What is the funniest Internet article/forum post you have ever read?


11 (100%)
Some days, I need to read something that is really funny. So I am hoping others may contribute to this thread.

I will kick it off

Sean Baby's 20 Worst Games of All Time

Cracked's Evil Corporations in Movies (With Terrible Business Plans)
Really funny to me b/c I am getting my MBA and I need to write business plans on a weekly basis

Worst Date Ever Forum Post
This was previously posted on CAG at one time, but I can't find it to give it a proper link
I can't remember exactly but there was one I found really funny.

One was in a forum with a guy who posted a picture of his car and his girlfriend posing in the photos. And the thread was literally hundreds of pages of people ripping on his gf..

I think the thread is closed now.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I can't remember exactly but there was one I found really funny.

One was in a forum with a guy who posted a picture of his car and his girlfriend posing in the photos. And the thread was literally hundreds of pages of people ripping on his gf..

I think the thread is closed now.[/QUOTE]

I remember that thread, it was so damn epic.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i thought this was awesome when i first read it


LMFAO, that's the best room rental ad ever! It made we to call the guy and see if the place was still available--and I don't even need a spare room! Even if the location sucked, at least you'd end up with a roommate that has a sense of humor.

Alas, I have nothing to add off the top of my head. But at least these links have kept me up LOLing.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I can't remember exactly but there was one I found really funny.

One was in a forum with a guy who posted a picture of his car and his girlfriend posing in the photos. And the thread was literally hundreds of pages of people ripping on his gf..

I think the thread is closed now.[/QUOTE]

It was from bodybuilding.com. I'm actually a member there (lurker) and saw it there, but there was a thread linking to it on CAG.
that thread with the ugly chick and car was awesome.
I love this yahoo question this girl asked.

When a guy asks GO MAKE ME A SANDWICH whats a good comeback?
He's sexist and im trying to be witty.
and good comebacks?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters


It's quite a long read, but it's about a guy who wanted to create a show about animals that could talk and were taking over the world... Phones and the internet didn't work, but fax machines did. Oh, and if you really dig into it, this photo is pure gold:

There was another good one here a guy posted a photo of himself and his son and was asking people to photoshop the picture and there was pages and pages of people ripping on the picture
the guy with the pee bottles. the one who went to a chicks house and shit in her tub and i think he even drew pictures lol.
Almost anything by Seanbaby, esp. the NES stuff that other people have already mentioned.

Oddly enough, "My Immortal", considered the worst fanfic of all time, is really hilarious, in part because of how mad it made Harry Potter fans. There's a website devoted to Harry Potter fan fiction, and this story pissed so many of those weirdos off that there were a ton of comments on it, which pushed it up to the front page of popular stories, which made more people read it, etc etc. My roommate found it about 4 years ago and we could hear him laughing all the way upstairs in his room. Here it is in it's entirety:


It's so terrible it's funny.
Gotta agree the one with the chick posing by the car was pretty good.

The thread where the guy posted his spider man tattoo was pretty good too
[quote name='Msut77']My two favoritest Onion articles:

Rumsfeld Hosts No-Holds-Barred Martial Arts Tournament At Remote Island Fortress


Maverick Hunter's 'Human Beings As Prey' Plan Not As Challenging As Expected


I'm surprised this is the only Onion post so far. Here are my two favorite Onion stories:

Gaywads, Dorkwads Sign Historic Wad Accord

Barry Bonds Took Steroids, Reports Everyone Who Has Ever Watched Baseball
[quote name='Danimal']I'm surprised this is the only Onion post so far. Here are my two favorite Onion stories:

Gaywads, Dorkwads Sign Historic Wad Accord

Barry Bonds Took Steroids, Reports Everyone Who Has Ever Watched Baseball

didnt the onion do one where the host from reading rainbow went off about how much he hated it? that story was funny as hell especially since so many people took it seriously and got crazy over it.
I'm not entirely sure what its called but theres this short web comic I read through ages ago which I found quite disturbing, but quite funny. I can only describe it because I don't know name/where it was from.

I think it revolved around mainly a Dad and he was really racist/offensive to people.. like talking about raping his son, killing people etc. It was normally only 4 panels I think and the art was quite simple. And the Dad character was one I recognize from online forums etc.. Sorry if that doesn't make sense or sound stupid..
People arguing about whether or not Mario was trained to kill by the Mushroom Kingdom. Really funny. I actually think I saw it here, but I haven't been able to find it again.
[quote name='saunderscowie']I'm not entirely sure what its called but theres this short web comic I read through ages ago which I found quite disturbing, but quite funny. I can only describe it because I don't know name/where it was from.

I think it revolved around mainly a Dad and he was really racist/offensive to people.. like talking about raping his son, killing people etc. It was normally only 4 panels I think and the art was quite simple. And the Dad character was one I recognize from online forums etc.. Sorry if that doesn't make sense or sound stupid..[/QUOTE]

That was Morning Glory: very offensive, yet mildly funny.

bread's done