What do you normally eat in a whole day? I just realized I eat like a horse.

Chris in Cali

13 (88%)
10:00 A.M. - Ceral & Milk [both low carb]

12:00 P.M. - Meal Bar [low carb]

1:00 P.M - Chicken Caesar Salad

2:00 P.M. - Wrap Sandwich [low carb]

4:00 P.M. - Two or three handfulls of trailmix.

6:00 P.M. - Quizno's Low Carb Mesquite Chicken

8:00 P.M. - 6" Subway wrap sandwich

10:00 P.M. - Natural Peanut Butter & Sugar free jelly with milk [no bread]

Around 3,100 calories daily.

That's what I ate yesterday, and usually the amount of food I take in a day. That's rediculous, I'm not fat, I'm actually in great shape, but that's just insane. I think I'm going to slowly cut back before I need my stomach stapled in a few years.
I don't eat breakfast (no time), I'll usually have either some chinese food or a burrito for lunch and for dinner I'll eat a well cooked low-carb meal.
I usually just get something along the lines of a sausage/egg/cheese sandwhich in the morning and whatever for dinner at night.. I rarely eat :(
You eat a helluva lot more like a horse than me, at least the past 48 hours.

Past 48 hours:

3 popsicles

Yep, that's all I've eaten, oh how I love being deathly ill.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']You eat a helluva lot more like a horse than me, at least the past 48 hours.

Past 48 hours:

3 popsicles

Yep, that's all I've eaten, oh how I love being deathly ill.[/quote]
If anyone was eating like a horse, I would have thought it was you. :lol:
A day with classes:
12:00 PM - Fast food (mostly Taco Bell or Burger King)

10:00 PM - Whatever is at home

A day at work:
10:00 AM - 64oz carton of Dole Orange Juice (No Pulp w/ Calcium) [can last me for half the day]

2 or 3:00 PM - Philly Cheesesteak or pizza or a whole rotisserie chicken (shared among friends)

10:00 PM - Whatever is at home

I've been losing weight the past few months so this works for me.
[quote name='Sn0brawler'][quote name='Zenithian Legend']You eat a helluva lot more like a horse than me, at least the past 48 hours.

Past 48 hours:

3 popsicles

Yep, that's all I've eaten, oh how I love being deathly ill.[/quote]
If anyone was eating like a horse, I would have thought it was you. :lol:[/quote]

When I'm not sick I do... the sooner I get my tonsils removed the better.

3/4 of a Pear

Half a Digiorno Supreme Pizza and a bowl of spinach/lettuce with Ken's Dressing.

At work (5:00-9:00) I usually have like 3 or 4 cookies and water.

At night a lunch or dinner depending on what I had before work... tonight probably a sandwich or something.

Before bed either Milk and Cookies or Ice Cream.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']10:00 A.M. - Ceral & Milk [both low carb]

12:00 P.M. - Meal Bar [low carb]

1:00 P.M - Chicken Caesar Salad

2:00 P.M. - Wrap Sandwich [low carb]

4:00 P.M. - Two or three handfulls of trailmix.

6:00 P.M. - Quizno's Low Carb Mesquite Chicken

8:00 P.M. - 6" Subway wrap sandwich

10:00 P.M. - Natural Peanut Butter & Sugar free jelly with milk [no bread][/quote]

Heres todays menu (pretty normal)
4 pieces of bacon
English muffin with jam

Bag of chips and some salsa

Couple cups of coffee

Hot pocket

carrots w/ ranch

In an hour or two:
Bowl of cereal
some other snack.

Keep in mind that im a 140lb korean, so i would say thats quite a bit.

My day:

Breakfast: Bagel or cereal
Lunch: Nothing
Snack: Maybe some salad, or Cheez-It's
Dinner: Can depend, maybe a little pasta

And 4- 33 oz bottles of water a day.
Breakfast is usually a very light meal for me. Salty food that early in the morning make me queasy, so I stick to a small bowl of cereal with milk or some candy bars for energy.

I'm not a big fan of cafeteria food, so lunch isn't all that big for me. Some milk, a hot dog or a slice of pizza, and then maybe some ice cream for dessert.

I eat mainly in the early afternoon and late dinnertime. Then I stuff myself on everything...

Here's what I had today:

Breakfast - Some sweet New Years stuff
Lunch - About two inches of a steak and cheese sub, and some potato fries
Afternoon meal: A bowl of Chinese fried rice with cooked pumpkin and small bits of steak
Supper: The same
5 Scrambled eggs
4 strips of bacon
6 sausage links
2 slices toasted white bread with jam
2 6" pancakes with syrup
12oz 2% milk
12oz orange juice

2 double whoppers
medium fries

2 servings of meatloaf
side of corn
side of peas
2 slices of bread, buttered
dish of mint-chip ice cream

And I drink ice water throughout the day. I'm 6'3" and about 230lbs.
[quote name='dratsacras']Breakfast:
5 Scrambled eggs
4 strips of bacon
6 sausage links
2 slices toasted white bread with jam
2 6" pancakes with syrup
12oz 2% milk
12oz orange juice

That must take a long time to cook.
My day:
breakfast: fried noodle, ramen noodles, frozen pasta dinner, an annie's pasta package etc. those type of things.

lunch: usually none, but occasionally miso soup with seaweed and tofu

Dinner: pasta with tomato sauce, salmon with herbs and spices, pasta package (annie's or lipton), fried rice, feta and tomato pizza, nachos, random recipes I decide to try

Snack: I go through a 12 oz bag or carrots every 3 or 4 days, I dip them in no calorie mustard (I'm not kidding, I developed this taste when I was about 3 and it has come back in the last few months). Also, I sometimes have an apple/oat type cereal I snack on.

Drink: half gallon of apple juice every day- day and a half. Cup of coffee, masala chai or tea a day generally.

I just realized how strange my eating habits appeared. I also tend to hate greasy food, and any food where I can actually taste the oil or butter.
Let's see, what did I eat today....

10:30 AM - A 3 jumbo egg omelate with 2 slices of american cheese and a whole blueberry bagel on the side

12:30 PM - 1 medium sized chocalate cupcake

3:30 PM - 1 medium sized plain cupcake

5:30 PM - 2 flattened breaded chicken breasts and 2 cups of turkey stuffing

And I'll usually eat a banana or some fruit before going to bed.
Well today:

Cereal at lunch
Aeroroots as a snack
Steak/Potatoes for dinner
Probably some sort of after-club meal around 4am..
bread's done