What do you smoke?

Nope, never even tried it. I also agree that smoking pot is pretty stupid, but you can't overdose on weed. No disrespect to you, Specter, or your friend who died... It's more against the police who said that. You certainly can overdose on alcohol, but if you watched Penn & Teller's Bullshit, they, and several medical professionals with real p.h.d's, explained that marijuana is not toxic. Still a stupid thing to do, though.
what are you trying to get?

also, smoking is a legal activity and this is a free country last time I checked.....so if you do and you enjoy it, good for you, if you don't and never have great for you, but what bothers me is when people start calling people on the opposite side and stupid and so forth I mean if you don't like it don't do it simple as that.
[quote name='karmapolice620']what do you want nick?[/quote]

I agree with you. Like I said before pot isn't for every one. Some people just cant handle it. I love getting high. I love it.
You actually can overdose on pot...but you would never be able to...you would need the amount of THC directly put into your blood stream...if you smoked alot you would just pass out before getting to the point of overdose...so its actually better than alcohal in that respect...no overdose!
I smoked from when I was about 16 until last year (26). I wasn't a solid pack a day smoker, but sometimes, and when going out, forget it. Quit cold turkey last 4th of July. Honestly, you either quit at some point or you get sick, with few exceptions. It's gross, it stinks, it makes your house and clothes stink, so unhealthy, and now it's MAD expensive. When I was smoking it was 2 bucks a pack...now it's out of control. I admit I probably started back in high school due to peer pressure/to be cool, but it ain't cool anymore, and getting sick wouldn't be cool. Got a girlfriend I live with, gonna start a family...would prefer to be around as long as possible. I highly suggest anyone who is still smoking take a shot at giving it up...
i'm 14 and smoke what you might call "the grass" and understand karmapolice620 exactly. and its free if you sell i too,whitch many people dont tho. it is a simple pass time that i enjoy with a few friends and shouldn't be exiled from the community because it do it.
I don't know if you can overdose on pot or not, thats just what the police said. It was probably more the alcohol, but I am positive that it was the environment that he was constantly around.

And yes, I do have the right to call them stupid, because guess what, thats what I think it is. It's just like there right to smoke if they want to, and its my right to think that its stupid.
[quote name='karmapolice620']Doesnt matter if it was hundreds of years ago...something our country was founded with...anyone else see something wrong with it being illegal now?[/quote]

jefferson raped slaves too.
haha, im SURE she had the option to say no, huh?

so because washington grew pot, we should grow pot, and because jefferson had slaves, we should have slaves?
[quote name='punqsux']haha, im SURE she had the option to say no, huh?

so because washington grew pot, we should grow pot, and because jefferson had slaves, we should have slaves?[/quote]

Thats a weak argument.
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='punqsux']haha, im SURE she had the option to say no, huh?

so because washington grew pot, we should grow pot, and because jefferson had slaves, we should have slaves?[/quote]

Thats a weak argument.[/quote]

im not arguing for the fact that we should have slaves! this is in response to karma saying if it was legal then it should be legal now, times change, so do laws.

i dont care if you smoke pot or not, thats your own choice, i just didnt like his argument and wanted to show how childish it was. the country was born smoking weed, LOL
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='BigNick'][quote name='punqsux']haha, im SURE she had the option to say no, huh?

so because washington grew pot, we should grow pot, and because jefferson had slaves, we should have slaves?[/quote]

Thats a weak argument.[/quote]

im not arguing for the fact that we should have slaves! this is in response to karma saying if it was legal then it should be legal now, times change, so do laws.

i dont care if you smoke pot or not, thats your own choice, i just didnt like his argument and wanted to show how childish it was. the country was born smoking weed, LOL[/quote]

ok, so that is a weak analogy
Im not saying because it was right then its right now...Im saying that nothing major has happened to make pot illegal...Having slaves is wrong because we are all equal and skin color makes no difference...Pot has no relation to ethnicity or human ethics...There is no REAL reason why pot is illegal...They say its because its a "gateway" drug...my ass...almost everyone I know or have smoked with thinks hardcore drugs are dumb and only idiots would do them...hardcore drugs are crazy addictive and they are deadly...you cant overdose on pot and your not gunna act violent when your high...your too mellowed out or you will pass out before the overdose limit
I'm confused, punq. Why, if you're against drugs, do you have Blanka in your sig? According to the [canonical] Street Fighter movie Blanka was pumped full of all kinds of steroids and other performance enhancing compounds. Why do you endorse steroid use while you condemn the less harmful marijuana?
[quote name='jmcc']I'm confused, punq. Why, if you're against drugs, do you have Blanka in your sig? According to the [canonical] Street Fighter movie Blanka was pumped full of all kinds of steroids and other performance enhancing compounds. Why do you endorse steroid use while you condemn the less harmful marijuana?[/quote]

that is a good point, ill have to consider it and rethink my morals :wink:
[quote name='karmapolice620']zforce...I started smoking "weed" when I was 15 and it wasnt as you say "to be cool"...It was because I was going through a bad time in my life and i needed an escape...and before you start throwing out your "thats no exscuse!" crap...think about how you dont even know my situation or anyone elses to judge them on their opinion of them smoking...its ok to smoke and its ok not to...Im not pissed at you or think your an idiot cuz youve never smoked pot...good for you...I chose to do and I chose to continue because its fun,I like being around the people I do it with, and it makes me happy...Not as in im not happy but its something that I enjoy...You may like baseball...I infact hate it...Does that mean you having fun watching it is bad or wrong? No...Do you enjoy drinking?...because that is exactly the same as smoking "pot"...it may not have the same "effect" but you do it for the same reasons...so lay off with the christian mumbo jumbo...actually did you know this country was founded with "pot" in its roots? George Washington grew it in his backyard...Jefferson signed bills on paper made of "pot" and some of the first american flags were made out of "pot" or "hemp"...[/quote]

Drinking is not the same as smoking pot. In fact, it's not even close. Drinking in moderation is fine. Drinking in excess can be dangerous. Drinking and driving is criminal. Smoking pot in moderation is criminal. Smoking pot in excess is criminal. Smo...well you get the idea.

Just because you want to do it doesn't mean you should be able to. I don't know your situation and it doesn't matter. There are laws against it, and just because you don't like the law doesn't mean you don't have to follow it. If it were up to me I'd punch everyone that looked at me cross-eyed.

And to be clear, I don't have any Camel Cash for you BigNick. And I wasn't able to find a copy of the Olsen Twins game at my BB.
Have you ever downloaded an MP3? Have you ever used a ROM? Have you ever Jay-walked? These are all illegal and I can garuntee youve done one of them despite the law
I smoke Marlboro Lights. I quit for a while in college then I got out in the real world and couldn't fight it anymore. And yes I know the only reason it helps with stress is because I'm addicted to it. The real reason I started again was to stick it to those Truth.com fuckers. arrogant bastards. I was going to go into an argument about how they should give people more credit but then I realized I know people...

Anyway, this isn't an excuse or anything but there are many things in this world that will kill you. You shouldn't go criticizing an individual's choices unless you're the epitome of health. Fast food will kill you, drinking will kill you, shit anything in excess will kill you. Gotta go out sometime might as well not go out denying yourself of everything.
[quote name='karmapolice620']Have you ever downloaded an MP3? Have you ever used a ROM? Have you ever Jay-walked? These are all illegal and I can garuntee youve done one of them despite the law[/quote]

Another pot head argument. The copyright holders are forced to press charges. You never here about the fbi cracking down on rom downloads its always nintendo. You can use mp3s right in front of cops they wont give a damn. (Unless your too loud.) But if you smoke weed they will take you down.
[quote name='karmapolice620']Have you ever downloaded an MP3? Have you ever used a ROM? Have you ever Jay-walked? These are all illegal and I can garuntee youve done one of them despite the law[/quote]

Who me? Never! :twisted:

I agree that there is little way around that, what's illegal is illegal. Maybe it's just my rational, but I don't see a solid connection between drugs and piracy. You could make an arguement either way, you could say piracy isn't as bad, you could it argue it worse.

I think in the end I've made my views clear. And since everyone is going to do whatever they want anyway (I'm sure some guy online is going to make you see the light, right?), lets just call it a truce and just not discuss it. Why argue amongst friends?
[quote name='BULL_Ship'][quote name='karmapolice620']Have you ever downloaded an MP3? Have you ever used a ROM? Have you ever Jay-walked? These are all illegal and I can garuntee youve done one of them despite the law[/quote]

Another pot head argument. The copyright holders are forced to press charges. You never here about the fbi cracking down on rom downloads its always nintendo. You can use mp3s right in front of cops they wont give a damn. (Unless your too loud.) But if you smoke weed they will take you down.[/quote]

wrong, I got caught smoking by the cops, all they said was "dont do that here"
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='BULL_Ship'][quote name='karmapolice620']Have you ever downloaded an MP3? Have you ever used a ROM? Have you ever Jay-walked? These are all illegal and I can garuntee youve done one of them despite the law[/quote]

Another pot head argument. The copyright holders are forced to press charges. You never here about the fbi cracking down on rom downloads its always nintendo. You can use mp3s right in front of cops they wont give a damn. (Unless your too loud.) But if you smoke weed they will take you down.[/quote]

wrong, I got caught smoking by the cops, all they said was "dont do that here"[/quote]

Well i guess its ymmv then. lol
Agreed...I have my as Bullship said "pot head views" even though I am far from a pot head...and you have your views...It is a truce and we shall end this...By the way does anyone have Super Mario 3 for GBA or FZero for gba they would want to trade me?
[quote name='karmapolice620']Most cops dont care if you smoke pot...they only care if your driving and are high or in the process of smoking...[/quote]

Driving while smoking is the main thing. If you are already high, not much they can do. Pot is the least of cops worries.
[quote name='BigNick'][quote name='karmapolice620']Most cops dont care if you smoke pot...they only care if your driving and are high or in the process of smoking...[/quote]

Driving while smoking is the main thing. If you are already high, not much they can do. Pot is the least of cops worries.[/quote]

Not true over here its like they get jollies off of the nitpick things i got a friend who got a 300 dollar ticket for jaywalking in a school zone. (Fines tripled in school zones) Then again my area has the lowest crime in the friggin us. So they get paid to be ultra strict.
Nick, i might have had 75 camel's if i actually saved mine for the last couple of years, but i infrequently buy them so i just give em to other people.
[quote name='Ben_F']Nick, i might have had 75 camel's if i actually saved mine for the last couple of years, but i infrequently buy them so i just give em to other people.[/quote]

damn, they have this checkers set, that instead of checkers its chot glasses! I must have that! I need 75 more!
Actually I found a buy it now on ebay for 100 for $5.50 shipped! What a day, that shot glass checker set sounds sweeet huh? A shot everytime you get jumped!
I really dislike smoke, I'm so glad I live in CA and we are pretty damn strict with smoking laws. You can smoke in your house & car all you want but I think once you enter a public place don't be a tool and smoke around people. Smoking is one of the few things I dislike about vegas, I'm glad alot of places in vegas are starting to go smoke free. Also some people think they should be allowed to smoke at the beach. But then you get so many damn sig butts all over the place it sucks.

I don't like pot, but I do think that there are worse things in this world besides pot. Also I find it Disgusting when a girl smokes. It's a deal beaker with me. I would never date a girl who smoked. I don't know how some poeple find it sexy.
i dont really see the point in smoking... if i'm around somebody thats smoking, the smoke practically kills me.. irritates my eyes and shit.. breathing in somebody else's smoke also sucks
i don't smoke cigarettes, they're nasty, addictive, and make you smell.

i do however smoke weed occasionally, usually my friends' weed, since i drive everyone around, their poor asses either don't have a car, or have a broke car. i'm going to smoke a ton of weed next week down at the beach, first week. drink a lot too.
[quote name='XboxMaster']I'm really gonna regret saying this...I smoke weed about every other day...

EDIT: Well, not every week, but I always smoke at least two times a week, anyway, I only started like two months ago.[/quote]

Here, now it doesn't sound so bad.
[quote name='KingDox']I don't like pot, but I do think that there are worse things in this world besides pot. Also I find it Disgusting when a girl smokes. It's a deal beaker with me. I would never date a girl who smoked. I don't know how some poeple find it sexy.[/quote]

Negativo kimosabee!

I don't smoke, in fact I have never tries a cigarette. But some hot skank who is smoking is abolutely spectacular to watch.

Long live whores!

[quote name='BULL_Ship'][quote name='BigNick'][quote name='BULL_Ship'][quote name='karmapolice620']Have you ever downloaded an MP3? Have you ever used a ROM? Have you ever Jay-walked? These are all illegal and I can garuntee youve done one of them despite the law[/quote]

Another pot head argument. The copyright holders are forced to press charges. You never here about the fbi cracking down on rom downloads its always nintendo. You can use mp3s right in front of cops they wont give a damn. (Unless your too loud.) But if you smoke weed they will take you down.[/quote]

wrong, I got caught smoking by the cops, all they said was "dont do that here"[/quote]

Well i guess its ymmv then. lol[/quote]

Actually, not really. Sure, if you're a fucking drug dealer with a greenhouse in the back room full with pot, then you're gonna get busted--if you get raided. But cops passing off weed is very normal here as well.
[quote name='extzed']what are you trying to get?

also, smoking is a legal activity and this is a free country last time I checked.....so if you do and you enjoy it, good for you, if you don't and never have great for you, but what bothers me is when people start calling people on the opposite side and stupid and so forth I mean if you don't like it don't do it simple as that.[/quote]

Why don't we listen to this smart man (or woman) right here? Sure, he kinda missed the point that we're mostly discussing weed, not cigarettes, but at least he wants the fighting to stop either way.
he's gonna buy an official pack of camel gum. And then, it'll make him want camels even more. hey nick, on a brighter note, only 7000 more to go until you get a camel pin!!
[quote name='TiKi2']Nick what are you ganna do with 75 camel dollars??[/quote]

He's trying to get a Camel checkers set that uses shot glasses for game pieces, and that's funnier then anything I could possibly think of right now...
I smoked a cig every now and then for the buzz, but I stopped doing that after a while. It started making me sick. I also used to smoke herb every now and then, but after the last two times (once I had to drive the stupid bitches around town in my datsun 510, which i dont have anymore, and slammed into a cement pole (not damaging, just dented the bumper), and the other time i just plain freaked out and had to like isolate myself so i didnt like have a fucking sensory overload. weed is bad, kids.) so yeah that's stopped too. Really anything that isnt fucking oxygen shouldn't go into your lungs, I think.
bread's done