What is the worst game ever.

Trying to figure out what the worst, best, most overrated, or underrated game ever is.

I swear this forum reeks of the constant question.

In other words....the worst game ever is....um....

Life (one sided and usually unfair....people always cheat too.....I my self wallhack and aimbot)
[quote name='Zmonkay']super noah's ark (from Super Nintendo. I don't think it was ever even officially released)[/quote]

haha that game was hilarious! My friend's religious father bought it for him through a christian catalouge.
Anybody watach G4 a couple nights ago? They ad on the show Filter the top 10 worst games ever. Some were right on the money, but they had Shenmue as the #2 worst game ever. Plus Zero Wing was on their as #5 or something. I know they take votes from their forums and polls or something off their website. But it would be better if the had some kind of professional insight, insetad of a bunch of dumb kids saying "Shenmue sucks cause I gotta talk to a bunch of usless people so I got bored."

Anyways I vote for Fight for Life for Jaguar. Awful 3D fighter. And to think I was very close to getting a Jaguar instead of a PSX just because a Jaguar was cheaper.
[quote name='notfromtexas']I remember a religious game for nes i think, you had to hit animals with a rock and take them to the ark[/quote]

Baby Noah I think???
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anybody watach G4 a couple nights ago? They ad on the show Filter the top 10 worst games ever. Some were right on the money, but they had Shenmue as the #2 worst game ever. Plus Zero Wing was on their as #5 or something. I know they take votes from their forums and polls or something off their website. But it would be better if the had some kind of professional insight, insetad of a bunch of dumb kids saying "Shenmue sucks cause I gotta talk to a bunch of usless people so I got bored."

Anyways I vote for Fight for Life for Jaguar. Awful 3D fighter. And to think I was very close to getting a Jaguar instead of a PSX just because a Jaguar was cheaper.[/quote]

The funny thing is on the same show (different episode) Shenmue was one of the top DC games
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anyways I vote for Fight for Life for Jaguar. Awful 3D fighter. And to think I was very close to getting a Jaguar instead of a PSX just because a Jaguar was cheaper.[/quote]

If you're talking worst games ever, and you're talking Jaguar, White Men Can't Jump is FAR worse than Fight For Life. Worst game ever? I give it to Pit Fighter (any version!), but WMCJ is pretty close.

E.T. There's even a landfill of Atari cartridges FULL of E.T. cuz it stunk so bad when it was release. Worst...Game...Evah!
[quote name='jlarlee']E.T that game about made me want to toss my atari out the window[/quote]

Yes! I tried playing that game several times and I still have no idea what the hell you were supposed to do
[quote name='[email protected]'][quote name='Rodimus Donut']Anyways I vote for Fight for Life for Jaguar. Awful 3D fighter. And to think I was very close to getting a Jaguar instead of a PSX just because a Jaguar was cheaper.[/quote]

If you're talking worst games ever, and you're talking Jaguar, White Men Can't Jump is FAR worse than Fight For Life. Worst game ever? I give it to Pit Fighter (any version!), but WMCJ is pretty close.


Sorry but I never played "White Men Can't Jump." Next time I'll try harder to think of a crappier game just for you.
You all have it wrong

the worst game ever is

Big Rigs: over the road racing

here is a review from echobeam at gamefaqs

Ever wanted a trucker game where you can go through nearly everything on the road, moving backwards is faster than moving forward, going up mountains doesn't decrease your speed, a friendly AI that let's you win every race, and five courses that look exactly the same? I never wanted one either, but the ''elite'' game makers have created a game by far more ''Matrix'' than the actual Matrix game! Driving on mountain sides, going into the void and doing awesome truck stunts, going through bridges you need to get over, lampposts that a hippie painted. If this hasn't already convinced you this is the worst game ever, let me go into more detail.

Graphics: 1/10
The on road graphics are up to par with today's standards, but the truck graphics don't even look right. They seem to be in the beta form of when they need to model the cars. The trucks have no detail at all, just a pair of lights you can see no matter what, and a block for the rest. If you want to see no graphics at all, just drive over a mountain and drive in the void zone.

Game play 1/10
''You're Winner!'' every time you play this! Not only does the single trucker you need to race against not move, but it let's you win every time! And don't try help pushing the truck get a head start, you'll go right through it!
The gameplay is horrible, even if the truck you needed to race moved, it wouldn't be much of a game to play. There's nothing actually moving in Big Rig, you are the only thing moving. Your truck may move, but the tires never rotate!

Sound and Music 0/10
There is NO sound! But there is music, just the same crappy song that goes on forever.

Story 0/10
You are suppose to race a rival trucker to same place you started in order to deliver some illegal things that the cops are after. If you come in last, or second, you will be busted by the cops!
Not only is that a horrible story, but there is no cops! Nothing is happening in the game, it's just so bad! AGH! Why would the person in first place even be able to get away with this? Why would the cops just give up on two single trucks!

Overall 1/10
Is this worth a rent? I'd definitely rent this game just to see how BAD it is, but good luck finding a place that lets you rent PC games.
[quote name='jaykrue']E.T. There's even a landfill of Atari cartridges FULL of E.T. cuz it stunk so bad when it was release. Worst...Game...Evah![/quote]

Actually that's just a myth, and a bad one at that. They never buried them, why would they go bury it in the middle of the desert and not just throw them out in the dumpster behind the store or take them to a landfill.
The Crow: City of Angels for the Sega Saturn ranks as the single worst game I've ever played. Picture the prerendered (very poorly, I might add) environments and abysmal controls of Resident Evil, crossed with the beat-em-up "action" of Final Fight, and you can get a pretty good idea of what the gameplay is like. Oh, and the music is seriously terrible.
[quote name='CrashSpyro123'][quote name='jaykrue']E.T. There's even a landfill of Atari cartridges FULL of E.T. cuz it stunk so bad when it was release. Worst...Game...Evah![/quote]

Actually that's just a myth, and a bad one at that. They never buried them, why would they go bury it in the middle of the desert and not just throw them out in the dumpster behind the store or take them to a landfill.[/quote]

Nope it's true:

[quote name='smellhasreturned']You all have it wrong

the worst game ever is

Big Rigs: over the road racing

here is a review from echobeam at gamefaqs

Ever wanted a trucker game where you can go through nearly everything on the road, moving backwards is faster than moving forward, going up mountains doesn't decrease your speed, a friendly AI that let's you win every race, and five courses that look exactly the same? I never wanted one either, but the ''elite'' game makers have created a game by far more ''Matrix'' than the actual Matrix game! Driving on mountain sides, going into the void and doing awesome truck stunts, going through bridges you need to get over, lampposts that a hippie painted. If this hasn't already convinced you this is the worst game ever, let me go into more detail.

Graphics: 1/10
The on road graphics are up to par with today's standards, but the truck graphics don't even look right. They seem to be in the beta form of when they need to model the cars. The trucks have no detail at all, just a pair of lights you can see no matter what, and a block for the rest. If you want to see no graphics at all, just drive over a mountain and drive in the void zone.

Game play 1/10
''You're Winner!'' every time you play this! Not only does the single trucker you need to race against not move, but it let's you win every time! And don't try help pushing the truck get a head start, you'll go right through it!
The gameplay is horrible, even if the truck you needed to race moved, it wouldn't be much of a game to play. There's nothing actually moving in Big Rig, you are the only thing moving. Your truck may move, but the tires never rotate!

Sound and Music 0/10
There is NO sound! But there is music, just the same crappy song that goes on forever.

Story 0/10
You are suppose to race a rival trucker to same place you started in order to deliver some illegal things that the cops are after. If you come in last, or second, you will be busted by the cops!
Not only is that a horrible story, but there is no cops! Nothing is happening in the game, it's just so bad! AGH! Why would the person in first place even be able to get away with this? Why would the cops just give up on two single trucks!

Overall 1/10
Is this worth a rent? I'd definitely rent this game just to see how BAD it is, but good luck finding a place that lets you rent PC games.

Gamespot gave that the worst rating it has ever given any game, ever. It has some hilarious videos, though, of trucks attempting to drive over a bridge, but instead going through the bridge and driving along the bottom of a river.
I can't believe nobody has said Where's Waldo for the NES, that game was bad, got it as a Christmas present and actually opened it, what and idiot I was.
Is have to say... That I have played is superman 64! i still have night mares about this one! I want a real good superman and or batman game. Hate both well Hate all dc characters but come on this WOULD and SHOULD make a good game! Let Ea make it any one. A batman/superman rolepl;aying game would be kinda neat

Actually while we are on the point I want a star wars role playing game like finifal fantisy X and LOTR TTA. That would be cool!
[quote name='alongx'][quote name='smellhasreturned']You all have it wrong

the worst game ever is

Big Rigs: over the road racing

here is a review from echobeam at gamefaqs

Ever wanted a trucker game where you can go through nearly everything on the road, moving backwards is faster than moving forward, going up mountains doesn't decrease your speed, a friendly AI that let's you win every race, and five courses that look exactly the same? I never wanted one either, but the ''elite'' game makers have created a game by far more ''Matrix'' than the actual Matrix game! Driving on mountain sides, going into the void and doing awesome truck stunts, going through bridges you need to get over, lampposts that a hippie painted. If this hasn't already convinced you this is the worst game ever, let me go into more detail.

Graphics: 1/10
The on road graphics are up to par with today's standards, but the truck graphics don't even look right. They seem to be in the beta form of when they need to model the cars. The trucks have no detail at all, just a pair of lights you can see no matter what, and a block for the rest. If you want to see no graphics at all, just drive over a mountain and drive in the void zone.

Game play 1/10
''You're Winner!'' every time you play this! Not only does the single trucker you need to race against not move, but it let's you win every time! And don't try help pushing the truck get a head start, you'll go right through it!
The gameplay is horrible, even if the truck you needed to race moved, it wouldn't be much of a game to play. There's nothing actually moving in Big Rig, you are the only thing moving. Your truck may move, but the tires never rotate!

Sound and Music 0/10
There is NO sound! But there is music, just the same crappy song that goes on forever.

Story 0/10
You are suppose to race a rival trucker to same place you started in order to deliver some illegal things that the cops are after. If you come in last, or second, you will be busted by the cops!
Not only is that a horrible story, but there is no cops! Nothing is happening in the game, it's just so bad! AGH! Why would the person in first place even be able to get away with this? Why would the cops just give up on two single trucks!

Overall 1/10
Is this worth a rent? I'd definitely rent this game just to see how BAD it is, but good luck finding a place that lets you rent PC games.

Gamespot gave that the worst rating it has ever given any game, ever. It has some hilarious videos, though, of trucks attempting to drive over a bridge, but instead going through the bridge and driving along the bottom of a river.[/quote]
Oh man the Video Review of this game is HILLARIOUS
[quote name='dnt_h8me2']The Guy Game.[/quote]

While the games did suck a lot they did have some non quiz type multiplayer mini games, which saves it from being the worst game ever
[quote name='hutno'][quote name='dnt_h8me2']The Guy Game.[/quote]

While the games did suck a lot they did have some non quiz type multiplayer mini games, which saves it from being the worst game ever[/quote]
Well, I actually havent played The Guy Game before, but I thought it was just a quiz show/Girls Gone Wild medley. It's at least something like that, right?
[quote name='Rig']I would also have to say E.T. is the worst game ever. I....own two copies. :oops: :cry:[/quote]

I would say you should go to jail for owning that crap but owning the game (let alone 2 copies) should be punishment enough :lol:
[quote name='dnt_h8me2'][quote name='hutno'][quote name='dnt_h8me2']The Guy Game.[/quote]

While the games did suck a lot they did have some non quiz type multiplayer mini games, which saves it from being the worst game ever[/quote]
Well, I actually havent played The Guy Game before, but I thought it was just a quiz show/Girls Gone Wild medley. It's at least something like that, right?[/quote]

Yeah but it makes GGW look classy
[quote name='jaykrue'][quote name='Rig']I would also have to say E.T. is the worst game ever. I....own two copies. :oops: :cry:[/quote]

I would say you should go to jail for owning that crap but owning the game (let alone 2 copies) should be punishment enough :lol:[/quote]

In all fairness, I was only five when I received my Atari, and it was an included game. My mom bought the Atari and ten games for $10. And then, a few years ago, I bought another Atari at a garage sale, and it was one of the 18 included games...but....then again, I own TWO COPIES! :shock:
[quote name='Rig'][quote name='jaykrue'][quote name='Rig']I would also have to say E.T. is the worst game ever. I....own two copies. :oops: :cry:[/quote]

I would say you should go to jail for owning that crap but owning the game (let alone 2 copies) should be punishment enough :lol:[/quote]

In all fairness, I was only five when I received my Atari, and it was an included game. My mom bought the Atari and ten games for $10. And then, a few years ago, I bought another Atari at a garage sale, and it was one of the 18 included games...but....then again, I own TWO COPIES! :shock:[/quote]Have you tried unloading that crap on some unsuspecting idiot? :rofl:
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