What is the highest difficulty that youve beat HALO I

[quote name='Suprnova90']Yeah, I beat it on legendary, which took me little over a month. But, now I'm working on Halo 2. Man, that shit is alot harder.[/quote]

You got that right. Halo I Legendary is a joke compared with Halo II Legendary.

The example that has stopped my progress: Elites that don't die EVEN WHEN YOU STICK THEM!!
Normal, because I could only play through it once before becoming horribly bored with single player.
I only beat it on Easy because I got xbox 2-3 weeks before Halo2, and I just wanted to get the story background.
Legendary is Evil and Racist. I cant get past the first Dmmm level. But if i skip that one i can beat the game. That don't count though.
Legendary multiple times. It got to the point where I could start off the entire beach attack on Silent Cartographer without a single of my marines dying and having no less than half health. I would just destroy and tear up the whole beach in just a few minutes. It actually was too easy, and I'm not one to brag.
[quote name='space_rover']Dont lie either. 8) Ive only beat on Heroic. Working on Legendary. Legendary is pretty tough by your self[/quote]

Did it on Legendary. Man, it was tough. I almost gave up on the part where you beam aboard the spaceship and there are a bunch of those invisible bastards with swords, but I did it on about the 50th try. The rest of the game was a cakewalk after that!
I think that the "Belly of the Beast" Truth and Reconciliation level took me two weeks to beat. I messed up whenever I boarded without grenades and 1 shot left in a sniper rifle...eugh
Belly of the Beast is very hard..... but after a day or two i finally beat it. The rest like some of you said is very easy, especially levels like assualt on the control room and the maw... cake.
[quote name='zer0cooL']I've beaten the game twice on Legendary... the second time around was surprisingly quicker (I guess had some strats for the hard parts). The most difficult part of legendary is when you first arrive on the truth and reconciliation and like 4-5 invisible hunters w/swords come out from 4 different doors.... I had to replay this part a ridiculous amount of times![/quote]

Amen Brother! That is probably one of the hardest parts of the game on legendary difficulty, and there are a few other choke points here and there that seem damn near impossible. But just having some patience and hiding behind cover will usually be enough to take you through any tight spots. I've beaten it (the first Halo) on legenday a couple times myself and that spot would always give me the most trouble. :twoguns:
Halo CE on Heroic is quite simple.;) On Legendary is a little harder, even though I have beaten it three or four times.:applause: One of the hardest parts is playing Halo where you have to defend your allies from coming on to the base.:bomb: Another hard part is in Two Betrayals where the first thing is to deactivate the second power generator beam.:cold: The Flood are hideously hard even with a rocket and shotgun. The second part is the last Covenant legion and Flood swarms with rockets, tanks and rapid firing enemies. Overall, the game was fun, challenging and impresssive.:D
I just got through belly of the beast, read several walkthroughs, none of them worked for me. They're all calmly stroll from door to door tossing grenades and
pulsing down elites, yeah right. What worked for me was grenade when possible while killing about 3 elites, then grabbing the camoflage, using it to load up on grenades then going into the connecting hallways. After that going from door to door, toss grenades and pulse grunts/jackals, SR on elites. A valuable lesson that, an SR is almost as good as a shotgun at close range. One hell of a fight, I'm still shaking...
I personally have beaten Halo on all levels of difficulty. Alone and Co-Op. But what is really impressive is that my girlfriend beat it on legendary before me. We played through once on heroic on co-op mode and after that she was hooked, she started played on legendary and wouldnt stop. but she did it.

Halo 2 we beat on heroic the day it came out. we bought the game on midnight and played through the night till the next night beating the game. legendary though is IMPOSSIBLE alone, and getting the skulls is freaken crazy. im 4 levels in on legendary and have gotten all the skulls so far, but i think it ends here. its just crazy, snipers and brutes are no joke.
bread's done