What is the best-tasting energy drink? Most effective?


22 (100%)
I had a red bull today and I was just wondering if red bull is the best of the energy drinks. It wasn't bad but I noticed like 5 others and I don't want to spend like 3 bucks on each one to try them out. I need to stay awake to study for some tests...
I like Red Bull....haven't tried them all though, there are tons now it seems.

I tried AMP from Mt.Dew...bar was giving them away, they were ok.
Also, tried 180 (tastes like Orange Drink)
I'm a fan of Red Bull. I think it does the best energy wise. I've had a couple of the 16 oz. energy drinks, and they didn't seem quite as effective. Taste wise, I think they all taste like som esort of candy. Not sure what I like best though.
i think they might have the ingredients to give you a slight energy boost, but I think the ending effect is sleep! I remember going to cedar point off like 2 hours of sleep so I picked up some energy pills at the gas station before I left and they kept me awake for about 4 hours, then all I wanted to do was sleep, and taking more at that point didn't really help.

I also think it's all in your mind too, so if you drink it and think it's gonna work, it will be more effective.
I'm a fan of Red Bull myself. I find most to be all mental about the energy though, but then I've got caffiene and alcohol flowing through my veins.

As for the others I like, I go with Lost for flavor and size, Rockstar just because it's double sized but single priced, and random Asian ones I find in the international grocery store.
Well it doesn't give you a boost like you can run a marathon or something. It doesn't really make you hyper or anything. You just have energy longer than you normally would is one way to describe it. I find that even though I may be tired, I have the energy to keep going. That is, I feel tired in my head, but I've got the energy in my body. I work in a furniture warehouse (and sometimes delivery) and having one of these before my shift helps me finish it out withough dragging ass.
The Arabian Red Bull, not the pansy American one we are used to seeing. This one has Arabic writing all over it. The only thing you will recognize is the bull logo. Its super sweet and works well.
I'm not sure about an actual energy boost, but Red Bull does tend to perk me up a little if I'm a bit under the weather.

Also, sometimes try to drink one if I'm driving for a long period. It's supposed to keep you more alert if not outright energized.
[quote name='zewone']The Arabian Red Bull, not the pansy American one we are used to seeing. This one has Arabic writing all over it. The only thing you will recognize is the bull logo. Its super sweet and works well.[/QUOTE]

so you know it isnt arabic. Its thai. Redbull is a thai drink and yes it is much stronger the ones from thailand then the one distributed in the US
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Bye-bye sperm.[/QUOTE]

Yellow 5 has no effect on sperm.

You should just take caffiene pills...lots cheaper and probably more effective.
[quote name='zewone']No, I didn't know its not Arabic I'm just assumed because thats what it looks like to me and I'm prejudice.[/QUOTE]

I bet you thought it hated America and worked for Al-Queda didn't you?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I bet you thought it hated America and worked for Al-Queda didn't you?[/QUOTE]

I did. :( I told it to go back to Arabia, but then I drank it and I couldn't stay mad at it.
My favorite are XS Energy Drinks. They are better (actually good) for you, and they actually taste like a drink (also read: they actually taste good).
Last year when I went to Halloween Horror Nights at Universal, I was feeling a bit rundown (newborn baby), so I bought a 6-pack of red-bull for me & the crew that was headin' to HHN...I have to admit, ONE of those bad boys didn't do SH*T for me, 2 of 'em had me doing the Carlton Dance! Still, by 2am I was ready to hit the bed!

I dunno about this source, but Maxim magazine tried out several energy drinks a few issues back & rated Full Throttle the most effective (5-stars) as opposed to Red-Bull (3-stars) in the energy giving dept. Next time I need a boost, I'm picking up Full-Throttle to see what that's all about!
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I like water. Delicious and nutritious. ;)[/QUOTE]

Says the man with Coffee in his name. :D
Costco sells this powder called Zipfizz and basically you put mix it with water. I personally think its better than redbull, it gives you the the energy without the after effect of being super tired. Its marketed as a diatary supplement, it contains tons of energy and the caffeine comes from some type of seed (not coffee)
Best tasting energy drink goes to Bawls. For effectivness, i stick to either Bawls or the new one from Coke, High Impact or something likethat
The original Thai recipe is much stronger. The Thai name is Krating Daeng, which literally translates into Red Bull. the guy who created the drink never went past 4th grade. Now he's one of the richest guys in Thailand with a net worth of $2 billion. All from a cheap energy drink. The drink costs 1 baht (2.5 cents) to produce and sells for 10 baht (25 cents). I can't imagine what kind of profit they are making here in the states.

The Red Bull website doesn't seem to mention anything about the product coming from Thailand or who developed it. It also says that the composition and Ingredients of Red Bull drinks are the same all over the world. Which isn't true.

You can find the original Thai version in some Asian grocery stores. The store I go to sells them for 50 cents.

I personally prefer Lipovitan-D, which I think is a much better tasting energy drink.
[quote name='Schlomo']The original Thai recipe is much stronger. The Thai name is Krating Daeng, which literally translates into Red Bull. the guy who created the drink never went past 4th grade. Now he's one of the richest guys in Thailand with a net worth of $2 billion. All from a cheap energy drink. The drink costs 1 baht (2.5 cents) to produce and sells for 10 baht (25 cents). I can't imagine what kind of profit they are making here in the states.

The Red Bull website doesn't seem to mention anything about the product coming from Thailand or who developed it. It also says that the composition and Ingredients of Red Bull drinks are the same all over the world. Which isn't true.

You can find the original Thai version in some Asian grocery stores. The store I go to sells them for 50 cents.

I personally prefer Lipovitan-D, which I think is a much better tasting energy drink.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of profits, XS was an unknown company a couple of years ago who wanted to market a new energy drink. In their first year on the market, they went straight to number two. And this year, they plan on surpassing Red Bull as number one seller of Energy Drinks. All without having to spend money on advertising (in case you were wondering why you had never heard of them if they are so big...).
Personally I find the best tasting and best lasting energy drink to be Bawls, but those are pretty tough to find in Super Markets and the like. The only way I have ever gotten any was through ordering it through this one website online (can't think of the name for the life of me). But otherwise, I try to stick to either the Thai Red Bull's (cheaper than the American ones and longer lasting) or just the American. I think they taste good and they do the trick for me. They're especially helpful for those early morning tests when you need to be alert and coffee takes to long
I don't think I react to any of those. BAWLS is the only one I actually like, best taste and I think the most caffeine. Expensive though...
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Personally I find the best tasting and best lasting energy drink to be Bawls, but those are pretty tough to find in Super Markets and the like. The only way I have ever gotten any was through ordering it through this one website online (can't think of the name for the life of me). But otherwise, I try to stick to either the Thai Red Bull's (cheaper than the American ones and longer lasting) or just the American. I think they taste good and they do the trick for me. They're especially helpful for those early morning tests when you need to be alert and coffee takes to long[/QUOTE]

being in the food service industry as I am, I just happened to be talking to a Red Bull sales rep today and he was explaining why Red Bull is effective...here's what I remember him saying
Red Bull has Trimeoline...or something like that in the ingredients (I don't have a can in front of me)...this substance is found naturally in the body and depletes over the course of a day (by sleeping you rebuild it naturally). This substance, mixed with about as much caffinee as you'll find in coffee and Vitamins B6 and B12 and Niacin (another B vitamin complex) are all natural energy boosters. (also good mood enhancers)
Red Bull does NOT act like a stimulant in the body, it simply replenishes lost chemicals, so there should be no crash as is typical with sugar and caffinee based drinks.
As a reminder the vitamins in this drink are water saluable...meaning you have to drink water also for them to be effective. The representative was talking about giving customers a glass of water with the can.

I personally stick to coffee...but I just like the taste...those energy drinks are too expensive for me to even try...I should grab one at work to try since it is free...
The cafeteria in my office building has one called Whoop Ass. Its made by the Jones Soda Co. and has like an orangy flavor. Pretty good really. Apparently they borrowed the formula from Japan or so they claim, they also have an anime style dude on the can. Its probably the best tasting one I've had. The worst would probably be Monster it was way too sweet...made my jaw hurt.
[quote name='ElfAngel7']Best tasting energy drink goes to Bawls. For effectivness, i stick to either Bawls or the new one from Coke, High Impact or something likethat[/QUOTE]

Yeah, caffiene really doesn't usually affect me, but after having 2 or 3 of the bawls drinks in a row, I was gettin really jittery. I think it tastes like bubble gum, it's weird :)
the most effective energy drink imo is starbucks doubleshot. it tastes like ass but wakes me up for a couple hours. most people dont buy this because its so small (about 3/4 the size of a redbull) but i found it to work the best so far, because i have a tendency to get tired on long drives, and after drinking one of these im usually wide awake and going really fast.
i drink rockstar energy drinks. they have a good taste and they keep me awake my whole graveyard shifts no problem.
From what I've been hearing the last couple days, energy drinks arent very good for you. I dont listen but my favorite would have to be Monster and second place would go to Redbull. I drink about 3 of them a day.
Energy Drinks A Brief History

A derivative of ginseng drinks, energy drinks from china, with some honey, and an ugly ass root in em

Ginseng Drinks, made in corralation with the actual eating f the ginseng root in china, for sexual stimulants, and enhanced peformance

My uncle said in the car when i was 11, slurpin a can of red bull "now dont drink to much of that, youll walk around all day with a woody in your pants"
[quote name='Ozzkev55']Energy Drinks A Brief History

A derivative of ginseng drinks, energy drinks from china, with some honey, and an ugly ass root in em

Ginseng Drinks, made in corralation with the actual eating f the ginseng root in china, for sexual stimulants, and enhanced peformance

My uncle said in the car when i was 11, slurpin a can of red bull "now dont drink to much of that, youll walk around all day with a woody in your pants"[/QUOTE]

I love your uncle...
[quote name='GTmaster39']From what I've been hearing the last couple days, energy drinks arent very good for you. I dont listen but my favorite would have to be Monster and second place would go to Redbull. I drink about 3 of them a day.[/QUOTE]

3 a day :shock:

i am almost certin THAT is not good for you...
[quote name='beerguy961']I love your uncle...[/QUOTE]

Retired master sargeant(i kno what it sounds like but im talkin army, not halo) with all the army perks includint free bdu's, and access to an m16 range, who doesnt love my uncle, except the taliban, and anti-nascar fan people
[quote name='punqsux']3 a day :shock:

i am almost certin THAT is not good for you...[/QUOTE]

What can I say, I'm hardcore.....:)
I love the one made by powerade, don't know what it was called though. I can't drink it really though. For some reason I have a strange reaction to it, when I orgasm I get a pounding headache that gets worse and worse leading up to the point, then I have one massive pain orgasm, and then it goes away. Basically, down south feels good, head feels like I'm about to die/explode. I can't remember if red bull did this, as I've only drank it a few times, but I think it might have as well. The pain follows the same cycle and pattern as the pleasure, it's strange.
[quote name='zewone']The Arabian Red Bull, not the pansy American one we are used to seeing. This one has Arabic writing all over it. The only thing you will recognize is the bull logo. Its super sweet and works well.[/QUOTE]


My girlfriend is Arabian, we were in an international supermarket here and i quickly grabbed it up as it was half the price of my beloved Red Bull. I showed my girl my find and she laughed because it's Bull Urine, a delicacy in her country. Needless to say i didn't buy it!
bread's done