what is the most underrated wii game

Probably Madden since it has the Madden stigmata attached to it or DBZ because of the DBZ stigmata. Yes, I believe liking DBZ and Madden will cause you to develop signs of the cruxifiction in some people's eyes. Also, Red Steel is a much more solid game then people give it credit for.

Edit: Clarified post a bit.
red steel was fun but there is really no replay to it. as it is a cut and dry game with nothing more to unlock or beat after u finish it
Multiplayer is fun, though - I can see that being a reason to play further. That said, I have not beat Red Steel yet (I love the game but for some reason I saved at one point in the game and have not bothered playing it again - been distracted by other games!). So I'd say Red Steel is my pick for most underrated game, considering how so many folks who have not played it assume it's garbage solely based on the US reviewers' impressions.
It's a tie for me between Red Steel and Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam. Both games are better than what they are made out to be. Then again they are launch games so although they are underrated, don't expect them to be super good either (I mean they are good but don't come in with hopes that this is the best TH game or this is one of the best FPS games, come in with a well I just want to have some fun idea and you will).
my pick would be red steel as well. actually had fun with it considering the horrible reviews. the only replay value, other than multiplayer, is trying to get your percentage as high as possible. i beat the game with 86% partly cause i didn't know what to do on the last level. i think i read you could get 105% or possibly even more.
[quote name='whitedeath']i would say it is chicken little since i has the ratchet and clank feeling to it and yet has replayablility[/quote]

Chicken Little got good reviews though. I consider 7.5 (i think that's what it got) from Game Informer to be a pretty good review.

I would also go with Red Steel. Once you got going in it, that game was no where near as bad as a lot of reviews said. It was actually a lot of fun.
i have to disagree. i'm an fps person and my gf gave me red steel for xmas so i really wanted to like it. i didn't. the storyboards and the voice acting were enough for me. but this game just about sucks at every facet that you can judge a game by. except interface, thanks to the wii. and i seriously feel like im dragging myself through the game, for the sake of my gf.

it gets worse with multiplay. the levels are poorly designed and are just too big. gameplay suck with no minimap. and the sword fight (one of few things i sorta like about this game) is disabled. the only thing redeeming about this game is probably the way i can control the scope by moving wiimote. i seriously had fun with that minor gimmick.

i haven't played many wii games so i don't know what to recommend for most underrated. some gave cod3 a bad review for the wii, but im nominating that because i liked it.
[quote name='furyk']Probably Madden since it has the Madden stigmata attached to it or DBZ because of the FBZ stigmata. Also, Red Steel is a much more solid game then people give it credit for.[/QUOTE]

I'd have to agree about Madden. You really don't hear a lot of people talking about how great this game is.
I have to say Red Steel as well. Unlike a lot of people, I liked the look of the cutscenes. I wish they could be skipped, tho.

The voice acting is pretty bad, but it is "bad action movie" bad, so you can laugh at it.

The controls took a while to get used to, but I eventually did and now I can control the game with ease. I tell my friends to think of it like a lightgun game - when you enter a room, try not to move around so much and focus on shooting the enemies. Save the running and gunning for later.
Red Steel is a pretty awesome game. I'm sure if it was played with a regular controller, it would be average, but when you play with the wiimote it really makes a difference. multiplayer is fun too, reminds me of hte goldeneye days. you know whats weird about red steel? all american reviews gave it average scores (like 6) while UK reviewers gave it much higher scores (like 8s). I would give it an eight. it has good action.
What everyone is saying is making me want to try red steel..

I think ExciteTruck is pretty underrated. Everyone writes it off as a shallow arcadey racer, but It's a ton of fun. It just lacks in multiplayer.. would be great with 4 player or online.
[quote name='Diskeater']I have to say Red Steel as well. Unlike a lot of people, I liked the look of the cutscenes. I wish they could be skipped, tho.

The voice acting is pretty bad, but it is "bad action movie" bad, so you can laugh at it.[/quote]
Totally. I mean, the cutscenes were pretty painful at first when I was "taking them seriously" (as much as you'd take game cutscenes seriously), but when you start getting into the corniness of the storyline and the pace of the game, the bad voice acting actually makes things gel together in that cheesy B-movie feel - and I DIG that. It makes the game more fun(ny).

The controls took a while to get used to, but I eventually did and now I can control the game with ease. I tell my friends to think of it like a lightgun game - when you enter a room, try not to move around so much and focus on shooting the enemies. Save the running and gunning for later.
Yup...when I first played the game, I was kind of shocked in how poor the controls felt - but then I realized I was largely doing things incorrectly (trying to do too much moving, not learning to work around the glitch of the camera turning in the opposite direction when you are out of sensor range, etc). Once I worked around the game's abilities, I discovered a FPS I fell in love with.

I've said this before, but there are two reasons right now to truly realize that FPSs will undoubtedly become a hit genre on Wii: Elebits and Red Steel. Red Steel shows how much Wii's immersive capabilities TRULY add to the gaming experience, and it shows that many aspects can be handled well (grenade tossing, door opening, aiming). Elebits, on the other hand, shows that maneuvering, turning, depth response, and moving around can work near flawlessly. Elebits is an incredibly smooth experience. Take Red Steel and make the maneuvering as smooth as Elebits, and I'd wager you'd have a game that would get universal ratings of 8.5 or over.
I've yet to play Red Steel, as my christmas funding is already over the limit, so I can't comment on it. But I have heard a lot of bad mouthing about Excite Truck. I've had tremendous fun with this game. It is a great first entry into the Wii and it's graphic capabilities. In many aspects, it's much better looking than Zelda with very detailed textures, realistic flames, and gorgeous misting effects. It may not have a depth of gameplay options like a Burnout series, but it feels like one with its breakneck reckless speed and almost out of control-but still in control- feeling.

I bought a lot of crap when the Ps2 launched, and the games steadily got better. If this is the starting point for the Wii, then I forsee great things devloping in the next year or two.
i have to change my vote from COD3 to excite truck. yeah this game's too damn fun to be underrated. pure arcade fun. i hope i'd gotten it for christmas instead of NFS:carbon. the game's just way too dark and complicated.
Madden is one of the highest-rated Wii games and it gets little publicity, probably because it was released so close to the end of the football season.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Totally. I mean, the cutscenes were pretty painful at first when I was "taking them seriously" (as much as you'd take game cutscenes seriously), but when you start getting into the corniness of the storyline and the pace of the game, the bad voice acting actually makes things gel together in that cheesy B-movie feel - and I DIG that. It makes the game more fun(ny).[/QUOTE]

Die, Sato's lapdog!

Red Steel was better than reviewers said, but I was still disappointed. The camera glitch was very annoying and every time the frame rate dropped during a firefight drove me nuts. The voices didn't bother me as much as those stupid cutscenes that were a mixture of Max Payne and Cartoon Network (the in-game cutscenes didn't bother me at all).
red steek just gets plain annoying around the 10th or 11th interval. however, the multiplayer is in fact fun...considering cod 3 has none....
Maden is not underrated. I planned on returning it but my son opened the package last night so I decided to give it a go. I felt like I was freefalling into astroturf and trying to save myself with sign language. The novelty of flicking my wrist to pass the ball was short lived and I realized football was meant to be played with a standard controller. The timing a stiff arm and a juke takes much too long to perform when moving the whole controller instead of just a quick flick of the finger on a button. Let's not even talk about the ineffectiveness of trying to control an effective defense.
[quote name='bmulligan']Maden is not underrated. I planned on returning it but my son opened the package last night so I decided to give it a go. I felt like I was freefalling into astroturf and trying to save myself with sign language. The novelty of flicking my wrist to pass the ball was short lived and I realized football was meant to be played with a standard controller. The timing a stiff arm and a juke takes much too long to perform when moving the whole controller instead of just a quick flick of the finger on a button. Let's not even talk about the ineffectiveness of trying to control an effective defense.[/quote]To each their own, but my fiancee's brother and one of my old roommates (both Wii noobs) and I played Madden for hours the first chance we had, they both loved it. Defensive control is definitely lacking, but I've found that to be the case in every PC iteration I've played as well.

Being that I haven't played too many Wii games yet, I'm not sure what to say for most underrated. Madden was rated higher on Wii than most platforms, so I'm not sure that fits. I'll say Red Steel just because the scores were absolutely abysmal, but the game, while far from perfect, is nowhere near as bad as everyone tries to say it is. I think it was just a case of not meeting expectations.
^ Agreed. Regarding stiff arm timing, it's no different than any other Madden title - or in actual football itself. You cannot simply put your hand out as a guy is already tackling you and expect to effectively stiffarm him - hence the "late stiff arm" notifications. You have to prepare and have the right position to effectively pull a stiff arm off - so you move your hand just at the same time you would if you were actually running with a ball. Do it too late, and the defender will have too good of position to stop you.
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