What have you received recently?

[quote name='Captain Urahara']I got the tokens in today as well. Surprisingly I only entered my info meaning I was only eligible for the gold token, not the silver. I didn't provide the secret word, nor did I do the youtube method or whatever it was to get them both. I got both tokens though so it's fine with me :D

I also got a small package from Break Media. Contains a small sample of Degree deodorant and some cardboard 3-D glasses. Don't know why I got this, but won't complain.[/QUOTE]

I haven't gotten my token yet but I did get the same package from Break Media. Maybe it was because we requested & received the 3-D glasses before & they wanted to promote Degree this time. Hopefully we will get other free samples with 3-D glasses from them down the road. :D
Anyone get this in the mail? I have no idea why they sent it to me. I dont have a baby and I did not sign up for it. Nice package though, two full size bottles plus four $5 off coupons. I guess I should put a free ad up on CL as Im sure it could help someone out as this crap is not cheap.


Also got three more cans of paint
Disney sent me a copy of Cars 2: The Video Game, which I wasn't expecting. It's not terribly exciting, but I always welcome free stuff.

[quote name='COLDblood']
Nice score. Maybe not so nice for you since you don't have a baby, but still...that's about $30 worth of formula right there. And those coupons are great for getting free bottles of pre-mixed formula that last for a day or two. I'd be begging you for this stuff if I lived in your area. Heh. Like you said, this stuff is not cheap at all. I'm so glad my son can actually eat food now.

If you put it up on Craigslist, it will get snatched up right away. I just hope it doesn't go to someone who will turn around and sell it to someone else.
I got that mission icefly thing in the mail about week ago, 15 copies of Lode Runner for XBLA and my review copy of Dead Block thursday. Fun game ^_^
[quote name='ZombieToast']Damn, how'd you get 15 copies of Lode Runner? I'd be happy with just one. Heh.[/QUOTE]

I found a method (which I posted, but was removed for some reason) to get keep getting codes. Ended up with about 25 and gave them all away on twitter, and some in the code drop thread.

After I posted it, a few people dropped some codes in that thread as well. So if you're looking for one, I'd keep an eye on it.
Actually, I just found out how to get the game. I tried searching earlier, but I guess I just wasn't using the right phrase. The method for getting the game is a little shady, so I can kinda see why your post was removed. Heh.
[quote name='T9X69']I found a method (which I posted, but was removed for some reason) to get keep getting codes. Ended up with about 25 and gave them all away on twitter, and some in the code drop thread.

After I posted it, a few people dropped some codes in that thread as well. So if you're looking for one, I'd keep an eye on it.[/QUOTE]

how long does it take to get the email with the code? Ive signed up with 2 emails now. They dont actually send it to you in the mail do they?
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']how long does it take to get the email with the code? Ive signed up with 2 emails now. They dont actually send it to you in the mail do they?[/QUOTE]

Halo Reach and Kinect Sports yes. Lode Runner they send you a 25 digit download code to redeem on Xbox.com. Either they ran out of codes, or they're going to send out cards with codes on it since it was exploited because I'm just getting emails saying I'll get it in the mail.
[quote name='T9X69']Halo Reach and Kinect Sports yes. Lode Runner they send you a 25 digit download code to redeem on Xbox.com. Either they ran out of codes, or they're going to send out cards with codes on it since it was exploited because I'm just getting emails saying I'll get it in the mail.[/QUOTE]

damn. well I used a fake address for one of the emails. SO guess Ill only be getting one code if thats the case. And when I try for Kinect Sports or Halo Reach it always tells me the email has already been used. And Ive tried 3 emails now.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']damn. well I used a fake address for one of the emails. SO guess Ill only be getting one code if thats the case. And when I try for Kinect Sports or Halo Reach it always tells me the email has already been used. And Ive tried 3 emails now.[/QUOTE]

That just means the MEID code has already been used. Just change one of the 4 last numbers of the MEID code and 9/10 it will work.
[quote name='T9X69']That just means the MEID code has already been used. Just change one of the 4 last numbers of the MEID code and 9/10 it will work.[/QUOTE]

Are there any laws governing the use of this? I ask this just in case I enter a real address as I don't want the law showing up on my doorstep (a local detective here has a dislike for me and my brother).
[quote name='GenPirate']Are there any laws governing the use of this? I ask this just in case I enter a real address as I don't want the law showing up on my doorstep (a local detective here has a dislike for me and my brother).[/QUOTE]

hopefully not. I redeemed all 3 games. Doesnt mean they'll come though.
[quote name='GenPirate']Are there any laws governing the use of this? I ask this just in case I enter a real address as I don't want the law showing up on my doorstep (a local detective here has a dislike for me and my brother).[/QUOTE]

I dunno but it seems like it might be a gray area that could lead to trouble, so to be safe I would not try.

[quote name='Dark Rider']Did anyone ever receive your pet citizenship kit?[/QUOTE]


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[quote name='FlamedLiquid']hopefully not. I redeemed all 3 games. Doesnt mean they'll come though.[/QUOTE]

I requested all three to my real name and address as well.

[quote name='Dark Rider']I wasn't thinking when I did this. Do you think I could get in legal trouble? I really wish I wouldn't have.

Believe it or not I thought this was a promotion, not fraud. I must investigate much more in the future.[/QUOTE]

Personally, I am doubting that anything big would come from this besides not getting the games.
[quote name='GenPirate']I requested all three to my real name and address as well.

Personally, I am doubting that anything big would come from this besides not getting the games.[/QUOTE]

Well, at least I only requested one.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Well, at least I only requested one.[/QUOTE]

I heard of people who requested 20 copies of each (no one from here but on other sites).
[quote name='GenPirate']I heard of people who requested 20 copies of each (no one from here but on other sites).[/QUOTE]

And that's the reason people like me can't even get 1 copy of Reach, some people are so fucking greedy, they deserve a visit from the cops.
imagine everyone that did this get's sued or even worse. I hope that isn't the case and I can recieve both halo and kinect sports. Me and my brother have been dying for a new kinect game to play.
[quote name='golfing7861']And that's the reason people like me can't even get 1 copy of Reach, some people are so fucking greedy, they deserve a visit from the cops.[/QUOTE]

im sure the link still works if you want to try it. Its just the topics keep getting deleted.
Got a K-Cup carousel and 36 count assorted pack of K-cups. No brewer, though, so I may be looking for one on the cheap now (won from a text contest in the thread here)
[quote name='golfing7861']And that's the reason people like me can't even get 1 copy of Reach, some people are so fucking greedy, they deserve a visit from the cops.[/QUOTE]
Luckily for most people, greed isn't illegal. And if you tried to take advantage of this little scam, then you are just as guilty of being greedy.

[quote name='henrylin22']i ordered a copy of LA Noire, and barnes n Noble sent me 4. XD[/QUOTE]
Very nice. I ordered a really nice 3DS messenger bag from Amazon a couple of months ago and they ended up sending me three. I've been trying to sell the two extras, but nobody seems to be interested.
[quote name='ZombieToast']Luckily for most people, greed isn't illegal. And if you tried to take advantage of this little scam, then you are just as guilty of being greedy.

Greed is excessive want, 1 game isn't, 20 is of each game is when the sole purpose is to flip them around and put them on eBay or such.

On another note, got my business card holder today, yay! :)
[quote name='golfing7861']Greed is excessive want, 1 game isn't, 20 is of each game is when the sole purpose is to flip them around and put them on eBay or such.[/QUOTE]
I don't see how lying/cheating to get something that you don't deserve isn't excessive. If I only steal one TV from Best Buy, should I be excused because I'm not the guy who stole five?

Greed is a selfish desire, and I'd say that committing fraud to claim something that belongs to someone else is pretty damn selfish. It doesn't matter if it's one game or twenty; you're in the same boat.
I am only saying this to put out the other side of the story. Even though the games are worth $20-$30 or whatever, and they should cost that, it takes most likely takes 10 cents to make another copy of it. I don't think taking 20 or 10 or 5 of each is right but taking one of each.....not that bad. Lode Runner was a code after all. (One that I still did not get.) They (microsoft) are the ones that say it is worth 800 msp or $10. I see your reasoning and totally agree with it. The people that took excessive amount of them are greedy and all that, but, the people who took one or one of each, if they had good intentions,(For the kid, could not afford, gift) then it is not so bad.

((P.S I still wish I had got Lode runner))

(((P.P.S I would ,and this is not Sarcastic I swear, to hear your responce)))

[quote name='Dark Rider']I wasn't thinking when I did this. Do you think I could get in legal trouble? I really wish I wouldn't have.

Believe it or not I thought this was a promotion, not fraud. I must investigate much more in the future.[/QUOTE]

I dont believe that, but that was the first thing I thought. When these things get leaked they just annoy me... Some people love to kill these promos and this prevents them from happening in the future.
[quote name='Daw19yoyo']I am only saying this to put out the other side of the story. Even though the games are worth $20-$30 or whatever, and they should cost that, it takes most likely takes 10 cents to make another copy of it. I don't think taking 20 or 10 or 5 of each is right but taking one of each.....not that bad. Lode Runner was a code after all. (One that I still did not get.) They (microsoft) are the ones that say it is worth 800 msp or $10. I see your reasoning and totally agree with it. The people that took excessive amount of them are greedy and all that, but, the people who took one or one of each, if they had good intentions,(For the kid, could not afford, gift) then it is not so bad.

((P.S I still wish I had got Lode runner))

(((P.P.S I would ,and this is not Sarcastic I swear, to hear your responce)))


Except you're not paying entirely for materials, you're paying for the work the development team put into the game when you buy one. Games/movies/music need to make back all the money that was spent on promotion/developers/producers/talent/etc before they can turn a profit. These people go to work everyday just like you or I, put in long days in the office, and all with the intentions of putting together a good product that won't actually pay off for a long time. Games don't cost $60 specifically because they can, but because upgrading software and hardware, training programmers, testing, man hours, and so on. When people don't pay artists, companies, developers don't make money and people lose jobs. I get that everyone thinks well I'm only taking one, but one times even 1000 ($60x 1000 = the kind of money you don't want to lose as a company) and in the end actually drives up the price for the consumer because they factor piracy into the cost now.
[quote name='Daw19yoyo']I am only saying this to put out the other side of the story. Even though the games are worth $20-$30 or whatever, and they should cost that, it takes most likely takes 10 cents to make another copy of it. I don't think taking 20 or 10 or 5 of each is right but taking one of each.....not that bad. Lode Runner was a code after all. (One that I still did not get.) They (microsoft) are the ones that say it is worth 800 msp or $10. I see your reasoning and totally agree with it. The people that took excessive amount of them are greedy and all that, but, the people who took one or one of each, if they had good intentions,(For the kid, could not afford, gift) then it is not so bad.

((P.S I still wish I had got Lode runner))

(((P.P.S I would ,and this is not Sarcastic I swear, to hear your responce)))

"Could not afford it" is not a good reason for taking something. I can't afford a new car; it doesn't mean that it's okay for me to go steal one. It's also not okay if I steal the car just so I can give it to someone for their birthday. If you can't afford to get a game for yourself or your kid, you're supposed to wait until you can afford it. Owning a luxury item is a privilege, not a right. You're not entitled to something just because you want it. Sometimes, we just have to go without. That's something a lot of people don't seem to realize.

It's true that it costs very little to print copies of a game, but that doesn't change their value. It doesn't cost much to print money either. So, does that make it okay to rob the U.S. Mint? Why is it more acceptable to steal video games? When we start justifying theft, where do we draw the line?

For the record, I'm not riding on a moral high horse here; I'm not free from guilt. I do, however, acknowledge that what I have done is wrong and I don't try to justify it. Whether it's stealing food for my family, hijacking a vehicle, or tricking a company into giving me games for free, I'm not going to pretend that I'm justified in doing so.

Off topic: I commend you for your use of "PPS". It's so rare to see people actually do that properly. I'll never understand what makes people think that "PSS" is acceptable.
I received my Simpsons Bust-Ups Series 2 micro models today from Sly Comics. I also received my business card holder, it has a wood-grained like cover.
All the self-righteous bullshit comments in this thread are giving me a headache.

Get off your holier-than-thou trips and come back to Earth. People are people. Someone is basically giving something away (forgive me if I skip the details), so people will line up with their hands out. Its human nature to want to get a good deal or get something of value for free...just like when you go to pass someone on the freeway that is going 5 below the speed-limit, then they speed up half-way through your passing them. Its what people do.

Sure, some people are more honorable than others, but dont act surprised and dont get it twisted. As I said before, people are people. The way some of you people react with your comments is just ridiculous. Get off your high horse. Some people got some free shit (maybe, if they still get it), and some had more self-restraint and did not. You people who are here giving others crap for taking promo games need to get a grip on reality and concern yourselves a little more with yourselves. Do you and let others do themselves and everyone will be happy. ;) Seriously, there are people dying in this world for stupid BS and we are in here whining about who did and did not take advantage of a promo... At least make a proper thread called "The bitching and whining thread" if that's what you want to do.

Back on topic: I just got my business card holder from 1 sale a day! Yay! :p
I've recently received a Luigi figure, a coupon for a free Suave product, and a business card holder. I also got A Dance with Dragons today, but that wasn't free.
[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']All the self-righteous bullshit comments in this thread are giving me a headache.

Get off your holier-than-thou trips and come back to Earth. People are people. Someone is basically giving something away (forgive me if I skip the details), so people will line up with their hands out. Its human nature to want to get a good deal or get something of value for free...just like when you go to pass someone on the freeway that is going 5 below the speed-limit, then they speed up half-way through your passing them. Its what people do.

Sure, some people are more honorable than others, but dont act surprised and dont get it twisted. As I said before, people are people. The way some of you people react with your comments is just ridiculous. Get off your high horse. Some people got some free shit (maybe, if they still get it), and some had more self-restraint and did not. You people who are here giving others crap for taking promo games need to get a grip on reality and concern yourselves a little more with yourselves. Do you and let others do themselves and everyone will be happy. ;) Seriously, there are people dying in this world for stupid BS and we are in here whining about who did and did not take advantage of a promo... At least make a proper thread called "The bitching and whining thread" if that's what you want to do.[/QUOTE]

You're reading a little too much into what I said. I am not "holier than thou" nor did I ever claim to be. I jumped on the Verizon deal just like everyone else did, so I'm certainly not scolding anyone else for doing so. I merely find it silly that people think they are justified because they "only requested one game" so I'm trying to put it into perspective. Stealing is stealing (or "attempted stealing" in this case). I have no problem owning up to it, but other people seem to think they deserve the games just because they were only trying to steal a little bit. I don't know about you, but if one guy tried to steal 20 of my video games and another guy only tried to steal one, I'm not going to let the second guy slide just because he didn't try to steal as many.

And yes, Verizon was indeed giving these games away...to customers who bought their $400 (I assume) cell phones. It was meant as a reward for their customers, not a freebie for anyone who comes along and falsifies information. But like I said: my issue is not with people taking advantage of the promotion; my issue is with people thinking they haven't done anything shady.

Now, back to the main topic: I received an energy drink from Revo Biolabs or some such. I don't remember what the drink is called, but it tasted like ass and it didn't give me the least bit of energy. In fact, I just fell asleep at my desk for about 40 minutes.
[quote name='ZombieToast']You're reading a little too much into what I said. I am not "holier than thou" nor did I ever claim to be. I jumped on the Verizon deal just like everyone else did, so I'm certainly not scolding anyone else for doing so. I merely find it silly that people think they are justified because they "only requested one game" so I'm trying to put it into perspective. Stealing is stealing (or "attempted stealing" in this case). I have no problem owning up to it, but other people seem to think they deserve the games just because they were only trying to steal a little bit. I don't know about you, but if one guy tried to steal 20 of my video games and another guy only tried to steal one, I'm not going to let the second guy slide just because he didn't try to steal as many.[/QUOTE]

This whole conversation started because you said I was being too greedy for wanting to get the free game that wasn't free, I just don't see why you would try to counsel me on how I'm greedy and what I did was wrong, when "you're on the same boat" as me. I never said that it was right for me to be "stealing" one of the games, I was just ticked off at the moment that people were taking 20 games, for one reason, to sell them and make a profit, when all I wanted was one game for myself. I know it wasn't right for me to be trying to get the game, but I won't have to answer about how "greedy" I am to anyone, just God.

Back on topic now, I got a couple of the free Hugo BOSS samples in the mail today, they kinda suck, but oh well haha.
[quote name='golfing7861']This whole conversation started because you said I was being too greedy for wanting to get the free game that wasn't free, I just don't see why you would try to counsel me on how I'm greedy and what I did was wrong, when "you're on the same boat" as me. I never said that it was right for me to be "stealing" one of the games, I was just ticked off at the moment that people were taking 20 games, for one reason, to sell them and make a profit, when all I wanted was one game for myself. I know it wasn't right for me to be trying to get the game, but I won't have to answer about how "greedy" I am to anyone, just Santa.[/QUOTE]
Oh, please...if we're really going to do this, at least try to not take things out of context. I'm not judging or counseling anyone here. You were calling people greedy and claiming to not be greedy yourself, and I called you out on it. Not for the sake of provoking you, but to point out the fallacy.

I have nothing against you. I don't care that you tried to take advantage of the promotion and I wouldn't care if you were trying to get 20 games (despite the limit being 8). I simply found it silly that you would complain not about people taking something unjustly but about people taking more than you, as if only they were in the wrong and you somehow weren't. People in general seem to have a serious lack of self-awareness and objectivity.

EDIT: I apologize to everyone else for carrying on this off-topic discussion, by the way. Should anyone feel the need the continue, I suggest doing so via a new thread or PM, although I personally don't see the point. I'm already at the point of reiterating previous statements and I don't think I have anything new to add to the debate, and I think there is little (if anything) to gain from trying.
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[quote name='IIBlazer']A couple days ago I got my Big Ass Fan hat. Pretty cool, it has an elastic band for fitting. Pretty nice.[/QUOTE]

got mine also nice fitting hat, but ill not be wearing a ass on my head out in public lol added to my collection

I just now won the Steam Summer Sale grand prize thing (10 games on my wishlist)
-Magic: The Gathering 2012
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution
-Blood Bowl: Legendary Edition
-Dead Island
-Tropico 4
-Stronghold 3

Along with the games I got from the sale I'm set for quite a while.
Didn't get much today aside from a sample of Worx. But I did get a really nice poster from Redwood Creek that will probably go above my wine cabinet.

[quote name='koch1987']got mine also nice fitting hat, but ill not be wearing a ass on my head out in public lol added to my collection[/QUOTE]
My issue is actually the "Fans" portion; I'd prefer if it just said "Big Ass". Oh well, I needed a hat, so I guess it doesn't matter.
Got my Schick Quattro Titanium Trimmer in the mail today. I can't use it yet though as I just trimmed my beard and moustache yesterday. Bad timing on this arriving but oh well, I do need to shave my neckbeard off.
bread's done