What is Your Job and Do You Like It?

Currently, I got three weeks left for an IT internship. IT Helpdesk shifts, toner changes, etc. Its a good experience, but it gets boring sometimes. Great people though.

FWIW, Computer Science major, Management minor. Don't know what the hell I want to do after I get out of college. MS CS maybe? Game design is appealing.
Right now, I'm just working part time at Deepdiscount.com's retail store. Which is boring beyond belief. Usually consists of pacing back and forth for hours since we rarely have any customers.
Investment Consultant / Financial Advisor

I would rather be working in a Chem lab somewhere, but the pay is good and the work is easy.
[quote name='gamefan1686']Just finished police academy, and it wasn't anything like the movies.[/QUOTE]

I take it you didn't have Hightower to back you up?

Anyway, I work in the IT department at No Fear. It's pretty nice. Starting pay is pretty good and I get to work in my street clothes. Also, the guys I work with are pretty good guys and I get to learn while I work. Most of my job consists of helping corp and store employees. I don't have to deal with random customers. :)

I'm enjoying it.
Software developer/project manager of myself/general IT/tech support/customer support/etc for a human resources consulting firm. My first job, been here three years, shouldn't complain too much. Definitely has its ups and downs.
I'm Sr. Art Director at one of the biggest Ad Agencies in the country. I love it, it is one my dream jobs and I couldn't be happier unless I was retired.
Cog for an Insurance company. I get paid to be yelled at all day by people who are only being rude because we are not face to face. Its not the best job I've ever had, but the pay is decent and the benefits are ridiculous. Its a step up from my last job as a retail manager, but not by much.
Computer IT assistent at a high school. >_>. I like it when its not to busy or not to slow. Its a job I cant be sitting around and for the most part there is always something to do. However not always. Then sometimes there is to much to do and I should only stay tell 12 noon since I am part time, but if there is to much to I stay tell 8-10 at night.
[quote name='Hex']I'm in Electronic Engineering. When I was in High School, I was told that it was a great job with great money. Haw. Haw haw. How wrong I was. Electronics is shit, I hate it, and I'm trying to get into medicine.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I got into Electrical Engineering since my parents kind of made me, and I was told I can make a lot of money doing it. Well, despite switching colleges (which put me back a year), I'm currently in my 6th year of college. I just have two credits left, but those two credits are killing me. I have to design an electronic product, build it, and make it work. I use to love my major, but with all the problems I've had with senior design, I hate it badly and wish I never got into electronics in every way. Problem is, I can't change majors because it will take me another 3-4 years to finish college and I'm almost 25 years old. So, what do I do? Although I hate my major, I'm going to try to finish it so I can make lots of money and buy lots of video games I'll never have time to play. It's not like I really need much of a life anyway.

To an extent, I wish I majored in Computer Programming, because I absolutely love that stuff. I could program in C, C++, MATLAB, etc. all day and have fun (Heck, I enjoy programming as much as gaming). But oh well, looks like I'll be suffering my entire life with a job I hate. I've taken tons of programming classes, so I might be able to do it one day at a job.

Right now, I'm not working. I'm just spending my entire day on forums because I have nothing else better to do (all my old friends moved away, so I don't have anyone to do anything with). During the school year though, I worked for a Professor as his grader and other stuff. The pay sucked, $5.25-$6.25 an hour, but I had the money to buy a PS3 and lots of other stuff, so I'm not complaining.
Software engineer for a mobile media company (ringtones, wallpapers, newsfeeds and such).

Like any job, it has its highs and lows, but I can't imagine doing anything else.
"listen I already told you... I deal with the GODDAMN customers! What the hell is wrong with you people!"

I work for the State of MO Division of Labor. The job... well it pays the bills and has good benefits (we get all of the "bankers" holidays stuff like Truman's Birthday off!).
[quote name='gamefan1686']Just finished police academy, and it wasn't anything like the movies.[/quote]

No Sweetchuck or Tackleberry!?!?
[quote name='Hex']I'm in Electronic Engineering. When I was in High School, I was told that it was a great job with great money. Haw. Haw haw. How wrong I was. Electronics is shit, I hate it, and I'm trying to get into medicine.[/quote]
From my friend's experience, it seems like a decent job with good money. He graduated college with a C+ average and is now getting paid $60,000 fresh out of school. His entire job consists of trying to overload and blow up power supplies so another team of engineers can analyze the data and design prevention and safety measures.
Assoc. Software Engineer at a company that manufactures equipment to treat semiconductors with PLASMA!! It's pretty fun and not too hard, but I've only been working there a few months.
Medical Technologist in a hospital setting. I look at blood smears, urine sediment and triglyceride levels all day

It has it's good days and I mostly enjoy it. But I could be replaced by a machine within 5-10 years.
If you know you are going to hate it better to go back and do what you like. Or just do the job while you take classes on weekends/nights. It can be done and nothing is worse than doing a job you hate for 30+ years. I graduated high school in 1993. I got my bachelor's in late 2005. 12 YEARS. My majors ranged from Engineering, to Management, to Business Adminstration and finally Economics. I took night classes 2-3 nights a week from 7-10pm while getting up at 1:00 AM to be at my Post Office job 6-7 days a week. I am super lazy schoolwise but I managed to do it. Now I work in Contracting....which has nothing to do with any of those majors. Go figure. But I'm not complaining. I make excellent money as an intern and it goes up in very large chunks and I get good benefits. I can't say this is my dream job, but I could see myself doing it for 25 more years if I had to and it wouldn't crush my soul. But even if I change jobs as long as I stay in Government I don't lose any time or anything.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yeah, I got into Electrical Engineering since my parents kind of made me, and I was told I can make a lot of money doing it. Well, despite switching colleges (which put me back a year), I'm currently in my 6th year of college. I just have two credits left, but those two credits are killing me. I have to design an electronic product, build it, and make it work. I use to love my major, but with all the problems I've had with senior design, I hate it badly and wish I never got into electronics in every way. Problem is, I can't change majors because it will take me another 3-4 years to finish college and I'm almost 25 years old. So, what do I do? Although I hate my major, I'm going to try to finish it so I can make lots of money and buy lots of video games I'll never have time to play. It's not like I really need much of a life anyway.

To an extent, I wish I majored in Computer Programming, because I absolutely love that stuff. I could program in C, C++, MATLAB, etc. all day and have fun (Heck, I enjoy programming as much as gaming). But oh well, looks like I'll be suffering my entire life with a job I hate. I've taken tons of programming classes, so I might be able to do it one day at a job.

Right now, I'm not working. I'm just spending my entire day on forums because I have nothing else better to do (all my old friends moved away, so I don't have anyone to do anything with). During the school year though, I worked for a Professor as his grader and other stuff. The pay sucked, $5.25-$6.25 an hour, but I had the money to buy a PS3 and lots of other stuff, so I'm not complaining.[/QUOTE]
Right now I'm looking to finish my Bachelor's in English this coming fall. Pretty simple but enjoyable course of study, as evidenced by the fact that I somehow managed to finish in three years.

As far as paid labor goes, I'm unemployed for the moment, but the last job I was in had me working for a subcontractor that got hired out to perform physical inventories of retailers and warehouses. Was monotonous as all hell, but decent for a part-time gig, though the hours were bizarre (10am-1pm one day, 6pm-8am the next).

Next step for me will be blowing about $700 on LSAT prep and Law school applications. Whee!
Well I graduated in 2006 with a BA in history and by then I realized I didn't want to do that, after too extremly boring internships and discovering that all the good jobs require tons of boring research. Actually I hada no idea what I wanted to do...I just know I didn't want to come home to Vancouver, WA.

Anyways the following fall I went back to school and decided I'm either going to grad school or getting another, BA, the BA won. So here I am, about to graduate in December of 2007 with a BA in Creative Writing. Now ideally I would like to write for a gaming or tech magazine. But we will see. I can also see myself working in management or sales dealing with electrronics.

Currently, I work as one of the summer recruiters for my fraternity. It's an okay job, just selling an idea and I get free rent next year. Get to make my own hours and sleep in. I also write for the 2 websites in my sig...but I haven't been doing much writing as of late.

During the school year I do IT tech support for the chemistry department. It's an easy job and the pay is decent. So I guess I like my jobs they could be a lot worse.

[quote name='AdvOfJet']Investment Consultant / Financial Advisor

I would rather be working in a Chem lab somewhere, but the pay is good and the work is easy.[/QUOTE]

I have heard of several chemists who ended up going into finance for a better life. Chemistry is a hard life. There are alot of foreigners who tend to work insane hours and are very cutthroat in an attempt to get ahead. They seem to have defined what is being expected of everyone now. The threat of moving operations to China or India is pretty much constant, plus the threat of mergers eliminating jobs (laid off from my first job for this reason). Job stability is highly questionable at times.

I work around 11-12 hours a day, 5 days a week, plus at least one day (4-8h, depending on what I need to do) of the weekend. This does not leave time to have much of a life, and I have yet to find a man patient enough to deal with this schedule. Pay is ok, but as a MS I have very little chance of being promoted more than once for the rest of my career if I stay in chemistry. (I am in my early 30's.) It is really not all that glamourous, and I would have chosen something else if I had to do this over again. If you are considering this field, please talk with some others as well and get a realistic idea of what you are getting into. As a group, we probably tend towards cynicism, but there are good reasons for this.
Interesting posts. As for me, "student" is my current job.

[quote name='daria19']I have heard of several chemists who ended up going into finance for a better life. Chemistry is a hard life. There are alot of foreigners who tend to work insane hours and are very cutthroat in an attempt to get ahead. They seem to have defined what is being expected of everyone now. The threat of moving operations to China or India is pretty much constant, plus the threat of mergers eliminating jobs (laid off from my first job for this reason). Job stability is highly questionable at times.

I work around 11-12 hours a day, 5 days a week, plus at least one day (4-8h, depending on what I need to do) of the weekend. This does not leave time to have much of a life, and I have yet to find a man patient enough to deal with this schedule. Pay is ok, but as a MS I have very little chance of being promoted more than once for the rest of my career if I stay in chemistry. (I am in my early 30's.) It is really not all that glamourous, and I would have chosen something else if I had to do this over again. If you are considering this field, please talk with some others as well and get a realistic idea of what you are getting into. As a group, we probably tend towards cynicism, but there are good reasons for this.[/quote]

Oh, I have to cringe at that. Chemistry was the worst course I've ever taken, hands down. When I get to college next year I'm going to make sure to stay far, far away from that.
Going back to college and getting my bachelors in hospital management is one of my goals in the next few years. I like what I'm doing but really don't want to be doing it for 20 some years just for a measely 3-4% raise each year.
[quote name='crowbb']If you know you are going to hate it better to go back and do what you like. Or just do the job while you take classes on weekends/nights. It can be done and nothing is worse than doing a job you hate for 30+ years. I graduated high school in 1993. I got my bachelor's in late 2005. 12 YEARS. My majors ranged from Engineering, to Management, to Business Adminstration and finally Economics. I took night classes 2-3 nights a week from 7-10pm while getting up at 1:00 AM to be at my Post Office job 6-7 days a week. I am super lazy schoolwise but I managed to do it. Now I work in Contracting....which has nothing to do with any of those majors. Go figure. But I'm not complaining. I make excellent money as an intern and it goes up in very large chunks and I get good benefits. I can't say this is my dream job, but I could see myself doing it for 25 more years if I had to and it wouldn't crush my soul. But even if I change jobs as long as I stay in Government I don't lose any time or anything.[/QUOTE]Ah, kind of interesting. I was feeling bad because I felt 6 years is too long to be in college. My other problem is that while I'm in college, I'm away and gotta pay for expensive housing, which is why I'm unsure if I ever want to change. I'm still hoping I end up gaining interests in my major again, so I can finish and move on with my life (I'm already behind, being 24 years old and all). I don't really work right now unfortunately, so it's not like I have a steady flow of money to continue paying for college right now. :(
Well since its summertime I thought to myself: "Hey I should get my first job, wouldn't it be great to work Cashier at Chuck E. Cheese? I went there all the time when I was small and employees where always happy!"

Boy, was I fucking wrong. One would think that the kids would be the annoying/frustrating part of the job. But its the fuckin parents. With there constant complaints like: " (x) tickets for this small toy!". Yes ma'am/sir (Well WTF do you expect, this is a bussness afterall.) Theres alot more factors that contribute to my awful work experience...
/end Emplyee rant.

Well at least dressing up as Chuck is fun.
*For those wondering, I'm 17, not a poor sap who didn't go to college.;)
Circuit City for 4 months... its okay, I sell TV's... or "CFA 1"

And then I've been at American Eagle Outfitters for 3 years.
It's really nice, I get to see some good looking college women.
Currently unemployed because apparently nobody wants an employee who isn't half retarded(or completely for that matter). Thus I am officially a student actively seeking employment.

I worked at Disney for a year and a half. Rock 'n' Roller Coaster operations/training. Was a blast for the most part, but the way management is handled by the company causes problems and I didn't feel safe with some of the people I worked with anymore (I had times where a manager would do something that in theory could have potentially killed people). Plus the pay, bad scheduling, and travel time sucked so I left.

edit: I realized I implied that they didn't want to hire me because I was half retarded, which I'm not. That's what I get for 3am posting without proofreading..
Just started my first job last week. I'm a consultant at my university's computer lab. Good so far, the only problem was the two looong workdays for my second and third workdays (12 hour shifts+the commute), but we were busy setting up the new computer lab. Pays $8.39.

I'm also a full-time student (on vacation till late August) majoring in English and I'm involved in the high school teaching credential program. Second year, I'm planning on graduating in 2010.
Wal-Mart associate going on closer to 6 years.

Do I love it? No. Do I like it? eh... It's money, when you have a 40 hour + job a week and your getting paid it doesn't matter too much. The wife gets paid to, so we are really reeling in the dough. Could I be making more money? Probably, but how hard is a Wal-Mart job? Not very.
[quote name='JohnnyDrama']I work overnight at Target, been there a little over 3 years. It's not bad, pays alright.[/quote]

I thought you were currently starring on "Five Towns".
[quote name='javeryh']I thought you were currently starring on "Five Towns".[/quote]

Nope, he's clearly studying up for the remake of "Career Opportunities" ;)
I'm working at a dairy queen (I'm only 17). It's got its good days and bad days, pay is lousy, and you get sick of ice cream within the first week (all you can eat)

[quote name='Warner1281']Job #2: Manager at Blockbuster. Eh... it's got it's good days and it's bad days (bout a 50/50 ratio, even).[/QUOTE]
I've actually been considering applying at blockbuster. I'm not too concerned about the pay, considering right now i'm making a little over minimum with no chance of a raise, I just want to get the hell out of food preparation.

Has anyone around here worked at blockbuster? Should I apply, or stay the hell away?
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Ah, kind of interesting. I was feeling bad because I felt 6 years is too long to be in college. My other problem is that while I'm in college, I'm away and gotta pay for expensive housing, which is why I'm unsure if I ever want to change. I'm still hoping I end up gaining interests in my major again, so I can finish and move on with my life (I'm already behind, being 24 years old and all). I don't really work right now unfortunately, so it's not like I have a steady flow of money to continue paying for college right now. :([/quote]

It took me six years to get my engineering degree and I don't regret it for one minute. I also hated senior design (mine wasn't as bad as yours), but I can tell you that 90% of engineering students don't do anything remotely similar to what they study for design.

I'm currently an applications engineer for a bearing company. I deal with stupid customers only rarely (that's what sales engineers are for), have more work than I can typically do and get paid a lot of money to do it. If we could just get some more staff, life would be good.

Two credits to go, keep it up and see if you can find something that has nothing to do with your design. If you are an EE, then this shouldn't be a problem.

It took me almost 6 years (on and off) to finally decide on getting a 2 year associates degree. Although to really be making anything more than I am now a bachelors is definately needed. And with the high prices of homes these days you really need to make $50-$60k to even get started looking for a home.
I'm in my last year of law school and I'm working part-time for a small law firm that specializes in immigration.
I work as a Studio Technician at a FOX affialate in Miami. I mainly work camera during news casts and one of the few that use "the jib." Pretty much a camera at the end of a crane. Infact my video game skills helped me out. The camera uses a joystick to pan & tilt the camera, almost like moving a camera in a video game, but you also have to boom the crane, zoom, and focus.
[quote name='mlettich']I'm in my last year of law school and I'm working part-time for a small law firm that specializes in immigration.[/QUOTE]

Que pasa?
Work for a local company who sets up shows at festivals, picnics, post-proms, post-proms, safe-grads, and stuff like that. Basically drive to the location, set - up all the events (moon bounce, rock climbing walls, lazer tag arenas... etc) After it's all set-up basically just have to sit around and tell kids to take off their shoes as they go down the big blow up slide or go into the moon bounce. Sometimes I'll get a break inbetween and I'll get to go watch the magician or a hypnotist. Also I almost always get free food and drinks because they have plenty of them to go around. After the shows all over, anywhere from 4-6 hours, we take it down and drive home. Get payed $100 a show or more depending on how far the drive is. Works out to about $10-11 an hour. Only part that is a pain is taking down and setting up the events... but I'd take it over doing the same thing at the same place each day I go to work. Also if it's a post prom or something like that I might not get home till like 5 in the morning, but no big deal it's a summer job anyway. Also, I get to meet alot of different people and talk to people from all over the area so it's a great high school / college job.
[quote name='Halo05']Que pasa?[/quote]
Nada. Y tu?

Actually, we deal mostly with Koreans because the attorney is Korean. They're usually coming over on work visas. We deal with a lot of computer experts and a lot of experienced business people.

We've also got a work visa program just about up and running where we're going to be bringing in about 200 Jamaicans to work in a fish processing plant for 6-12 months in an area where the plant owners have been unable to hire enough Americans.
bread's done