What is this Trophy number?

Average Gamer

** Noob question **

I am not that into trophies as I should but considering doing so in future gaming.

What is the number next to the main Star Trophy represent? (Number 7)
And how does it relate to the trophies to the right?

(Btw, that's not me below)


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The number is the current level number. The more trophies you earn, the more "experience points" you'll have, hence you level up :)

As you reach higher levels, more trophies are required. From my friend list, I have not encounter anyone beyond level 25 even with 80 something platinum trophies (on the profile screen, you can see the trophy stat by pressing R1). Good luck my fellow PSN gamer, happy gaming :)
So how many people are playing on Duck360 account? and how do you platinum the same game for double the trophies (or triple, quadruple)?
[quote name='nakanenui']So how many people are playing on Duck360 account? and how do you platinum the same game for double the trophies (or triple, quadruple)?[/QUOTE]

4 people play on duck360. hakoom and duck have hacked plats on their profiles as well. you can get multiple plats by playing the game from a different region. sometimes the US and EU versions of the game have separate trophy lists. the sign of a true trophy whore.
[quote name='nakanenui'] how do you platinum the same game for double the trophies (or triple, quadruple)?[/QUOTE]

Different region (JPN, EU usually have separate plats)
This is the first time I heard of Duck360 and Hakoom. Wow, 200+ platinum trophies? Impressive! But multiple players playing with the same account is a let down though, there's no honor in that.
[quote name='bjstucker']Different region (JPN, EU usually have separate plats)[/QUOTE]
I can only recall Saga Collection (known as Megadrive Collection in UK), do we have a list of games with different trophy folders depending on the region?
[quote name='8bitArtist']4 people play on duck360. hakoom and duck have hacked plats on their profiles as well. you can get multiple plats by playing the game from a different region. sometimes the US and EU versions of the game have separate trophy lists. the sign of a true trophy whore.[/QUOTE]

Oh wow, I had no idea. That's kinda lame. Here I was thinking people where just sending him a shit ton of games to plat.
[quote name='Serpentor']This is the first time I heard of Duck360 and Hakoom. Wow, 200+ platinum trophies? Impressive! But multiple players playing with the same account is a let down though, there's no honor in that.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, seriously... I love getting trophies every now and then but I can't believe how much time some people spend on getting something that means nothing.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Average Gamer, AKA Average Speller[/QUOTE]

Lol. Yea yeah... I was never the speller nor the grammer guy in school.
thanks for pointing it out though. :cool:
[quote name='Vinny']Yeah, seriously... I love getting trophies every now and then but I can't believe how much time some people spend on getting something that means nothing.[/QUOTE]
Well said, but a lot of things in life we do mean nothing :) I think it's the process of getting the trophies/achievements that sends a happy message to the brain :lol:

I'm channeling my trophy obsession toward exercise games, I'll get that platinum trophy for EA Active 2 :)

I'll be getting Fitness with Mel B. soon (Fit in Six doesn't have platinum, lame). I'm quite close to platinum Zumba, but PSN is down, so there's nothing I can do.

And of course, for my favorite games, I'll continue to platinum them whenever I can. Transformer WFC platinum trophy still gave me the creeps (stupid online ones), far far worse than GoW platinum trophies. I was so glad Uncharted 2 platinum doesn't require too much online effort. Now, back to Prince of Persia...
I like the idea of trophies (admittedly I am the trophy whore of my work friends). What I find funny are the trophies for easy taks... Its like telling your highschool kid "hey you tied yours shoes want a cookie?"

I agree with Serpentor about something in your brain that just acknowledges that achievement and appreciates that trophy ding. More so for harder to pull off stuff like Killzone 2 beating the game on Elite difficulty (I gave up on the last checkpoint in the game because the AI is just effing retarded and I might go back to it later for that last trophy so I can unlock the plat).
[quote name='nakanenui']I agree with Serpentor about something in your brain that just acknowledges that achievement and appreciates that trophy ding. More so for harder to pull off stuff like Killzone 2 beating the game on Elite difficulty (I gave up on the last checkpoint in the game because the AI is just effing retarded and I might go back to it later for that last trophy so I can unlock the plat).[/QUOTE]

I just wish that earning a Platinum trophy would do something a little extra rather than the typical ding and message display at the top right. Like, c'mon Sony, we can't even get a special unique ding sound for getting a plat?

It took me forever to earn my first platinum trophy in Borderlands and I was half expecting my PS3 to transform into a dancing robot and high five me...

That never happened.
i think devs should base who gets into their betas by who got plats in their last game. infamous 2, uncharted 3, kz3, etc... these are the people who will put time and effort into their beta and give great feedback. not just some schlub who happened to have ps+ and gets an invite.
I never used to care about trophies, but recently have been trying to get them and will look at them first before starting a game to make decisions about how I want to play the game. But I'm sort of torn between whether I think trophies are a good idea or not. In one respect they have gotten me to play through a game again experiencing a very different playthrough - Infamous - playing as good the first time and evil the second time, DA:O Ultimate - I beat the game as a Dalish Elf Ranger and then played the origin story for every other combination because there was a trophy for each. In the end, I appreciated having to get those trophies because I found the origin stories very interesting by themselves and they shed light on events that happened later in the game.

But then part of me find trophies to be frustrating. I'll feel like I'm grinding more in order to get the trophy and not enjoying my game play. Some trophies are also very difficult and cause frustration. I don't like multi-player trophies very much. My skillz can be lacking at multi-player. Plus the multi-player scene could have died down by the time I start a game. I won't use cheat codes in order to get a trophy, because then what's the point? (I saw some codes for getting money and power nodes in Dead Space that would have made getting the trophy for maxing out all guns a lot easier)

Then there's the point someone made earlier that I sorta feel that if I haven't gotten the Plat, I'm not getting everything out of a game (OCD?).
[quote name='8bitArtist']i think devs should base who gets into their betas by who got plats in their last game. infamous 2, uncharted 3, kz3, etc... these are the people who will put time and effort into their beta and give great feedback. not just some schlub who happened to have ps+ and gets an invite.[/QUOTE]
Good point :) Won't that be cool if there's a report card of some sort on the PSN server that records gaming trends/trophies. So naturally, gamers get coupons/freebies/betas/contest opportunities/pre-launch parties base on their stats and such :)

Think it about, if someone loves a particular game, he/she went through the trouble to get platinum trophies, there's a lot of love in there :) Reward the true fans and take them in as family...
[quote name='8bitArtist']i think devs should base who gets into their betas by who got plats in their last game. infamous 2, uncharted 3, kz3, etc... these are the people who will put time and effort into their beta and give great feedback. not just some schlub who happened to have ps+ and gets an invite.[/QUOTE]
I don't know about that, there are a lot of people that just suffer through games they hate for a plat or by the time they plat it they never want to play/see it again.

I prefer the way they're doing it now.
we arent talking about the new G.I. Joe game or something shitty. i think its safe to say if they got the plat in a GOOD game, they didnt hate it all that much (although if you missed 1 shard in infamous and had no idea where, youd probably want to kill yourself).
[quote name='cheapfrag']I never used to care about trophies, but recently have been trying to get them and will look at them first before starting a game to make decisions about how I want to play the game. But I'm sort of torn between whether I think trophies are a good idea or not. In one respect they have gotten me to play through a game again experiencing a very different playthrough - Infamous - playing as good the first time and evil the second time, DA:O Ultimate - I beat the game as a Dalish Elf Ranger and then played the origin story for every other combination because there was a trophy for each. In the end, I appreciated having to get those trophies because I found the origin stories very interesting by themselves and they shed light on events that happened later in the game.

But then part of me find trophies to be frustrating. I'll feel like I'm grinding more in order to get the trophy and not enjoying my game play. Some trophies are also very difficult and cause frustration. I don't like multi-player trophies very much. My skillz can be lacking at multi-player. Plus the multi-player scene could have died down by the time I start a game. I won't use cheat codes in order to get a trophy, because then what's the point? (I saw some codes for getting money and power nodes in Dead Space that would have made getting the trophy for maxing out all guns a lot easier)

Then there's the point someone made earlier that I sorta feel that if I haven't gotten the Plat, I'm not getting everything out of a game (OCD?).[/QUOTE]

There are a number of different type of trophy hunters. The typical ones just collect trophies, finish the game the normal way and get the trophies without even going for them. Such hunters most likely have a high number of bronze trophies and very few or next to none platinum trophies.

The advanced hunters have a number of platinum trophies and most likely play games base on trophy (trophy driven game playing habits). However, they do tend to stick close to games they like to play rather than playing anything and everything.

The elite hunters are dedicated to trophies. They set aside a big chuck of of hours a week just for hunting trophies. It's in their blood to track down every trophy in a game. They care less for game reviews or game plays, their sole enjoyment comes from conquering the games by collecting all the trophies.

The remaining bunch are hunters with OCD :lol: They have very strict requirements. Most common rules are trophies for certain games only and must be 100% (platinum trophy and DLC trophies). They're less likely to move forward if they haven't conquer the current game they're playing.

Over the years, I have encountered a number of good friends on PSN and their habits. I have a lot of respect for them, not because they collect trophies, but because they play almost anything and find simple pleasures in mediocre games most people ignore.

As for "in game" cheats, I considered them arts of playing video games. For the record, I'm not talking about cheats that disable trophies, such cheats are frowned upon in the trophy hunting communities. When you trying to unlock certain trophies, you don't just do it, but you have think outside of the box sometimes. There are always multiple ways to conquer a difficult trophy. I consider the "easy ways" are cheats.
I know, but I'm saying that some plats can really make you hate the game. I got every single achievement in Borderlands and now I never, ever want to play it again. I'd totally play a beta, but not much and I probably wouldn't give a ton of feedback.

The only games that I have seriously given feedback on are Halo: Reach, Gears 3, and DCUO.
[quote name='8bitArtist']we arent talking about the new G.I. Joe game or something shitty. i think its safe to say if they got the plat in a GOOD game, they didnt hate it all that much (although if you missed 1 shard in infamous and had no idea where, youd probably want to kill yourself).[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's how I interpreted your earlier post. No, not GI Joe :lol: (I haven't plat that one yet though, lol). But games like Uncharted, God of War, even Prince of Persia, all day one kind of game for me. I know I'll definitely feel honored if I'm selected for some special promotion for the next title or similar games.
[quote name='8bitArtist']we arent talking about the new G.I. Joe game or something shitty. i think its safe to say if they got the plat in a GOOD game, they didnt hate it all that much (although if you missed 1 shard in infamous and had no idea where, youd probably want to kill yourself).[/QUOTE]

That's me; I'm in the 349 club. Stopped my evil play-through when I realized I wasn't going to plat it anyway.
[quote name='8bitArtist']i think devs should base who gets into their betas by who got plats in their last game. infamous 2, uncharted 3, kz3, etc... these are the people who will put time and effort into their beta and give great feedback. not just some schlub who happened to have ps+ and gets an invite.[/QUOTE]

Hey man I am one of those schlubs!! I love getting into Betas I do not participate in. To be honest though I was up one night playing god knows what (see: Hannah Montana or helping my son finish up some disney game for the plat) when I got an email in regards to a beta for dead space sadly it was for a shitty ass MP which my team destroyed in but needless to say worst experience ever so no BETA's for me. :D
I just happen to like games... and have something like 3,800+ trophies. I've gotten over 200 since PSN has been down so its hard to tell. I'm only level 20 because I often walk away from tasks I cant complete (usually over time because of a rental), or its not worth the effort (had 100 people hack me on Mindjack, Get X level on Y game, etc) and in a very small % of games I lacked something. In the case of littlebigplanet I couldnt play online and boosting 2x - 4x trophies alone didnt wow me.

I personally do this because its just something to do. Sometimes its to say I've done something like got every title on Lost Planet 2... Since I took up reviewing it's what I like to think of as my creditability. In the end though I play what I like and as much as I like regardless of the trophies.

Wow TOTALLY random off topic reply. This is my 1337th post =D!
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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Trophies are a waste of time. If a game's fun, that's all that matters to me.[/QUOTE]
You can interpret trophies that way, but on the contrary, a mediocre game can be fun if you hunt for trophies, like Dead to Rights Retribution, which is a bargain price at $10 new at Best Buy right now. Two most challenging trophies in DtR Retributions are gold medals on each chapter and finish one chapter without Shadow being downed.

CheapestG, I know you're not a fan of trophies, but let me ask you this... After you play certain games, what do you remember the most? Can you recall specific details in those games and tell interesting tales? I find myself able to recall most trophy related tasks and interesting ways to obtain them, those war stories make my gaming experience worthwhile.
[quote name='Serpentor']You can interpret trophies that way, but on the contrary, a mediocre game can be fun if you hunt for trophies, like Dead to Rights Retribution, which is a bargain price at $10 new at Best Buy right now. Two most challenging trophies in DtR Retributions are gold medals on each chapter and finish one chapter without Shadow being downed.

CheapestG, I know you're not a fan of trophies, but let me ask you this... After you play certain games, what do you remember the most? Can you recall specific details in those games and tell interesting tales? I find myself able to recall most trophy related tasks and interesting ways to obtain them, those war stories make my gaming experience worthwhile.[/QUOTE]
If the story in a game is good enough, then I'll remember the story. However, many games this gen seem to be clones of one another and generic at that.

But in the case of a game like Uncharted 2, I admit I kinda got excited to see returning characters from the prior game for that first time. Although that was because the original game was such a great experience.

So again, it comes back to story, story and story for me. If a games' story has me sitting on the edge of my seat wanting to see what happens next and playing until I'm so tired I feel like I'm gonna pass out, then that game will be one I remember.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Trophies are a waste of time. If a game's fun, that's all that matters to me.[/QUOTE]

Thanks to the PSN debacle, I now subscribe to this exact train of thought. It actually makes gaming a bit more enjoyable... as I no longer feel as if I need to find every object, kill x amount of people with some inferior weapon, and/or play though the game two to three times.

I miss the days when just finishing a game was the top achievement one could receive.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']If the story in a game is good enough, then I'll remember the story. However, many games this gen seem to be clones of one another and generic at that.

But in the case of a game like Uncharted 2, I admit I kinda got excited to see returning characters from the prior game for that first time. Although that was because the original game was such a great experience.

So again, it comes back to story, story and story for me. If a games' story has me sitting on the edge of my seat wanting to see what happens next and playing until I'm so tired I feel like I'm gonna pass out, then that game will be one I remember.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted is a beautiful game and I still love it even though I platinum both of games in the series, can't wait for the 3rd one :lol:
However, without trophies, I would never touch Crushing mode. There's a boundary of like the story and conquering the game. I admit that do xxx for xxx kills trophies are meaningless as hell, but beat the game without dying or on Insane difficulty requires skills and dedication. It's an ultimate test how much you like the game :lol:

Even with platinum trophies for Uncharted, I have no problem hopping on the 3rd one :) There's something I get from chasing the trophies in Uncharted, I play the game on Hard from the start :)
I play the games I have on the lowest possible difficulty to blow through them. If the story is decent enough and/or there's multiple endings I may play back through it on a higher setting just for a bit more of a challenge.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I play the games I have on the lowest possible difficulty to blow through them. If the story is decent enough and/or there's multiple endings I may play back through it on a higher setting just for a bit more of a challenge.[/QUOTE]
True, but most people would not touch Crushing mode even they love Uncharted :) The thing with trophies is that not only gamers get trophies but the specific requirement is recorded. I can tell the whole world that I beat Mario Galaxy 100%, got every collectible there is in the game etc., but who's going to believe me? Not I care, but the reverse is also true, I want to know who else did the same and just want to extend my respect :). It's every hard to do that if there's no record of such accomplishments.
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