What game have you invested the most time in?

It was back in the day....Final Fantasy III (VI) on the SNES. Good memories. Since then...probably Dragon Age or maybe Mass Effect 1.
Starcraft: Brood War. Played it on and off for over 10 years before Starcraft 2 finally came out last year. I definitely have at least 1000 hours playing it, if not closer to 1500 - and I'm still trash at it :cry:
Oblivion - ~1050 hours total.
Borderlands - ~350 hours total.

Then Halo 3 multiplayer I put a bunch of hours into as well, though how much I have no clue.
Chrono Trigger. I can't help myself from playing each version of the game and max-leveling each character. Considering the load time issues of the PS1 version, I've spent way too many hours on the game.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Vice City on the PS2 was my guilty pleasure before San Andreas came out last gen. I spent untold hours doing the 'Brown Thunder' vigilante missions at the airport, where I racked up over $150 million in score from annihilating criminals with the attack chopper.:D;)[/QUOTE]

I loved Vice City but when GTA 3 came out nothing was like it so I played it all the time.
[quote name='Ruahrc']Sure if you have a game like COD or Fallout 3 that either have a lot of content or a lot of replayability, but for a lot of other games with short campaigns and uninspiring multiplayer modes, you don't want to advertise too explicitly to the player how little time they have gotten out of your game.

I don't think the developers of the latest Transformers game would like to make it blatantly clear that the game you paid $60 for only lasted you 5 hours. Sure a player may psychologically feel a game was too short after they played it, but when they can go into a menu and definitively check that yeah, they only put in 8 hours and 15 minutes, it confirms their suspicions.[/QUOTE]
Doesn't matter since both bad and good games ignore it. It needs to be 100% across the board since it's such a simple stat to keep track of that the user shouldn't have to guess how much they've played any game.
For me it would probably be Phantasy Star Online. I played that from 5pm to 2am everyday after school when I was younger. I couldn't tell you how many hours I put it but more recently the most I've put into a game is 70 hours of Team Fortress 2.
Oblivion (100ish hours), Super Smash Brothers Brawl (300 hours), and Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (I have no idea), are the games I've spent the most time with. The rest are all JRPGs, especially the FF series, that took anywhere from 40-70 hours depending on the game. I also put around 70 hours into ME2 (complete playthrough on 360 and another on PS3).

Now that I've been buying a lot more games and flipping them more frequently, I typically don't spend as much time with a single game as I used to. Anywhere from 8-20 hours depending on the game. Things stay fresh that way, and with CAG it hasn't been too expensive since I can flip most games for about what I got them for.
I'd have to say, the most hours I've every put into a game is probably RuneScape( yeah, i know....)
Back when it was still new and outstanding in some aspects, my friends and relatives alike all played it. I truly have no idea how many hours I put into that simple browser game, but it was time well spent.

After that, probably Fallout 3, and Halo 2. Great games.
Without a doubt, i KNOW I'll be busy for the next few months. Bioshock 2, Oblivion, New Vegas are just a *couple* games in my backlog.
I've spent over 300 hours in Resident Evil 5, no joke. I just love playing Mercenaries although not many play it now.

I spent about 150 hours with Pokemon Gold when I was 11. Tales of Symphonia took up about 80 hours from me, but I've heard of people who have done over 200 hours (jeez!).

I'm not as hardcore as the rest of you guys.
[quote name='Schizophriend']Oblivion - ~1050 hours total.
Borderlands - ~350 hours total.

Then Halo 3 multiplayer I put a bunch of hours into as well, though how much I have no clue.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit... I couldn't stand Oblivion due to all the glitches/lock-ups. It was better than Morrowind but still had unacceptable levels of issues for me.
Oblivion - I believe I put in like 300 hours my first playthrough
Tales of Vesperia - 60 hours - Farming grade....

And any Final Fantasy I have invested at least 50 hours into
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 - 200 hours
Persona 3 - 150 hours
Phantasy Star Universe - 200 hours

I'm not sure how many hours I've plugged into it I've beaten Chrono Trigger several times.
[quote name='Rodimus']Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 - 200 hours
Persona 3 - 150 hours
Phantasy Star Universe - 200 hours

I'm not sure how many hours I've plugged into it I've beaten Chrono Trigger several times.[/QUOTE]

I've seen you have been playing Gundam 3, is it any good?
It's pretty much what you'd expect from the series. No big changes, plays just like the rest with a few bells & whistles added. I personally love it, but there's no denying that it's mindless & repetitive (which isn't necessarily bad but only if you like that sorta thing)
I'm absolutely positive I put well over 100 hours into Fallout 3 the first playthrough, but every time i try playing it again, i just get bored. My second *actually dedicated* playthrough, i only put about 35 hours into it. Didn't even finish half the quests...
Disney's ToonTown Online. I think I put over 1000 hours into that game. After that, it would definitely be RuneScape, unless I'm underestimating the amount of time I put into the same couple of video games as a kid. After that, it is very hard to say.

For this generation of systems, I put over 225 hours in Demon's Souls, which is my favorite game of all time. LittleBigPlanet, LittleBigPlanet 2, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, Super Smash Bros. Brawl also garnered a lot of time from me, but it's hard to say how much. I'd say I put in at least 100 hours into each game, except for LittleBigPlanet 2 maybe, seeing as it is fairly new. As for the rest of the generation, I really don't think I've clocked any other games over the 100 hour mark.
FF Tactics (PSX) - well over 100 hours

Ogre Battle (SNES) - I would guess close to 100 hours

Warsong (Sega Genesis)- not sure of the total time spent but I've replayed the game many, many times... I love that game.

Borderlands - 80 hours (including DLC)

Civ 3 - When I was younger, I use to work the graveyard shift and I would play Civ about 6 hours a night, 5 days a week. I spent so much time on that game that I'm scared to open my copy of Civ 5 and play it.

I'm currently 30 hours into Fallout 3 so I'm pretty sure it will go on this list as well.
[quote name='Smart Aleck']I'm absolutely positive I put well over 100 hours into Fallout 3 the first playthrough, but every time i try playing it again, i just get bored. My second *actually dedicated* playthrough, i only put about 35 hours into it. Didn't even finish half the quests...[/QUOTE]

That's how I feel. There's just too much to explore and collect in the game. The best way to play it is to do everything in a single playthrough. Because once you've spoiled the story line, going through it all over again (with different choices)can make the experience dull. You already know what's going to happen, why bother doing the side missions again?
Probably Everquest, with Diablo 2 coming in a close second, and the original Deus Ex coming in third. More recent games would have to include COD4, MW2, and Black Ops. I recently started playing Borderlands, which is easy to see why so many of you have so many hours invested in that game.
Also FF IX, I loved that game. I probably beat it 4-5 times, so that's up there as well. When Skyrim, MW3, Battlefield 3, and Deus Ex: HR come out, those will probably move towards the top of the list.
Rollercoaster Tycoon 1 or 2 probably. Hundreds of hours spent on each game.

The other would be MLB Power Pros 2008 on Wii, I am finishing up my 3rd season and with 162 games per season not counting playoffs that is 486 games, at 25 minutes average per game that is just over 200 hours.
Mass Effect
Dragon Age: Origins
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Gears of War 2

I honestly don't want to think about how many hours of my life I've wasted on those games. Totally worth it but still rather embarrassing all the same.
MLB THE SHOW. each games takes between 30 to 45 minutes to play, i play 162 game seasons, and i cant count how many seasons ive played. so im not joking when i say 1000's of hours. i know that sounds crazy but it true ive been playing since it first came out for ps2.
bread's done