What games are you getting these last 3 months


16 (100%)
im praying UT3 comes out...
im going to get Need for speed, Haze, Orange Box. :lol:

What about u?
i just traded resistance for heavenly sword today, great trade :)
For sure:

Ratchet And Clank

.... UT3 :)

A little but behind so I can't say what beyond those right now.
Orange box, I would assume.
Conan (because I'm a sucker for that sort of thing)

Rachet and Clank is a good possibility, but I think I will hold off until next year, since I'll have Mass Effect on the 360 to contend with (oddly, the only game I want for the 360 at the moment...)
oh my...

Guitar Hero 3
UT 3
Ratchet and Clank
maybe Conan... if I like it.
Lair and Sigma if they get price drops.
Assuming that they won't be delayed along with every other game that's been pushed back to 08, I plan on picking up from day one the following:

Oblivion GotY
Manhunt 2 (Wii)
Ratchet & Clank Future
Orange Box
Guitar Hero III
Assassin's Creed
Folklore (just got it last week)


the other games like Call of Duty 4, Assassins Creed and Guitar Hero 3 I will be getting on 360, and Ratchet and Clank I am thinking about getting but might not because I probably won't have time to play it with all the other holiday games.
Honestly the only game I'm thinking of getting is Ratchet and Clank. ....I should say instead that I will be getting it, for sure. As far as the rest---I'll have to see. Uncharted looks great, but the premise doesn't really do anything for me. Haze, however, does--- so I'll see what it looks like a little later on down the line.
I just picked up Sega Rally Revo and Folklore late last week. I plan on getting Ratchet & Clank and Uncharted for sure. Maybe Orange Box too, although I'm not very good at FPS.
Rachet and Uncharted are day 1 buys.

Haze and COD4 are high on the list, I'll get one or the other or maybe both.

Of course I'll be getting Wipeout HD when it comed the Playstation Store later this year.
Good Lord, how many of these topics will be made before the year is out??

I just got my PS3 a few weeks ago, and thus far I am a little disappointed. There is not a whole lot of great stuff to choose from that I haven't already played on 360. Heavenly Sword was really good, though.

For me, I'll get R&C and Warhawk, as well as Uncharted. If a game is multiplatform, I'll get in on 360 instead. My 360 is in repair at the moment, and I don't have any new PS3 games, so I've been playing FF 12 a lot. Great game, btw.
For PS3, Uncharted, SSF2T HD Remix.

For PC, Orange Box this week, UT3, Crysis, Gears of War.

For 360, nothing. Thinking about selling it and buying a new one next year. I want HDMI and 65nm GPU and CPU. I'm only on my THIRD one.

For PS2, King of Fighters XI, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Fire Pro Returns.

That's it. My entire holiday shopping list.
PS3: Uncharted, Rachet, Assassins Creed
360: Mass Effect,Rock Band, GHIII

Thats about it. Im cutting back on buying games and waiting for my clearances.
[quote name='the ender']I just got my PS3 a few weeks ago, and thus far I am a little disappointed. There is not a whole lot of great stuff to choose from that I haven't already played on 360. Heavenly Sword was really good, though.[/QUOTE]PS3 just came out less than a year ago and oh course it isn't going to have several exclusive games right now (kind of like how Xbox was for a while when PS2 was already out, since it was just a few Sega stuff, PGR, Halo, and DoA3 that stood out). If you continue buying only the 360 version of stuff, oh course the selection of games will seem limited (it's like that the other way around too, since most games are multi-platform). There won't be a decent selection of exclusive games not shared between the platforms until over 2 years down the road. Resistance, MotorStorm, Formula One, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ridge Racer 7, Warhawk, Folklore, etc. are all great.

Anyway, my list goes:

Still need:
Everyday Shooter
NBA 2k8 (maybe)
Sega Rally Revo (maybe)

Rest of Year:
Ratchet & Clank Future
Wipeout HD
Eye of Judgement
Time Crisis 4
Guitar Hero III (maybe)
Haze (maybe)
I'm really psyched about TIME CRISIS 4 w/ the new guncon 3 (love the arcade series). However, there's relative little info on the guncon 3. Does anyone know if the new guncon 3 would be backward compatible with old PS2 games from the series? Can I also assume that it will be wired (from the pics shown) and will it need batteries to operate? Namco said the guncon 3 will work with standard tvs, not just HDTVs so I remain hopeful.
For PS2, King of Fighters XI, NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, Fire Pro Returns.

For ps3 Smackdown vs raw 2008,uncharted,time crisis 4, Conan,Jericho,nba live
08,Nba 2k8,
Guitar Hero III
The Simpsons Game
Rock Band
HL2: Orange Box (if my dad doesn't grab the 360 version for me @ TRU this week)
R&C (I'm drawn to it more n more)
Army of Two(maybe)
Dark Sector (Jan. but thats 3 months right?)
Burnout Paradise (Jan.)

Out Now:

For PC: Gears of War & Crysis
Well,FIFA 08 will last me a long time so probably not anymore.I'll maybe get Haze,Orange Box,Assasins Creed.Im definately getting PW 3 for the DS.
Just picked up Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, and Folklore yesterday.

Still want:

Motor Storm
Ridge Racer 7
Dynasty Warriors Gundam

Upcoming titles:

Assassin's Creed
Ratchet (a maybe)
Devil May Cry 4

Now I'm having a dilemma 'cause I just bought a PS3, but also have a 360. Assassin's Creed and DMC4 would give me achievement points on the 360. I know it gives me absolutely nothing, but it's a nice way to show what you've accomplished to your friends. It's mostly for bragging rights. I can't wait until Home adds achievement features.
Just got Folklore and Oblivion. We'll see how well I can manage my backlog on other systems and then look into buying some more games for the PS3.

I want:
2nd controller
BR Remote
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Lair (this has to hit 19.99 or less for me to pick it up)

Fallout 3
Time Crisis (JPN version)
GH3 OR Rock Band
Other PSN games

Xbox 360:
Mass Effect
Bioshock (waiten for a sale)
NBA Live 08 (maybe)
im reconsidering haze lol.
still waiting on UT3!!!

but in the next month i will get
NFSPS, NBA live 08, Orange Box, then save up for metal gear solid 4 haha
I'm mainly just hoping Assassin's Creed will turn out decent. Even if the gameplay mechanics aren't perfect, it looks like the story elements may be able to carry the game.

Here's to hoping.
I'm definitely getting Haze. I watched some videos of a longer developer play through and it looked really good. They'd fixed up some of my issues namely the movement feeling floaty and the weapons feeling weak. I think it was an animation problem more than anything.

The 4 player co-op is the biggest draw, to me, sitting down with 4 friends to blast through the campaign would be incredibly fun.
Assassin's Creed
Army of Two
Eye of Judgment
Orange Box
Ratchet & Clank
The new Phoenix Wright
Touch Detective 1 1/2

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but that should be a good start.
Super Mario Galaxy
Fire Emblem(possibly)

Unreal Tournament 3
Gears of War(possibly)

Ratchet and Clank Future
Ratchet and Clank is a lock for me. I'll be getting Guitar Hero and Time Crisis as soon as I can find a deal on them. I'm interested in Haze and Assassin's Creed, but I'll wait for the reviews before I commit to buying.
Call of Duty 4 (* paid off/already bought)
Mass Effect *

Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribbulations *
Zelda Phantom Hourglass *

Super Mario Galaxy
Godzilla Unleashed
Star Trek Conquest
Link's Crossbow Training

Unreal Tournament 3
Ratchet & Clank Future
Half Life Orange Box

Rock Band (if I can find someone to split the cost)
Assassins Creed
bread's done