping them. For awhile I kept MW2 after I switched to BF3, but traded it in after realizing I'm never going back for it.
I usually trade them off. Only games I have kept around are my rock band and guitar hero games. Once I beat a game, I'm done with it. No sense in keeping something I won't ever play again unless the MP is good which is real slim now days.
I'm hot and cold with this. I mostly trade/sell my games because with the new one out, I am not going to play the old one. This also increases if I've beaten or played the game a lot.
If you asked me a few years ago id trade/sell them but I made a new years wish last year to start collecting console games. ~w~
Collector for life! I keep all my originals. Just because I got Chrono Trigger for the DS doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of my SNES original cartridge. Just because I got the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus collection for the PS3 doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of my PS2 originals. Ditto for Ratchet & Clank.
I used to keep my games for the most part, but now that I'm older I'm just playing through stuff and selling them off. I don't really have the time to get to all the games I want to play let alone go back to older stuff. There are a handful of exceptions of games I'm keeping but it is getting to be less and less. I also think with all the re-releases of older games I've gotten my nostalgia fill at this point. It's kind of funny because I've made some decent money off of games I never got around to playing. I do hope there will be a day when I can have a 3 game backlog though instead of a 50+. CAG makes that hard.
I usually buy them and Play it on Xbox 360...I've a big collection of DVD games after buying I adding in to my collection..
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